飓风卡特里娜,911事件,这些破坏力极大的事件给整个美国敲响了警钟,也让人们清醒地认识到,如果没有谨慎的计划,企业的运营是多么的脆弱。有些紧急事件(例如飓风)是有预兆的,而另一些灾难(例如恐怖活动、爆炸、地震、计算机病毒或人体病毒)则往往突然袭来。为了为这些潜在的危险做准备,企业逐渐加大业务连续性计划(business conti- nuity planning,BCP)方面的投入。确保对关键文档和记录(通常存储在企业内容管理系统中)的访问,是任何BCP的重要组成部分。
Hurricane Katrina, incident 9/11, these devastating events sounded a wake-up call for the entire United States and gave a sobering realization of how vulnerable the operation of the business would be without cautious planning. Some emergencies (such as hurricanes) are warning signs, while others (such as terrorist activities, explosions, earthquakes, computer viruses or human viruses) often make a sudden hit. To prepare for these potential dangers, companies are increasingly investing in business continuity planning (BCP). Ensuring access to key documents and records, typically stored in an enterprise content management system, is an essential part of any BCP.