The Spiritual Comfort from Nature

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  【Abstract】The Daffodils describes the natural landscapes and the feelings of the poet in the natural scenery. It is easy to find the natural beauty gave William Wordsworth great spiritual comfort. And it also reflected the poet sought and longed for the freedom of mind and the liberation of man.
  【Key words】daffodils;William Wordsworth;spiritual comfort;nature
   The Daffodils was written by William Wordsworth in 1804. William Wordsworth, one of the “Lake Poets”, was the major representative of English Romantic poets. He was a passionate lover of nature and his poems are famous for singing highly of nature and natural beauty. His descriptions of lakes and rivers, of meadows and woods, of skies and clouds are exquisite.
  The Daffodils authentically described the beautiful scenery Wordsworth and his younger sister saw when they went outing one day. On that they enjoyed: the golden, fluttering and dancing daffodils the sparking waves the sunshine the trees the lake. All of these made Wordsworth and his younger sister linger around for a long time and nearly forgot to return. We consider this poem is a nature exalted poem.
  In the Daffodils, according to poet’s descripion, we know Wordsworth himself got the great comfort from the beautiful natural scenery. Wordsworth always thought that all the good poetry should come from spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling. In most of his poems, on the one hand, Wordsworth usually compared the natural scenery with the noisiness of city, the ugliness of reality. In this way. he could release his dissatisfaction to the society. On the other hand, Wordsworth mixed his love to the nature and his sadness to the society together, and put his heart to natural scenery in order to exchange some spiritual comfort from nature.
  At the beginning of The Daffodils the poet told us “I wander’d lonely as a cloud that float on high o’er vales and hills” (《英國文学史及选读》,1988).We feel a sense of melancholy and lorteliness. Such feelings for romantic poets had a strong relationship with their lonely character and their thinking to the society and the life. Under such social circumstance, Wordsworth wanted to use this sentence to show his melancholy to the society and his worries to people’s future.
  “At once I saw a crowd, a host of golden daffodils”(《英国文学史及选读》,1988). Suddenly the poet found something which made his eyes sparkled-daffodils.The words, such as“golden daffodils”, “beside the lake”, “beneath the trees”, “fluttering”, “dancing”, “in the breeze”,made us imagine that beautiful view and arouse the readers’ visual aesthetic feeling. And these beautiful views also made the poet marvel at the nature and brought the poet great spiritual comfort besides loneliness. Meanwhile, the word “lake”, “trees”, “breeze” are all related to Iife and “fluttering”. “dancing” are both related to the vigor of life. It seemed the poet sought brightness and hope in the melancholy and loss. Here, daffodils symbolized the regeneration of the spirit.
  In the following two stanzas, the poet continued to describe the beauty and the dance ofthe daffodils.The words (《英国文学史及选读》,1988) “as the stars that shine and twinkle”, “stretch”, “tossing their headin sprightly dance” emphasized the elegant dance of daffodils and vivid image. At this moment, the poet compared daffodils to stars in order to imply the spiritual instruction function of the daffodils. Because the stars can give people the light, guide the road for the people in the darkness and bring people hope and ideality.The daffodils like the stars also gave the poet light and hope and even comfort.
  In the last stanza, the poet changed to describe the experience now. From this stanza, we know that trip really influenced the poet a lot. “For oft, when on my couch I lie in vacant or in pensive mood, they flash upon that inward eye which is the bliss of solitude and then my heart with fills, and dances with the daffodils.”(《英国文学史及选读》,1988) Communication with nature can really bring people happiness. When the poet felt solitary and pensive he can gain comfort by recalling the natural view and pleasure filled with his heart.Then the poet could have the power continuously to fight with the dark society by creating his poetry.
  In this only twenty-four-line poem, Wordsworth exerted all his memories and imagination to describe the daffodils besides the lake. As a result, he made such ordinary view become unforgettable and such instant view eternal. The Daffodils arouses the beauty and appreciation of the daffodils in people’s heart forever. Meanwhile, we marvel at the power of nature again. Nature not only has aesthetic value, but also has the spiritual healing value.
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