Brain teasers

来源 :疯狂英语·爱英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vbpro
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  1.A man goes out in heavy rain with nothing to protect him from it. His hair doesn t get wet.
  How does he do that?
  2.A man on a flat soccer field kicked a soccer ball 40 feet away. The ball came back immediately at the same speed. No one else and no object have been involved. The ball didn t touch anything on its way. How did the man do that?
  3.What was the world s highest mountain before the discovery of Mount Everest?
  4.A pink girl with a pink dress, a pink hat lives in a pink bungalow (平房) with pink walls. What color are her stairs?
  5.You had 20 men build your house in two months. How long would it take 10 men to build the very same house?
  6.Maybe I can hear everything but you ll never hear me say a word. Who am I?
  7.A doctor gave you 3 pills, but you have to take a pill every half an hour. How long does it take you to use them all?
  8.A guy is driving down the road at 1:30, his headlights are off, there is no moon. There s a guy dressed all in black standing in the middle of the road, facing away from the car. The guy in the car swerves and doesn t hit the guy dressed all in black. How come?
  9.You have a basket with 20 apples. You have 20 hungry children. Every child should get an apple but one apple should remain in the basket. How do you do that?
  10.You have 2 apples in your hand and then you add another 4 apples in your hand. What do you have?
在日常生活中,人们经常碰到需要对各种事物表示看法、观点、见解和建议的场合。英语表示同意时,往往同汉语一样,直截了当,因同意某人的意见不会得罪人。表示不同意别人的观点时, 通常用委婉的语气。另外英美人常用面部表情或动作表示是否同意,点头Yes, 摇头No,耸肩表示“不同意”或“无可奈何”。  ◎经典表达  (A)I must know your opinion. Do you agree with
In our daily life, we can t avoid associating with people in the world, so it is important for us to know how to get along well with others.  In my opinion, to get along well with others and win their
◎规则梳理  一、“元音字母 r”音节  由“元音字母 r”所构成的音节一共有五个,即ar、 er、 ir、 or和ur。它们在单词中的读音规则如下:  1.ar的读音  ① ar一般读作/ɑ /。例如:  hard /hɑ d/, garden/? ɡɑ dn/, market/? mɑ k t/, park /pɑ k/, farm/fɑ m/, smart/smɑ t/, scarf/skɑ
◎用法梳理  初中课本中出现了大量的“动词 介词”和“动词 副词”构成的动词短语,各地中考题中也经常出现考查动词短语的试题。现将其基本用法小结如下:  1.“动词 介词”类的动词短语,无论是名词还是代词作其宾语,都放在介词的后面。例如:  He is waiting for Mary. 他正在等玛丽。  He is waiting for her. 他正在等她。  动词后接介词with、 like
◎用法梳理  在表述“將来某事可能发生”或“某人可能做某事”时,我们应该选择什么词来表示“可能性”这一概念呢?其实,情态动词是首选。同学们接触到can、 could、 may、might、must等情态动词都可以表示推测性,情态动词表达“可能性”的推测用法也成为中考题中的一道亮丽风景线。  一、表示“推测”程度的强弱排序  一般来说,must表示的可能性最强,can和could次之,而may和mi
“听力测试”是很多同学考试时感到比较头痛的题型。我认为要想做好英语听力试题,应注意以下几点:  一、千里之行,始于词汇  词汇是搭建语言的基础,英语词汇量的匮乏和掌握的熟练程度不够、一词多义和同音异义的现象都会给听力理解造成一定的困难。如果我们平时朗读都结结巴巴,做听力题当然就会一头雾水,更不要说抓住重要信息了,连理解基本意思都有困难,当然就无法体会整篇文章的意义和主旨了。可见,要想快速提高听力水
所谓英语语感(language sense),就是人们对英语语言的直接感受能力,它包括人们对英语的语音感受、语意感受和语言情感色彩的感受等。它是人们对英语语言的直接感知能力,是人们对英语语言法则或语言组织方法的掌握和运用,是经过反复感性认识上升为理性认识的经验和体会。  语感来自于语言实践,又指导语言实践,正如球类运动员要熟悉球性,游泳运动员要有良好的水性,做音乐的人要有良好的乐感一样。要学好英语