There is a lot of data to prove the release of prostaglandins, including PGE_1, PGE and PGF_ (2α) in myocardial ischemia, but its physiological significance is not fully understood. It has been demonstrated that the input of exogenous PGE 1 has a wide range of hemodynamic effects such as lowering systemic arterial pressure, reducing cardiac post-load, reducing coronary resistance and increasing coronary blood flow. Riemersma demonstrated that PGE 1 can significantly reduce isoproterenol-induced ST segment elevation in the epicardial coronary artery ligation dog while reducing the concentration of plasma free fatty acid (FFA), thereby reducing isoproterenol-induced myocardial damage. Ogletr-ee also demonstrated that PGE_1 and PGE_2 can prevent the release of myocardial enzymes during myocardial ischemia, such as creatine phosphokinase (CPK) and cathepsin, to reduce the concentration of plasma CPK during myocardial ischemia, many scholars have suggested that PGE_1 may be Ischemic myocardium