Su Shuyang is a famous contemporary playwright and writer in our country. He is 67 years old and has cancer for many years this year. “In fact, I usually do not want to talk about my own condition, to remind myself of not very pleasant memories, no one is sick more pleased; second, do not want to let others followed the pain, listening to others say pain will be unpleasant . ”Mr. Su Shuyang discovered for the first time that he had a kidney tumor. In 1994, it happened to be the 15th Lantern Festival on the first lunar month. He attended a party where the central leaders received all parties for the festival. After the meeting, he suddenly felt a ghost in front, can not see the steps, at first thought it was caused by diabetes, can go to the hospital after the exclusion of this reason. Later passed the CT examination to know is kidney cancer, doctors and family members are without him, until the final need for referral treatment, he did not know his true condition.