Virtual Machine-Based Task Scheduling Algorithm in a Cloud Computing Environment

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoluc
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Virtualization technology has been widely used to virtualize single server into multiple servers, which not only creates an operating environment for a virtual machine-based cloud computing platform but also potentially improves its efficiency. Currently, most task scheduling-based algorithms used in cloud computing environments are slow to convergence or easily fall into a local optimum. This paper introduces a Greedy Particle Swarm Optimization(G&PSO) based algorithm to solve the task scheduling problem. It uses a greedy algorithm to quickly solve the initial particle value of a particle swarm optimization algorithm derived from a virtual machine-based cloud platform. The archived experimental results show that the algorithm exhibits better performance such as a faster convergence rate, stronger local and global search capabilities, and a more balanced workload on each virtual machine. Therefore, the G&PSO algorithm demonstrates improved virtual machine efficiency and resource utilization compared with the traditional particle swarm optimization algorithm. Virtualization technology has been widely used to virtualize single server into multiple servers, which not only creates an operating environment for a virtual machine-based cloud computing platform but also improves its efficiency. Currently, most task scheduling-based algorithms used in cloud computing environments This paper introduces a Greedy Particle Swarm Optimization (G & PSO) based algorithm to solve the task scheduling problem. It uses a greedy algorithm to quickly solve the initial particle value of a particle swarm optimization algorithm derived from a virtual machine-based cloud platform. The archived experimental results show that the algorithm exhibits better performance such as a faster convergence rate, stronger local and global search capabilities, and a more balanced workload on each virtual machine. Thus, the G & PSO algorithm demonstrates improved virtual machine efficiency and resource utiliz ation compared with the traditional particle swarm optimization algorithm.
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