本刊讯5月10日 ,国务院安全生产委员会办公室发出《关于进一步做好汛期安全生产工作的紧急通知》。目前 ,全国大部分地区陆续进入汛期 ,大量的降水及暴雨、洪水极易诱发各种事故。5月1日 ,重庆市武隆县发生滑坡摧毁居民住宅楼 ,导致79人死亡的惨剧 ,引起了党中央、国务
On May 10, the Office of the State Council’s Work Safety Committee issued the “Emergency Notice on Further Improving the Safe Production Work in Flood Season.” At present, most of the country has gradually entered the flood season, a large number of precipitation and heavy rainfall, floods can easily lead to various accidents. On May 1, there was a landslide in Wulong County of Chongqing Municipality to destroy residential buildings, resulting in a tragedy of 79 people, causing the Central Party Committee and the State Council