There are several different expressions of the first person plural in Leizhou dialect, similar to the modern Chinese mandarin. In modern Mandarin Chinese, the first person plural “we ” may not include the hearer, but also the hearer; and “we ” or “咱 ” must include the listener, which is more pragmatic, Commonly used as appositive language. In Leizhou dialect, white-reading first-person plurals have [ua5p ’moss 24] [na 耷 1] and [na 耷 1p’ moss 24] three kinds of expression. Among them, [ua5p ’m24] must not include the obedient; [na 耷 1p’ moss 24] and [na 耷 1] include the obedient, who is more intimate than the former, or only includes both the speaker and the obedient , Is also commonly used as a parody. This similarity between Leizhou dialect and Mandarin is a matter of origin or coincidence and remains to be seen.