来源 :岩石力学与工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:A578964735
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The investigation of complete stress- strain behavior and compressive failure behavior of some Hong Kong rocks are carried out.A large number of tests have been conducted to study the deformation and failure features of rocks.Some interesting test results have been obtained.These results show that localized deformation and failure strongly affect the deformation and failure process of the specimens just prior to the peak stress and in the post- peak stage. The two types of failure modes,namely exfoliation and shear failure have been investigated in detail. For the exfoliation failure mode,an experimentmethod has been proposed to observe the exfoliating process. A proposed model has been used to explain the influence of exfoliation on the gross stress- strain curve.It is found that the exfoliation during loading may be one of the reasons that a granite specimen exhibits Class behavior.The influences of machine stiffness control modes,end constraints,loading rate and confining pressure on the test results have been discussed and investigated.A new classification method of rock failure has been proposed. Special attention has been devoted to the investigation of the localized deformation and failure process of intact rock in the shear failure mode.A test method is proposed to detect the process.It is found that the deformation of rock material may be divided into three stages:namely uniform stage,pre- peak bifurcation stage and post- peak bifurcation stage.This phenomenon has been explained by a proposed qualitative analysis. It is further found thatthis localized process will significantly influence the shape of stress- strain curves, that is,the localized deformation is one of reasons that rock displays the effect of length to diameter ratio.A constitutive model is proposed to simulate the localized deformation and failure process.It can simulate the strain softening,strain localization,effect of length todiameter( L / D) ratio,unloading- reloading respons, and elastic modulus degradation,etc.Based on the model,a new strength criterion expressed by the relative shear displacement is proposed.This criterion captures the complex features of peak strength of rock such as the size effect. The investigation of complete stress-strain behavior and compressive failure behavior of some Hong Kong rocks are carrying out. A large number of tests have been conducted to study the deformation and failure features of rocks.Some interesting test results have been. These results show that localized deformation and failure strongly affect the deformation and failure process of the specimens just prior to the peak stress and in the post-peak stage. failure mode, an experimentmethod has been proposed to observe the exfoliating process. A proposed model has been used to explain the influence of exfoliation on the gross stress- strain curve. It is found that the exfoliation during loading may be one of the reasons that a granite specimen exhibits Class behavior. These influences of machine stiffness control modes, end constraints, loading rate and confining pressure on the test results have been discussed and investigated. A new classification method of rock failure has been proposed. Special attention has been devoted to the investigation of the localized deformation and failure process of intact rock in the shear failure mode. A test method is proposed to detect the process. It is found that the deformation of rock material may be divided into three stages: for uniform stage, pre- peak bifurcation stage and post- peak bifurcation stage. This phenomenon has been explained by a proposed qualitative analysis. It is further found that this localized of stress-strain curves, that is, the localized deformation is one of the reasons that rock displays the effect of length to diameter ratio. A constitutive model is proposed to simulate the localized deformation and failure process. It can simulate the strain softening, strain localization, effect of length todiameter (L / D) ratio, unloading-reloading respons, and elastic modulus degradation, etc. Based on the model, a new strength criterion expressed by the relative shear displacement is proposed. This criterion captures the complex features of peak strength of rock such as the size effect.
我的住所幽深,院内树木繁茂。久别之后,房子的许多去处吸引我躲进去尽情享受归来的温馨。花园里长起神奇的灌木丛,散发出我从未领受过的芬芳。我种在花园深处的杨树,原来是那么细弱,那么不起眼,现在竟长成了大树。它直插云天,表皮上有了智慧的皱纹,梢头不停地颤动着新叶。  最后认出我的是栗树。当我走近时,它们光裸干枯的、高耸纷繁的枝条,显出高深莫测和满怀敌意的神态,而在它们躯干周围正萌动着无孔不入的智利的春天
3~5岁是儿童自我控制能力发展的关键期,即此时更容易习得如何管理自己的身体,如何控制自己的认知活动、行为以及情绪等。不能很好自我控制的幼儿,规则感差,人际关系受影响,较难适应集体生活。  幼儿往往缺乏耐心,做什么事情都很着急,不能等待,这就是与幼儿的自我控制心理社会能力发展不足有关。尤其在一些公众场所,孩子更容易兴奋、着急,比如等公交车时,会一直问爸爸妈妈:“什么时候车才能来啊,我都等不及了,太没