The Flipped Classroom Model in ISLA

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  1. Introduction
  The one who first carried out the researches on flipped classroom is a professor of physics at Harvard University, Eric Mazur. Intended to make learning much more energetic, he created the peer instruction in 1990s and this method so far has already experienced ten-year explorations. Eric Mazur thought that learning can be divided into two steps. First is the knowledge transmission and second is absorbing process. Traditional teaching paid much attention to the first step while neglecting the second step. According to researches, peer instruction method could accelerate the second step to double the accuracy. In 2000, Maureen Lage, Glenn Platt and Michael Treglia together published a paper about flipped classroom in Miami University when set up a course in economy. They talked about how to take full use of flipped classroom to activate teaching to adapt to different learning styles. In the 11th international teaching congress, J.Wesley Baker proposed that teachers should be the guiders instead of passers. In the autumn of 2000, The University of Wisconsin Madison formally applied flipped classroom in computer courses in which videos are put online to allow students watch at their breaks. This method also allows students to solve problems with teachers in the class in order to increase the communication between teachers and students. In 2007, Jeremy Strayer wrote his doctoral thesis about flipped classroom which talked about the arrangement conditions of flipped classroom in universities. A young man called Salman Khan unintentionally launched a revolution when he tutored his sister after he put some video resources for study online. Now flipped teaching model has been popular in many countries in academic circle.
  2. The classic study on flipped classroom model
  In the paper Quasi-experimental Study on Flipped Classroom’s Impact on the University Teaching Effect by Pan Bingchao, the study adopts quasi-experimental method. The author compares two groups of Chinese primary students: one group is under the guidance of traditional teaching model while the other is a flipped teaching model. The study intends to analyze and compare the results of the two models and make sure what effects does flipped classroom model have on the results. From the three parts of the whole experiment, here comes the conclusion that as compared to traditional model, flipped classroom model has vital significance on teaching reformation and efficiency improvement.   In the paper The research of flipped classroom teaching model based on Micro-video by Chen Huiyuan, the study uses the research of literature, case analysis method, the method of questionnaire survey and experimental education method. The study is based on mastery learning theory, ubiquitous learning theory, theories of motivation and relevance theory. Based on micro-video on the basis of previous studies, and analyses key elements of the model, the study structures flipped classroom teaching model. It has activities before the class, in the class and after the class.
  3. The importance of flipped classroom model in ISLA
  From previous classic studies, flipped classroom model has vital importance on Instructed second language acquisition (ISLA).
  First flipped model has obvious advantages on stimulating and maintaining students’ learning motivation as well as cultivating the competence on independent study and cooperative learning. Second effective flipped classroom could give the new requirements to college teaching. Third flipped classroom teaching model based on micro-video can excite students’ interest of learning and improve students’ initiative of learning. Four flipped classroom teaching model based on micro-video can embody the tutor of teachers and the dominance of students. Five flipped classroom teaching model based on micro-video contributes the interactive relationship between teachers and students and improves students’ self-learning ability, the ability to find and solve problems, team collaboration capabilities, expanding innovation capacity. Six flipped classroom teaching model based on micro-video contributes teachers to grasp learning process better, and help parents provides a visualization window that understands students’ learning process.
  However flipped model has its limitation. It has no more advantages over traditional model on imparting the knowledge of concepts and theories. Moreover it would take much more time to organize the teaching activities, which might make classroom teaching lose plan and efficiency. In addition, it requires more competence on self-management and independent learning of college students.
  [1]Rebecca S.The Flipped Classroom:A disruptive revolution in pedagogy,or yet another educational fad?
【摘要】作业作为教学活动的重要组成部分,不仅能够检查学生的学习情况,巩固学习效果,还能够检测教师的教学质量。部分初中英语教师为提升作业的功能,设计超市式作业,让学生根据自身的水平、兴趣各取所需,选择有能力完成并适合自己的作业。本文对初中英语教学中如何设计超市式作业进行探讨和研究,并制定一些合理的设计策略。  【关键词】初中英语 超市式作业 设计  在初中英语课程教学活动中超市式作业,指的是教师设计
The Nonnative English Speaking Teachers(NNETs)Scheme has been in place for over 20 years in the colleges in China and yet Native English Speaking Teachers(NETs)
【摘要】英语是一门国际语言,是世界上使用最广泛的语言之一,同时英语也是一项交流工具,因此,使用英语交流已经成为一种常态。在英语的学习中,口语最能体现英语水平,口语是人与人之间交流最直接的一种方式,学好一门语言,最好的方式就是练习口语,良好的语言环境,能让口语的发展得到飙升。在中师院校学生的英语学习中,教师在课堂上设计口语交际环节对提高学生的英语水平有非常大的帮助。  【关键词】中师英语 口语交际
【摘要】随着信息技术的不断发展,传统的大学英语教学模式难以完全满足实际教学需求,以现代化教学手段为依托的“翻转课堂教育”模式已进入教学领域,成为新型课堂教学模式而备受教育学者的高度关注。基于此,本文结合目前大学英语教学中翻转课堂应用的关键问题,为其提供几点优化建议,以供相关教学研究参考。  【关键词】大学英语教学 “翻转课堂” 自主学习  “翻转课堂”起源于美国教育学界,注重“以学生为中心”的核心
【摘要】针对学前教育专业的英语教学,本文探讨赏识型教学法,并将其与任务型教学法相结合,旨在激发学生学习兴趣和热情,增强学生英语学习信心,使得学生以愉悦的心情学习英语,提高他们的英语的综合运用能力,从而对现有教学活动加以改进,寻求改善英语教学的效果。  【关键词】学前教育专业 英语教育 赏识型教学法 任务型教学法  引言  近年来,学前教育专业招生持续火爆,学前教育专业办学活动呈现出一片繁荣景象。但