在安装流水线时,一般都用加塞垫片进行高度调整,该方法费工、费力,质量也差。为改变这一状况,我们在设计新的装配流水线时,对主机架的安装支承结构进行了改进。经使用,效果很好。 由图中可见,调整主机架(1)的高度由调整螺钉(3)的左右拧转实现,在调整好后再用紧固螺钉(4)拧紧,同时拧紧螺母(5),这样就可以保证每个调整螺钉的调整高度不会改变,且使主机架与底板(2)紧密联结。既可调整好主机架的横向倾斜度,又能保证在纵向几十米内的每一个主机架的等高度,从而保证了装配线的全线平直度。
In the installation of the pipeline, the general use plug gasket height adjustment, the method of laborious, laborious, poor quality. In order to change this situation, we have improved the mounting support structure of the main frame when designing a new assembly line. After use, the effect is very good. It can be seen from the figure that the height of the main frame (1) is adjusted by screwing the adjustment screw (3) to the left and right, and then tightened with the fastening screw (4) and the nut (5) The adjustment height of each adjustment screw will not change, and the main frame and the bottom plate (2) closely linked. It can not only adjust the horizontal inclination of the main frame but also ensure the equal height of each main frame in the tens of meters in the longitudinal direction so as to ensure the straight line of the assembly line.