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挥发性有机化合物(VOC)是室内最常见的污染物之一,主要来源于室内各种装饰装修材料的散发。通风是去除室内VOC最直接有效的方法,但不同的通风模式以及持续时间、风量大小都会使其室内浓度和可能产生的人体暴露量有所差异。本文以我国华东地区为例,通过文献调研了该地区新装修住宅室内甲醛的浓度水平,并以此估算了平均散发源强度。在此基础上,模拟计算了该地区的住宅建筑在夏季、冬季和过渡季,不同密闭情况下分别采用自然通风与机械通风时室内VOC浓度变化和可能的暴露量。模拟结果表明,室内VOC浓度与自然通风开关窗情况密切相关,当开窗通风时浓度迅速降低,关窗时浓度显著升高。各季节室内VOC日平均浓度主要由开窗通风时间决定,总体表现为冬季高于过渡季,过渡季又高于夏季,开窗时间越长、频率越高,日均浓度越小。在房间适宜开窗的情况下,自然通风去除室内污染物的效果远好于机械通风,但对于密闭性较好的住宅来说,在冬季和过渡季时,机械通风时室内的平均浓度要低于自然通风。 Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are one of the most common indoor pollutants, mainly from the indoor distribution of various decorative materials. Ventilation is the most direct and effective way to remove indoor VOCs. However, different ventilation modes and durations, and the amount of air flow, can cause differences in indoor concentrations and potential human exposures. Taking East China as an example, this paper investigates the concentration level of formaldehyde in the newly renovated residences in the area through literature and estimates the average intensity of the emitted sources. On this basis, the indoor VOC concentration variation and possible exposure of residential buildings in this area during natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation in summer, winter and transitional season and in different confined situations were simulated. The simulation results show that the indoor VOC concentration is closely related to the natural ventilation switch window, the concentration decreases rapidly when the window is open and the concentration is significantly increased when the window is closed. The average daily indoor VOC concentration is mainly determined by the ventilation time of the windows. The overall performance is that the winter season is higher than the transition season, the transition season is higher than the summer season, the longer the window opening time is, the higher the frequency is, the lower the daily average concentration is. In the case of rooms suitable for opening the windows, natural ventilation to remove indoor pollutants is far better than the mechanical ventilation, but for airtight houses, in the winter and transitional season, when the mechanical ventilation average indoor concentration to be low In natural ventilation.
本课题主要研究机械臂轨迹跟踪控制策略,通过设计控制器实现机械臂末端执行器高精度高速度的跟踪期望轨迹。首先根据标准D-H参数法建立Denso VP6242G 6-DOF串联机械臂坐标系
<正> 一提起柬埔寨,多数人可能会马上联想到硝烟弥漫的战场,满目疮痍的废墟和在战乱中惊慌失措逃离家园的难民。近两年来,一批又一批中国人踏上这块多灾多难的土地,在异国他