A Curriculum Report: Teachers as Decision-makers

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  1. Introduction
  1.1 What is curriculum?
  The four commonplaces of education are that someone teaches something to someone somewhere(Schwab, 1978). Some people define the "something", the curriculum, as what is found in the textbook or teacher's guide. Others broaden the definition of curriculum to mean everything that happens with the support of the school.
  At one end, curriculum is seen merely as a course of study; at the other end, curriculum is more broadly defined as everything that occurs under the auspices of the school.
  1.2 What is the teacher's relationship to the curriculum process?
  In accordance with the definition of curriculum, the teacher plays a very important role which is called the decision-maker in the curriculum process.
  While research on how teachers actually implement curriculum is limited, Remillard(1999) proposes this model of a teacher's role in curriculum development at the classroom level. It includes three areas: design area , construction area and the Mapping area
  To clarify the teacher's role, as a decision-maker, in the curriculum process of TEFL in China, a course, the extensive reading of College English which I taught last year, will be selected to be an example.
  2. The teaching context
  The context for language program are diverse and the particular variables that come into play in a specific situation are often the key determinants of the success of a program.
  2.1 Societal situation
  China's leaders have realized that to achieve the four modernizations (industry, agriculture, military, and science and technology), China must learn from the West. Toward this end, English language learning has been mandated by the Chinese government at all levels. As a result of some 20 years' economic reform and an open door policy, a fast-growing prosperous middle class has emerged, wanting access to the wider world, and therefore wanting to speak English (Boyle, 2000).
  2.2 Work culture
  Harbin University of Commerce, which I am working in, is the first university whose major is in commerce and founded in 1950 in China. The number of students has increased fast and greatly since 1996, and continues to do so. The total number of students has already been over 20,000, more than 95% of which are EFL (English as Foreign Language) students. The responsibility of the 60 teachers in the Foreign Language department is to teach English to such a large number of students. Therefore, the class size is very big. All teachers teach the same textbook.
  2.3 Teaching environment
  Because of the great difficulty of teaching English in such large classes in our university, teachers tend to view themselves as knowledge transmitters or class controllers. Those who are excellent transmitters of knowledge are considered great performers. Naturally these performers are to be emulated in our university. In support of this teaching philosophy, Paine (1992) argues: "Teaching puts teachers in the role of masters and students in the role of disciples. Instruction is a unilateral process as professors expound on texts" (Paine, 1992, p. 190). The role of the students is to expend great effort in memorization and analysis of a text chosen by their teachers.
  3. The student group
  There are more than 20,000 students in my university, and nearly 95% of them are the EFL students. All of these students have begun to learn English since Junior Middle school or much earlier. Because of various motivations, learning environments, learning styles, socioeconomic backgrounds and some other factors, the English competence of these students veries considerably. Motivation is the most important factor which put the students into different groups. The analysis of motivations can tell us the needs of EFL learners, which help us to develop and modify curriculums in order to suit the learners the best.
  Why do you want to learn Enlgish?
  Many students in China have a weak-instrumental motivation for studying English. They just want to pass the CET-4 so they can get their bachelor's degree. Others have a strong-instrumental motivation. They study because they want to acquire a good job or study abroad. Some study English for integrative reasons. They simply enjoy it and want to make new friends. My survey produced the following results:
  [12.12% of both successful and non-successful learners cl-aimed they studied for "no reason".]
  In this study, it appears that students with an integrative motivation are most likely to be successful.
  4. Teacher has been decision-makers in different areas of the curriculum
  The following table provides an overview of the decisions made by teachers in an established extensive reading program.
  5. Evaluation of the impact of these decisions on student's learning
  When supplementing graded readers, student interest is one of the strongest considerations, so that student motivation is high. At our university, the most popular genres are Romances (especially with young, contemporary characters), Mysteries, and Action stories. All these supplementary materials will stim-ulate students'interest in English study, promote their reading skills and broaden their knowledge of language and culture.
  6. Conclusion
  Teachers are central to curriculum implementation. They design how they will teach a lesson and they construct the actual lesson with students as they teach, based on how students seem to understand a lesson. Based on decisions about design and construction over the course of the year teachers map out the actual taught curriculum. The ways in which teachers use textbooks in this process are complex and varied and require careful consideration.
  [1]Boyle,J.(2000).Education for teachers of English in China.Journal of Education for Teaching,26(2).
  [2]Paine, L.(1992).Teaching and modernization in contemporary China.In R.Hayhoe(Ed.).Education and modernization:The Chinese experience.
  [3]Remillard,J.T.(1999).Curriculum materials in mathematics education reform:A framework for examining teachers'curriculum development.Curriculum Inquiry .
  [4]Schwab,J.J.(1978).Science,curriculum,and liberal education(Westbury & N.J.Wilkof, Eds.)Chicago:University of Chicago Press.
20世纪90年代以来,政治多极化、经济全球化、文化多元化和信息网络化的形势越来越发展,在这个形势的推动下,在世界范围内兴起了新一轮的高等教育国际化的浪潮。学术讲座在加强教育交流与合作、开放教育市场、丰富大学生课余生活、拓宽大学生的知识面等方面作用明显。  一、当前学校学术讲座存在的问题   (一)讲座"上座率"高低不均衡  郑彩莲的调查发现:知名专家, 尤其是在学生群中认同度较高的主讲者的讲座,上
新形势对英语教学提出了新的要求,其中之一就是不仅教给学生英语的语法、词汇、语音、文章结构,而且应该从跨文化交际这个角度来考虑英语教学的改革,也就是说不仅要培养学生使用语言的能力,而且要培养学生恰当地使用语言进行跨文化交际的能力。英语教学应该转向英语教育,即不仅培养人才的英语素质而且培养其文化素质进而提高综合素质,使学生能使用英语这门工具成功地进行跨文化交际。  一、英语教学中跨文化交际教育的基本目
《数据结构》是计算机专业的一门重要专业基础课,更是一门理论与工程实践密切相关的综合性课程,其研究思想和研究方法在计算机科学的许多深度研究领域具有广泛的应用。因此本课程为学生今后从事相关技术工作提供了坚实的理论基础,同时,通过算法设计和上机实践训练,培养学生的数据抽象和程序设计能力,提高软件设计水平。因此,在教学中要特别重视实践环节。  一、教学中存在的问题  本课程的先修课程是C语言程序设计,C语
国外对学习策略的研究早于国内对英语学习策略的研究, 90年代中后期对学习策略的研究成为我国英语教学中的热点问题。学习策略研究的出发点在于认清课堂教学条件下学生学习的规律,从而有利于教师了解学生,更有效地使学生学会学习,使学生真正成为学习的主体。因此,学习策略的研究越来越受得人们的重视。  一、学习策略的定义  学习策略的培养和使用受教师的教学观念和教学方法等因素的影响。使用有效的学习策略不仅有利于
一、译为先行词的定语  将英语原文的定语从句译成汉语带"的"字的词组, 放在所修饰的名词即先行词之前,这种方法被称为合译法。这样,原英语的主句和定语从句就被合译成了汉语的单句。一般来说,这种方法适用于限定性定语从句,但短且与主句关系密切的非限定性定语从句也可采用此译法。  (一)转译成主谓词组充当的定语   1、The person who smokes one or two packs of c
一、引言  商务英语函电具有很强的实用性,语气较为正式、礼貌,有自成一体的惯用表达法,同时用语简洁,常使用缩写词和缩略语。因此译者必须要坚持清楚、地道、严谨的原则,同时也要充分领会其中所用词语要传达的意义。  (一)专业词汇使用广泛  商务英语函电最主要的一个特点就是广泛使用专业词汇。所谓专业词汇指的是人们在某一特定领域内使用的有特殊意义的一系列专门词语,具有国际通用性。例如quote-报价、in
在商务活动中,各个环节都涉及到中西方文化的差异问题,如果在贸易实务中若忽视这个问题,就会产生很多分歧,就不利于交易成功。在经济全球化的今天,商务英语教学的最终目的是要培养懂国际商务规则、掌握世界各民族文化特点的复合型人才,而能否跨越文化障碍、避免文化冲突,是国际商务活动能否顺利开展的关键。因此,在商务英语教学中加强商务文化意识的培养已被提到越来越重要的位置。   文化深深根植于语言,语言蕴涵丰富的
随着经济体制改革的深入和国内经济的迅猛发展,企业对管理学科人才的需求无论从数量、素质还是层次结构等方面都提出了更高的要求。作为培养高素质、应用型的管理类人才的地方高等院校如何适应这一情况,已成为教育改革中面临的一项重要课题。[1]  一、管理学科实践教学的重要性  管理学科实践环节的教学是理论教学的延续、补充、扩展和升华,其主要目的是培养学生将该学科基本理论、基本技能和专业知识应用于企业实践的能力