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  1. Could you tell me something____WTO ? I am really interested_______t.
  A. of ... inB. with...at C. about... in D. at...with
  2. I hope you will be here at half____ eight tomorrow
  A. in B. atC. toD. past
  3. Fang fang’s father is _______ forty years old.
  A. aboutB. for C. to D. by
  4. Don’t worry____your maths. I will help you____it.
  A. with...about B. about...on
  C. about...with D. on...about
  5. They lived in a flat(套房/公寓)____the shop.
  A. about B. on C. to D. above
  6. How can you go____the street when the traffic is heavy?
  A. across B. crossC. around D. past
  7. How long would it take to swim _______ the river?
  A. byB. across C. overD. through
  8. The river goes ______ the city from west to east.
  A. throughB. over C. into D. throughout
  9. Dong dong’s father was so tired____a day’s work that
   he went to bed early.
   A. afterB. before C. in D. out
  10. What’s time____your watch, please?
   A. onB. in C. byD. with
  11. He left Lu xun Park and walked____ Sichuan Road.
   A. alongB. after C. forD. to
  12. My brother is tall _______ I am short.
   A. whileB. when C. asD. for
  13.Where is Tom? You can find him____the boys over there.
   A. byB. between C. amongD. into
  14. The small town lies _____ the three mountains.
   A. among B. inside C. intoD. between
  15. There is a small house______ the trees.
   A. in B. through C. amongD. around
  16. The headmaster showed the foreign friends _______the school.
   A. alongB. toC. around D. over
  17. There are a lot of trees and flowers____our school building.
  A. amongB. above C. around D. with
  18. As we all know, the earth moves ______ the sun.
  A. around B. over C. into D. for
  19. I will work _______ a doctor in two months.
  A. as B. for C. atD. to
  20. My birthday is coming. My uncle gave me a new
  watch _____ a present yesterday.
  A. with B. likeC. as D. for
  21. We were very surprised ______ the news.
  A. into B. forC. out ofD. at
  22. You have lost the key of Tony’s bike, you’d better
  apologize _____ him.
  A. for B. in C. to D. at
  23. It’s so cold outside. You’d better stay_______ home.
  A. inB. on C. or D. at
  24. —Why are you____such a hurry?
  —I must meet myaunt the station.
  A. at...atB. in...atC. with...atD. in...in
  25. His room isthe twelfth floor. Let’s go uplift.
   A. on...in B. by...onC. on...by D. on...on
  26. To my surprise I saw many people dancing____the
  A. in B. past C. overD. round
  27. their stay in Beijing, they visited many beautiful
   A. AtB. DuringC. InD. For
  28. The girl would like to have a talk ______ her mother
   about her future.
  A. for B. withC. at D. in
  29. We have not seen him Sunday.
  A. toB. sinceC. pastD. until
  30. Great changes have taken place in Shanghai 1992.
  A. since B. after C. during D. until
  31.Our school is this high rise. You can’t see it from
  A. ofB. withC. behind D. at
  32. Come and sitme. The film will begin at once.
  A. beside B. betweenC. on D. at
  33. Don’t talk your father. He is doing some important
  A. aboutB. for C. from D. to
  34. According____the doctor, sugar is bad for me.
  A. onB. at C. toD. of
  35. What do you think of the group singing Class
  A. inB. by C. atD. on
  36. The bank opens every day Sunday.
  A. duringB. on C. except D. from
  37. It’s good for us to go out____a walk after supper.
  A. for B. ofC. withD. to
  38. I was sick, so I have to ask____leave.
  A. ofB. in C. for D. to
  39. Have you got any tickets____next Sunday’s show?
  A. for B. onC. inD. of
  40. Yesterday we kept working____the night, so we are
  very tired now.
  A. duringB. for C. overD. throughout
  41. My mother is not at home. She will be back____ 2
  A. before B. for C. in D. after
  42. Maths is very important____many ways.
   A. atB. in C. forD. on
  43. Xiao ming won the first prize in a maths contest, soon
  the news was known the school.
  A. inB. pastC. overD. throughout
  44. She looks like Chinese, but fact she is Japanese.
  A. inB. atC. on D. for
  45. Water can turn ice when the temperature is below
  A. in B. into C. by D. until
  46. He climbed the tree____a cat.
  A. after B. asC. overD. like
  47.____all the sports, I like swimming best.
  A. AtB. InC. Of D. For
  48. We are very proud _____ our new progress.
  A. withB. from C. ofD. at
  49. Did you see Mary? I saw her walk____the library
  just now.
  A. in B. into C. by D. until
  50. The glass fell the table and broke.
  A. ofB. offC. under D. beside
隐藏在题目之中的已知条件叫做隐含条件。找不到或找不对隐含条件常常使同学们落入命题者布置的陷阱中,导致失分,因此应审清题意,探求问题的实质,挖掘隐含条件,正确解答试题。现举例进行分析,供同学们参考。    注:本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文
假如你也是卖生姜的,和我们家门口菜场里的那个小姑娘一样,那么一天下来,你打算怎么数这些一元硬币(好像卖生姜的收到的主要都是硬币)?天啊,好几百个,这可真是一个数钱数到手抽筋的活儿。   那个小姑娘用的方法很特别,颇让我吃惊。她先在电子秤上“滴滴滴”地输入了一个单价:166元每公斤,然后把一元钱的硬币堆在电子秤上。于是,电子秤立刻显示了金额,这个金额就是准确的一元硬币的个数。   太了不起了!   
很久以前,一位挪威青年男子漂洋过海到了法国,他要报考著名的巴黎音乐学院。考试的时候,尽管他竭力将自己的水平发挥到最佳状态,但主考官还是没能录取他。   身无分文的青年男子来到学院外不远处一条繁华的街道,在一棵树下拉响了手中的琴。他拉了一曲又一曲,吸引了无数人驻足聆听。饥饿的青年男子捧起自己的琴盒,围观的人们,纷纷掏出钱来,放在了琴盒里。  一个无赖鄙夷地将钱扔在青年男子的脚下。青年男子看了看无赖,
当前,在世界上的很多地方,气候变得越来越难以捉摸。全球变暖增加了酷热、飓风、水涝、干旱等极端天气出现的频率。而气候变化导致的海平面上升也将严重影响沿海地区人们的生活。不仅如此,气候变化还影响到人类的健康,例如昆虫的增加加快了疾病的传播,一些物种将因气候变化而灭绝。气候变化同时还导致冰川大面积融化,并将由此根本改变全球的水循环系统。  虽然气候变化不是一个能在短期内得到解决的问题,但是,我们可以对气
一、解点与圆位置关系问题时漏解  例1已知点P到⊙O的最近距离为6cm,最远距离为10cm,求⊙O的半径.     错解: 如图1,由AB=PA+PB=16 cm得,⊙O的半径为8cm.  错因分析: 点与圆有3种位置关系,即点在圆内,点在圆上,点在圆外.由题意可知,点P可能在圆外,也可能在圆内,所以本题应分类讨论.  正解:点P既可能在⊙O的内部,也可能在⊙O的外部.当点P在⊙O的内部时,如图1
第一次去打保龄球,同行的朋友大致地指点我几句:怎么站,怎么掷球,怎么瞄准方向。每一局,我都按照他的话,认认真真地做,结果却很不一样。  有时,明明是笔直地掷出去,却滚着滚着就偏了方向,眼睁睁看着它滚进沟里,只能徒呼奈何;有时,球出手的时候就已经偏了,到了尽头,只刚刚擦到最边上的球棒,却不知怎么搞的,那个球棒横向一倒,乒乒乓乓地所有球棒全倒了。  我渐渐地生出些感慨:也许,人生就像是一局保龄球,而成
教练,隔壁新开的跳伞俱乐部,跳一次要多少钱啊?  毛毛,今天跑不完50圈,你就别回家!  今天晚上要进行夜间拉练!
多年来,“感动中国”年度人物及其事迹一直在每年的中考作文素材中占有很大比重,俨然成了学生实用的写作素材库。实践证明,以此为题材写出的作文都很具有现实意义。现在,2007年的“感动中国”年度人物已经揭晓,我们不妨从这些智者、仁者、勇者、义者身上,挖掘其与众不同的闪光点,并让这些思想的精华、人格的魅力,在我们的考场作文中发出更耀眼的光芒。    一、钱学森——民族脊梁    人物事迹:航天事业的先行者
著名物理学家牛顿说过:“没有大胆而放肆的猜想,就不可能有伟大发现.”这句至理名言道出了猜想的重要性.综观近几年中考命题,命题者在猜想方面进行了有益而大胆的探索改革,为推动素质教育,培养同学们的创新能力起到良好导向作用.    1.数与式规律问题的探究    通过对一列有序数、式的特点与结构的分析与研究,找出共性规律,进而归纳猜想出隐含的一般规律,然后再探索出问题的答案.这种思维策略体现了从特殊到一
作文难,难于上青天。很多同学都有这种感觉。尤其是考场作文,几乎已经成了失分的“急先锋”。  为帮助同学们解决这个难题,笔者特请几位在07年的中考作文中获得高分的考生,来谈谈自己的写作心得和体会,希望能给大家一些有益的启示。    程心龙:大家都知道,中考作文几乎占了语文总分的一半,所以我们决不能轻视。现在的作文要求大多是“文体不限”,因此写作时一定要选取自己最擅长的文体。中考作文不同于竞赛作文,要