Majestic Hotel & Spa Barcelona
艺术百年 本色不减
Century-old Art That Never Dims
玛杰斯蒂Majestic 在西语和英语中都是雄伟的意思,巴塞罗那城市腹地格拉西亚大道上,就有一幢新古典主义建筑雄伟的身姿令人仰止,以城市象征自居当之无愧,这就是巴塞罗那玛杰斯蒂大酒店(Majestic Hotel & Spa Barcelona)。1918年,它敞开大门;2013年,收尾一项精细的翻新工程,从此便更加卓然不群,成为永恒优雅的标杆,不枉最别具一格的国际酒店名号。
In the heart of Barcelona, on the Paseo de Gracia, stands a majestic neoclassical building that has become one of the emblems of the city: Majestic Hotel & Spa Barcelona. Opened in 1918, it is a true symbol of Barcelona that, after an ambitious renovation project, completed in 2013, has become a benchmark of timeless elegance, typical of the most exclusive international hotels.
百年风骨 砥砺前行
Century-old Vigor
With nearly a century of history behind it, the Majestic, owned by the Soldevila-Casals, family has witnessed many important political, cultural and historical events. This unique establishment is rich in character, conveying the essence of luxury and comfort to perfection through meticulous attention to detail. The legendary hospitality of the Majestic is due in large part to the discreet, efficient, professional staff, making a stay at the Majestic a unique experience that guests will never forget.
The Garden of Eden for Culture and Art
The building belonged to Martín Casals, founder and great grandfather of the current owners, who saw the future possibilities of this location, to which the aristocracy and bourgeoisie looked. The Majestic has always been at the heart of Barcelona's cultural and artistic scene, welcoming film stars, artists, politicians, professional athletes and prestigious business figures; all have enjoyed the world-class facilities and professional, discreet, efficient service. Personages such as Queen María Cristina, poet Antonio Machado, painters Pablo Ruíz Picasso, singers Charles Trenet and Josephine Baker, soprano Renata Tebaldi, and writer Ernest Hemingway, have helped to establish the hotel's excellent reputation and legendary stature. 蜕变
1918年4月,玛杰斯蒂面世,时名为Majestic Hotel Inglaterra(西班牙语意为:英格兰雄伟大酒店),这个读来铿锵的名字显露出酒店面向国际化市场的用意。酒店开业不久,便凭借寸土寸金的优越位置红透巴塞罗那半边天,一场场社会活动和庆典都将它作为首选之地,观者如潮,人声欢腾。但那时候的酒店规模较小,只有100间自带浴室的客房。当时,电话号码只有三位数字,夜间电话费用不过才十几美分。
1963年,老马丁·卡索斯去世,玛杰斯蒂所有权传给家族后代接管,Soldevila Casals成为新的掌门人。俗说新官上任三把火。新任管理层对酒店进行大规模结构调整,坚定不移地将经营重心向烹饪和艺术靠拢。春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子。玛杰斯蒂一举成为首都卡塔兰首家荣膺米其林星级的酒店,皆因它的Drolma餐厅叫好卖座、口碑载道。并且,1000多幅悬挂墙上的艺术品,也使它踌躇满志地站到了本市拥有最多数量艺术品酒店的队列。
1992年,一场举世瞩目的奥运会将巴塞罗那展示在世界的聚光灯下。Soldevila Casals家族抓住时机,将酒店里外大动干戈重修一番。直到2013年,酒店业主第三代传人甫完成最新且最为雄心勃勃的修葺,他们怀揣敬畏历史的情怀去展望未来,历史的深浅车辙,亦可以是前行途中最为明晰可见的路标。此次翻新的建筑设计由墨西哥著名的建筑所迪纳瑞·迪斯诺(Denario Dise?o y Arquitectura)出马,整个工程耗资高达3千多万欧元。
The Majestic opened its doors in April 1918 as the Majestic Hotel Inglaterra, a name that even back then reflected its cosmopolitan outlook, and soon became the premier location for social events and celebrations in Barcelona. The hotel, which was smaller in those days, opened with 100 rooms, each with a private bath, at a time when phone numbers had only three digits and the nightly phone rate was just over ten cents.
After a hiatus, due to the Spanish Civil War, the name was changed to Hotel Majestic and the growth process continued, leading to the hotel opening its doors in the 1970s at the newly constructed building next door, on Valencia Street, expanding the number of hotel rooms to a total of 340.
After the death of Martín Casals Galcerán, in 1963, ownership of the Majestic passed to the Soldevila Casals of the family. The new management introduced significant structural changes and made a decided commitment to cuisine and art. Thus, the hotel became the first establishment in the Catalan capital to receive a Michelin Star, for the renowned former Drolma Restaurant, and one of the hotels in the city with the largest number of works of art on its walls, more than 1,000.
Concurrent with the Olympic Games in 1992, the Soldevila Casals family carried out an ambitious renovation of the hotel. Recently, the third generation of the owner family has completed the latest and most ambitious renovation, respecting the Majestic's history, while at the same time looking ahead toward the future. The latest and most ambitious comprehensive renovation, completed in 2013, costing more than 30 million euros, was carried out by Denario Dise?o y Arquitectura.
折中主義的设计笔触 Eclectic Design
Under the supervision of prestigious designer Antonio Obrador, a multidisciplinary project was carried out, incorporating architecture, interior design, decoration, design and even landscaping.
Respect for the building's classical architecture was the basis of Obrador's work, which is characterized by a mixture of former and more contemporary elements. He thus achieves an eclectic, timeless result that honors the past while at the same time modernizing the hotel, in terms of comfort, colors, lighting and materials.
The hotel has decreased the number of rooms from 303 to a total of 271, which has increased the level of comfort and quality. They have all been enlarged in order to make them more bright and comfortable, and the addition of contemporary furniture, combined with a careful selection of the finest quality fabrics, has transformed them into fresh, functional and welcoming spaces. Majestic Hotel & Spa Barcelona with its floral decorations, stained glass windows, wrought iron balconies and other Neo-Gothic features, is a work of art in its own right.
Majestic, we will be back again.
艺术百年 本色不减
Century-old Art That Never Dims
玛杰斯蒂Majestic 在西语和英语中都是雄伟的意思,巴塞罗那城市腹地格拉西亚大道上,就有一幢新古典主义建筑雄伟的身姿令人仰止,以城市象征自居当之无愧,这就是巴塞罗那玛杰斯蒂大酒店(Majestic Hotel & Spa Barcelona)。1918年,它敞开大门;2013年,收尾一项精细的翻新工程,从此便更加卓然不群,成为永恒优雅的标杆,不枉最别具一格的国际酒店名号。
In the heart of Barcelona, on the Paseo de Gracia, stands a majestic neoclassical building that has become one of the emblems of the city: Majestic Hotel & Spa Barcelona. Opened in 1918, it is a true symbol of Barcelona that, after an ambitious renovation project, completed in 2013, has become a benchmark of timeless elegance, typical of the most exclusive international hotels.
百年风骨 砥砺前行
Century-old Vigor
With nearly a century of history behind it, the Majestic, owned by the Soldevila-Casals, family has witnessed many important political, cultural and historical events. This unique establishment is rich in character, conveying the essence of luxury and comfort to perfection through meticulous attention to detail. The legendary hospitality of the Majestic is due in large part to the discreet, efficient, professional staff, making a stay at the Majestic a unique experience that guests will never forget.
The Garden of Eden for Culture and Art
The building belonged to Martín Casals, founder and great grandfather of the current owners, who saw the future possibilities of this location, to which the aristocracy and bourgeoisie looked. The Majestic has always been at the heart of Barcelona's cultural and artistic scene, welcoming film stars, artists, politicians, professional athletes and prestigious business figures; all have enjoyed the world-class facilities and professional, discreet, efficient service. Personages such as Queen María Cristina, poet Antonio Machado, painters Pablo Ruíz Picasso, singers Charles Trenet and Josephine Baker, soprano Renata Tebaldi, and writer Ernest Hemingway, have helped to establish the hotel's excellent reputation and legendary stature. 蜕变
1918年4月,玛杰斯蒂面世,时名为Majestic Hotel Inglaterra(西班牙语意为:英格兰雄伟大酒店),这个读来铿锵的名字显露出酒店面向国际化市场的用意。酒店开业不久,便凭借寸土寸金的优越位置红透巴塞罗那半边天,一场场社会活动和庆典都将它作为首选之地,观者如潮,人声欢腾。但那时候的酒店规模较小,只有100间自带浴室的客房。当时,电话号码只有三位数字,夜间电话费用不过才十几美分。
1963年,老马丁·卡索斯去世,玛杰斯蒂所有权传给家族后代接管,Soldevila Casals成为新的掌门人。俗说新官上任三把火。新任管理层对酒店进行大规模结构调整,坚定不移地将经营重心向烹饪和艺术靠拢。春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子。玛杰斯蒂一举成为首都卡塔兰首家荣膺米其林星级的酒店,皆因它的Drolma餐厅叫好卖座、口碑载道。并且,1000多幅悬挂墙上的艺术品,也使它踌躇满志地站到了本市拥有最多数量艺术品酒店的队列。
1992年,一场举世瞩目的奥运会将巴塞罗那展示在世界的聚光灯下。Soldevila Casals家族抓住时机,将酒店里外大动干戈重修一番。直到2013年,酒店业主第三代传人甫完成最新且最为雄心勃勃的修葺,他们怀揣敬畏历史的情怀去展望未来,历史的深浅车辙,亦可以是前行途中最为明晰可见的路标。此次翻新的建筑设计由墨西哥著名的建筑所迪纳瑞·迪斯诺(Denario Dise?o y Arquitectura)出马,整个工程耗资高达3千多万欧元。
The Majestic opened its doors in April 1918 as the Majestic Hotel Inglaterra, a name that even back then reflected its cosmopolitan outlook, and soon became the premier location for social events and celebrations in Barcelona. The hotel, which was smaller in those days, opened with 100 rooms, each with a private bath, at a time when phone numbers had only three digits and the nightly phone rate was just over ten cents.
After a hiatus, due to the Spanish Civil War, the name was changed to Hotel Majestic and the growth process continued, leading to the hotel opening its doors in the 1970s at the newly constructed building next door, on Valencia Street, expanding the number of hotel rooms to a total of 340.
After the death of Martín Casals Galcerán, in 1963, ownership of the Majestic passed to the Soldevila Casals of the family. The new management introduced significant structural changes and made a decided commitment to cuisine and art. Thus, the hotel became the first establishment in the Catalan capital to receive a Michelin Star, for the renowned former Drolma Restaurant, and one of the hotels in the city with the largest number of works of art on its walls, more than 1,000.
Concurrent with the Olympic Games in 1992, the Soldevila Casals family carried out an ambitious renovation of the hotel. Recently, the third generation of the owner family has completed the latest and most ambitious renovation, respecting the Majestic's history, while at the same time looking ahead toward the future. The latest and most ambitious comprehensive renovation, completed in 2013, costing more than 30 million euros, was carried out by Denario Dise?o y Arquitectura.
折中主義的设计笔触 Eclectic Design
Under the supervision of prestigious designer Antonio Obrador, a multidisciplinary project was carried out, incorporating architecture, interior design, decoration, design and even landscaping.
Respect for the building's classical architecture was the basis of Obrador's work, which is characterized by a mixture of former and more contemporary elements. He thus achieves an eclectic, timeless result that honors the past while at the same time modernizing the hotel, in terms of comfort, colors, lighting and materials.
The hotel has decreased the number of rooms from 303 to a total of 271, which has increased the level of comfort and quality. They have all been enlarged in order to make them more bright and comfortable, and the addition of contemporary furniture, combined with a careful selection of the finest quality fabrics, has transformed them into fresh, functional and welcoming spaces. Majestic Hotel & Spa Barcelona with its floral decorations, stained glass windows, wrought iron balconies and other Neo-Gothic features, is a work of art in its own right.
Majestic, we will be back again.