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  Majestic Hotel & Spa Barcelona
  艺术百年 本色不减
  Century-old Art That Never Dims
  玛杰斯蒂Majestic 在西语和英语中都是雄伟的意思,巴塞罗那城市腹地格拉西亚大道上,就有一幢新古典主义建筑雄伟的身姿令人仰止,以城市象征自居当之无愧,这就是巴塞罗那玛杰斯蒂大酒店(Majestic Hotel & Spa Barcelona)。1918年,它敞开大门;2013年,收尾一项精细的翻新工程,从此便更加卓然不群,成为永恒优雅的标杆,不枉最别具一格的国际酒店名号。
  In the heart of Barcelona, on the Paseo de Gracia, stands a majestic neoclassical building that has become one of the emblems of the city: Majestic Hotel & Spa Barcelona. Opened in 1918, it is a true symbol of Barcelona that, after an ambitious renovation project, completed in 2013, has become a benchmark of timeless elegance, typical of the most exclusive international hotels.
  百年风骨 砥砺前行
  Century-old Vigor
  With nearly a century of history behind it, the Majestic, owned by the Soldevila-Casals, family has witnessed many important political, cultural and historical events. This unique establishment is rich in character, conveying the essence of luxury and comfort to perfection through meticulous attention to detail. The legendary hospitality of the Majestic is due in large part to the discreet, efficient, professional staff, making a stay at the Majestic a unique experience that guests will never forget.
  The Garden of Eden for Culture and Art
  The building belonged to Martín Casals, founder and great grandfather of the current owners, who saw the future possibilities of this location, to which the aristocracy and bourgeoisie looked. The Majestic has always been at the heart of Barcelona's cultural and artistic scene, welcoming film stars, artists, politicians, professional athletes and prestigious business figures; all have enjoyed the world-class facilities and professional, discreet, efficient service. Personages such as Queen María Cristina, poet Antonio Machado, painters Pablo Ruíz Picasso, singers Charles Trenet and Josephine Baker, soprano Renata Tebaldi, and writer Ernest Hemingway, have helped to establish the hotel's excellent reputation and legendary stature.   蜕变
  1918年4月,玛杰斯蒂面世,时名为Majestic Hotel Inglaterra(西班牙语意为:英格兰雄伟大酒店),这个读来铿锵的名字显露出酒店面向国际化市场的用意。酒店开业不久,便凭借寸土寸金的优越位置红透巴塞罗那半边天,一场场社会活动和庆典都将它作为首选之地,观者如潮,人声欢腾。但那时候的酒店规模较小,只有100间自带浴室的客房。当时,电话号码只有三位数字,夜间电话费用不过才十几美分。
  1963年,老马丁·卡索斯去世,玛杰斯蒂所有权传给家族后代接管,Soldevila Casals成为新的掌门人。俗说新官上任三把火。新任管理层对酒店进行大规模结构调整,坚定不移地将经营重心向烹饪和艺术靠拢。春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子。玛杰斯蒂一举成为首都卡塔兰首家荣膺米其林星级的酒店,皆因它的Drolma餐厅叫好卖座、口碑载道。并且,1000多幅悬挂墙上的艺术品,也使它踌躇满志地站到了本市拥有最多数量艺术品酒店的队列。
  1992年,一场举世瞩目的奥运会将巴塞罗那展示在世界的聚光灯下。Soldevila Casals家族抓住时机,将酒店里外大动干戈重修一番。直到2013年,酒店业主第三代传人甫完成最新且最为雄心勃勃的修葺,他们怀揣敬畏历史的情怀去展望未来,历史的深浅车辙,亦可以是前行途中最为明晰可见的路标。此次翻新的建筑设计由墨西哥著名的建筑所迪纳瑞·迪斯诺(Denario Dise?o y Arquitectura)出马,整个工程耗资高达3千多万欧元。
  The Majestic opened its doors in April 1918 as the Majestic Hotel Inglaterra, a name that even back then reflected its cosmopolitan outlook, and soon became the premier location for social events and celebrations in Barcelona. The hotel, which was smaller in those days, opened with 100 rooms, each with a private bath, at a time when phone numbers had only three digits and the nightly phone rate was just over ten cents.
  After a hiatus, due to the Spanish Civil War, the name was changed to Hotel Majestic and the growth process continued, leading to the hotel opening its doors in the 1970s at the newly constructed building next door, on Valencia Street, expanding the number of hotel rooms to a total of 340.
  After the death of Martín Casals Galcerán, in 1963, ownership of the Majestic passed to the Soldevila Casals of the family. The new management introduced significant structural changes and made a decided commitment to cuisine and art. Thus, the hotel became the first establishment in the Catalan capital to receive a Michelin Star, for the renowned former Drolma Restaurant, and one of the hotels in the city with the largest number of works of art on its walls, more than 1,000.
  Concurrent with the Olympic Games in 1992, the Soldevila Casals family carried out an ambitious renovation of the hotel. Recently, the third generation of the owner family has completed the latest and most ambitious renovation, respecting the Majestic's history, while at the same time looking ahead toward the future. The latest and most ambitious comprehensive renovation, completed in 2013, costing more than 30 million euros, was carried out by Denario Dise?o y Arquitectura.
  折中主義的设计笔触   Eclectic Design
  Under the supervision of prestigious designer Antonio Obrador, a multidisciplinary project was carried out, incorporating architecture, interior design, decoration, design and even landscaping.
  Respect for the building's classical architecture was the basis of Obrador's work, which is characterized by a mixture of former and more contemporary elements. He thus achieves an eclectic, timeless result that honors the past while at the same time modernizing the hotel, in terms of comfort, colors, lighting and materials.
  The hotel has decreased the number of rooms from 303 to a total of 271, which has increased the level of comfort and quality. They have all been enlarged in order to make them more bright and comfortable, and the addition of contemporary furniture, combined with a careful selection of the finest quality fabrics, has transformed them into fresh, functional and welcoming spaces. Majestic Hotel & Spa Barcelona with its floral decorations, stained glass windows, wrought iron balconies and other Neo-Gothic features, is a work of art in its own right.
  Majestic, we will be back again.
在我们的采访经历中,成都康普雷斯国际酒店总经理封意有很多与众不同:他曾经是一位军人,他是一位从酒店保安一路做上来的总经理,另外,他,还是一名“80后”。从采访一开始,我们就很好奇,这样一位酒店人会有怎么样的感悟?  对新生代员工更需包容  Q:你在多个城市的高星级酒店都担任过要职,不同地域间的酒店文化不同,在管理上面是否会有所差异?作为一名曾经的军人,军人的生活对你酒店的管理上有何影响?  A:众
刘晨军在酒店业拥有逾15年的专业经验,资历不可谓不深,而同时他的阅历又不可谓不丰富,加入温德姆酒店集团前,他曾是北京欧文风范艺术机构的创办者兼首席执行官。此前他还曾担任意大利歌诗达邮轮公司亚太区发展战略副总裁,以及雅高服务(隶属法国雅高酒店集团)中国区董事总经理。这些工作阅历势必能给温德姆带来特别的发展促动力。  从外交官到酒店高管不忘初衷  儒雅的气质,幽默的谈吐,准确的判断力,这是一个男人生活
“我以前还真不了解你们的管理,经过这三天的参观游览,亲身体验了孩子们的工作环境,切实感受到你们对孩子的管理都很到位,把孩子放在这,我很放心!”由洛阳远道而来的一位实习生家长对第一资讯记者如此说道。  这批来自洛阳的实习生家长团,他们也许在此之前互不相识,但因为孩子,这群质朴的人儿相聚在一起。在5月的初夏,由第一团队酒店招聘网组织,并由洛阳华富商学院培训部副主任娄奇瑞、教导处副主任张向丽带队,来到温
香港旺角朗豪酒店是朗廷旗下第一家朗豪品牌的酒店,作为完全不同于朗廷的绅士形象,朗豪作为一个年轻的五星级品牌富有自己的活力和张力。“希望客人能在酒店得到彻底的放松,体验彻底的欢乐,更要把最当地的文化、艺术融入到酒店管理中。”因此,旺角朗豪也采用了一种全新的模式去培训员工,员工是酒店的资产,而不是酒店的机器,只有员工开心才会把开心带给客人。  被朗豪感动的一名住客  在酒店开业的第一年,甘贝贤还在印度
在Axis-W hotel,客人们通常会对那一连串鱼儿悬挂组成的艺术灯饰赞不绝口,鱼灯完美契合了酒店的艺术气质。  来自英国的设计品牌Scabetti,作品中总是不经意流露英式幽默与纯熟的内敛品味。Dominic 和 Frances Bromley这对夫妻档设计师,利用有机的形式和敏感的触觉,以高质量的材料制成一件又一件令人惊喜的作品。  “骨瓷是一个美丽的材料,具有较强英国的文化遗产,它表现出了
当在酒店界独树一帜引领摩登潮流的W酒店接管了韵味悠长的曼谷老建筑,一些奇异的化学变化正在悄然发生。一边依然是以音乐、设计与时尚著称的先锋精髓带动着都市的未来节奏,另一边又如同时间旅行者般潜入曼谷的过去,用完全不一样的空气与色温在讲述这个风情万种的世界城市那引人无限遐想的老故事。一次下榻,双重体验,还有美食与水疗,更添惊喜。  When the world's trend-setter W hote
在上海市宝山区北部,有一块充满着异域风情的旅游度假景区——美兰湖,犹如安徒生的童话世界,幸福、时尚、精致的时光在这里流淌,从美兰湖到吴淞口码头的环生态步道一号、七号、八号、九号地段两侧,更是如老树发新芽般开满了无数大大小小的艺术园区,丰富的文化底蕴,淳朴的民风,厚实的工业文明,让这些文化创意园区充满了工业时代的脉络又不乏时尚色彩。  宝山区的高星级酒店大多分布在美兰湖附近,其中又以美兰湖皇冠假日酒
清晨起床,喝一杯酒店独有的山泉水,漫步出去,空气清香新鲜,满眼望去的是一丛丛各种植物堆砌起来的葱绿。午夜来临,拎一瓶啤酒,和着瀑布的声音,在电视屏幕前大声吼叫:GOAL! GOAL! GOAL!  这是初夏的黄果树瀑布景区的一角。在黄果树屯堡酒店那依山而建的42栋单体别墅群中,天然的美景与足球带来的人文激荡水乳交融。   600年历史活化石  传说600年前的明洪武十三年,云南梁王巴扎刺瓦尔密反叛
以色列,在很久以前,便听过这个国家,以致于在脑海中,深深的形成一种想法,那就是,这是一个神圣与神秘的国家,将来有一天,我一定会抵达,探访这样一个别人所认为的不寻常国家。  一个背包,一台单反,三个小伙伴,义无反顾地登上飞往以色列的航班,历经16小时,飞往这样一个最具争议性的国家去,探寻这样的一个国家的宗教文化。  虽然,我并不是教徒,但这对于我来说,是一趟朝圣之旅,感受圣地文化,即将为你揭开以色列
走在圆明园路,就像一本厚重的旧书被拂去了尘灰,外滩万国建筑博览群的起点就此展开。  外滩源,一个熟悉而又神秘的名字,始终与一个半世纪来上海的繁华沧桑紧紧相连。所谓的外滩源,就是外滩后面的一条小马路——圆明园路,其地处苏州河和黄浦江交汇处,处于外滩历史文化风貌区核心区域,这里有建成于1873年的原英国领事馆建筑,是外滩“万国建筑博览会”的源头,我国近、现代的金融业和贸易业均从这里孕育发展并走向壮大。