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  【Abstract】The thesis,based on Halliday’s systemic functional grammar,aims to study the interpersonal meaning realized by mood system in job advertisements relating to Business English talents needs,and then to find out how the realization of interpersonal meaning in job advertisements reflects companies’ Business English talents needs.
  【Key Words】job advertisements; interpersonal meaning; mood
  1.Halliday.s Systemic Functional Grammar
  Halliday(1994)claims lexical-grammatical resources of interpersonal meaning which are realized throughout the text are mood and the related patterns of modality,intensification,and even evaluative devices.According to him,interpersonal meaning can be comprehended from two aspects: interactional and attitudinal.In this thesis,the author focused on the interactional aspect of interpersonal meaning,mood.
  2.Data collection and processing
  Shi Hui(2010)pointed out that Business English graduates.occupational directions mainly concerned with the following job positions namely,salesmen,assistants,secretaries,customer service cooperators,trading specialists,translators/interpreters,and teachers.In data collection,all the samples are searched with these key words and then 49 samples are randomly selected in terms of these occupational directions from the recruiting websites,such as professional recruiting websites on the Internet,,as well as the World Top recruiting websites.
  In the data processing procedure,both quantitative and qualitative research methods are applied in this thesis.In mood system,the distribution and frequencies of typical and non-typical mood structures in the samples are manually counted.
  3.Data analysis
  As is showed in Table 1-1,the declarative mood structure functioning as statement accounts for a large proportion,57.78%,which proves that declarative mood structure in job advertisements relating to Business English talents needs is the main mood structure to realize the role of giving information.Offer with a meaning of giving something to the listener is one of the primary speech functions in systemic functional grammar.In discourse of job advertisements on Business English talents needs,the non-typical mood structure of offer realized by declarative mood structure is mainly utilized to give information,accounting for 16.26%.Imperative clause is to ask somebody to do something or give an order.As a non-typical mood structure in giving information,imperative mood structure accounts for 5.59%.Imperative mood is a typical mood structure in action demanding,as is showed in Table 1-1,imperative mood as command accounts for 17.31% in total mood structures.Interrogative mood as question is the other typical mood structure in action demanding.In the samples,there are 11 interrogative mood structures functioning as question,merely accounting for 0.96%.It is known that command is typically realized by imperative mood,while it can also be realized by declarative mood structure.In the samples,command which is realized by non-typical mood structure,declarative mood structure in demanding actions,accounts for 1.22%.And it mainly occurs in the part of requirements.Modulated declarative mood structure used to realize the speech function of question in demanding actions accounts for 0.87%.It is noted that“if…”structure,a conditional adverbial clause in traditional grammar,is discovered to be frequently used to convey interpersonal meaning in the job advertisements on Business English talents needs.Elliptical structures make a frequent appearance to give information about requirements.They mainly appear in declarative mood structure,accounting for 20.45%.
  In this thesis,the author analyzed the interpersonal meaning reflected by mood system.It is known that in job advertisements,companies.talents needs are reflected in parts of job description,job responsibilities/duties and job requirements.In the process of mood system analysis of the sample texts,companies’ talents needs are expressed by imperative mood structure as command,declarative as command,some modulated declarative as question as well as elliptical structures.It,more or less,gives Business English majors some insights in writing and guides them to strengthen their abilities in a specific field.
  [1]Halliday,M.A.K.(2008).An introduction to functional grammar.Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
“他找我有什么事?”警察局长问。  “他说是私事。”  “他出狱有多长时间了?”  警察局长的秘书看了看手上的卷宗。“拉杰·马利克—他是六周前出狱的。”  局长纳雷什·库马尔站起身来,把椅子往后一推,在办公室里走来走去。每当他遇到难题,需要认真思考的时候,他总会这样做。多年来,他已经相信了一条真理—嗯,几乎是真理吧—在办公室里不紧不慢地走上几步,这对身体是一种锻炼。下午打一场曲棍球,晚上再打上三场
【摘要】本文对ESP在高职院校英语教学中实施的必要性研究,主要针对于辽宁省高等教育学会“十二五”期间对高校外语教学改革的要求为依据,对传统教学模式进行改革,树立以就业为导向的新型教学模式。  【关键词】ESP模式 高职院校 英语教学  “十二五”期间,辽宁省高等教育学会专门探讨了关于高校外语教学改革的目标,旨在以“实用性”作为高职英语发展的首要目的。对此,为了实现这一目的,采取有效的教学方法就成为
【摘要】长久以来,高中英语介词教学缺乏一定的理论基础。本文在认知语义学的理论框架下,以多义介词over为例,对其进行认知分析,旨在为介词教学提供新思路,改善其教学效果,进而提高中生对多义介词的掌握水平。  【关键词】多义介词 认知分析 高中介词教学  一、问题的提出  介词的形式简单,但是语义复杂,只有不到10%的高级英语学习者才能准确地理解、使用介词(Lindstromberg,2001)。20
【摘要】为学生创造一个生活化的学习氛围,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性,使他们能够轻松而愉悦地在生活情景中学习英语、运用英语。这是我们教师一直在寻求的一种小学英语教学方式——生活化教学。  【关键词】小学英语 教学 生活化  在日常的英语教学工作中,我们教师必须努力创设生活化的、轻松的教学氛围,让英语教学与生活融为一体,用生活理念构建英语教学大课堂,使学生沉浸其中,激发其学习兴趣,用真实的方式、乐
英雄、盗贼、敲诈者、忠实的雅各宾派、背叛者,抑或是苏格兰自己的罗宾汉——这些名头都可以用来描述罗布·罗伊·麦克格莱格,至少部分属实。202年前的新年前夕,随着沃尔特·司各特爵士虚构的罗布·罗伊的一生问世,这位亡命之徒的声名得以确立,他也因此成为史上一位真正的神秘人物。罗布·罗伊之旅  如今,罗布·罗伊拥有了以他名字命名的远足步道。罗布·罗伊之路全长77英里(如果加上可选路线可达到94英里),起点位
【摘要】本文针对英语阅读的教学模式进行了全面的理解与诠释,在文章中指出了相关的英语阅读教学模式。具体的做出了列点分析,并且在分析中举出了实例。  【关键字】学生 英语阅读 教学策略 诱导教学 设问方式  随着教学改革的不断深化使英语教学备受关注,虽然有些城市已降低高考英语总分,但对学生的英语语言运用能力要求并没有降低。阅读作为一种理解和吸收书面信息的手段,在我们的学习,生活和工作中尤为重要,更别说
故事的发生地  许多著名作家,如威廉·莎士比亚、查尔斯·狄更斯、阿瑟·柯南·道尔、丹尼尔·笛福、克里斯托弗·马洛、弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫等,都曾将这座宏伟而历史悠久的城市作为故事的发生地。从上演莎士比亚戏剧的众多剧院到描写夏洛克·福尔摩斯调查案件的大街小巷,伦敦被认为是世界上最重要的文学旅行目的地之一。无尽的文学之旅  参观你在名著中读到过的地方着实令人兴奋,但如果能参加伦敦的一个文学之旅会更为美妙,这
你有没有想过这个问题:英国人开车的时候为什么要靠左行驶?其中的历史原因是,為了腾出持剑的那只手!  中世纪的时候,走在路上,你永远不知道会遇到什么突发情况,比如遇到你的仇敌。大部分人都是右撇子,因此,如果一名陌生人从你身体的右侧和你擦肩而过,出现了紧急情况,这时你就可以用右手来拔剑应对了。同样,中世纪城堡里的楼梯也是按照顺时针方向朝上延伸的,这样,防守的士兵就可以在楼梯拐弯的地方用右手持剑刺死那些
无数的热血少年梦想着成为一名特种兵战士,驰骋在枪林弹雨的战场,保家卫国,维护世界和平。  中国的特种兵学校使一批怀揣着这一梦想的少年实现了自己的人生目标。时光飞逝,那些从特种兵学校走出的少年如今已经成长为特战精英或国际联合舰队的教官。  联合舰队是联合国组建的一支没有国别的武装力量,他们的宗旨是维护世界和平,抵御外来入侵。联合舰队面向全球征召未来战士,而入选者必定有过人之处。选入联合舰队的少年们将
【摘要】大量研究发现中国学生严重缺乏批判性思维能力,因此在日常教学工作中教学工作者怎样才能培养学生的批判性思维能力已成为当务之急。王初明设计的读后续写练习需要学生结合所读材料,再写作、再创造。其过程涉及到了分析、评价,综合所有材料,充分运用发散性思维,创造性的补全阅读材料,能充分培养学生批判性思维能力。  【关键词】批判性思维能力 读后续写  在知识爆炸,信息爆炸的21世纪,一个国家要保持经济的高