When we open the refrigerator, look at the rest of the food and think about how to make a meal with them, we are acting wisely. Even the smartest orangutan can not do this because we humans are creative. Such an ability to constantly create new ideas, or to combine existing things with one another, is the single most important sign of wisdom in the eyes of experts and scholars. William H. Calvin, American neurophysiologist and author of the famous book of expertise, is convinced. In “How the Brain Thinks,” Calvin thoroughly studied human mental activity based on intellectual investigations of psychology and about ethnographic, biological evolutionary, linguistic and neuroscientific know how. Calvin concluded that our brain, like life itself, has undergone a complex and diverse evolution from its simple form to the present, and different neuronal components play a significant role in this process; only those brains In neurons very effectively connected to each other, it may be true wise. As an example of his argument, Calvin proposed the notion of “creative intelligence.” Howard Gardner, a professor of education specializing in intellectual and creative research, more precisely divides this “creative intelligence” into four forms: creative skills, creative innovation, creative self-examination, and creativeness