小儿全身肌肉突然强直性痉挛,两眼上翻,口吐白沫,时发时止,这就是日常所说的抽筋,医学上称为惊厥。 小儿惊厥的原因较多,一般可分两大类。第一类,无热惊厥,即惊厥前不发热,主要是两种疾病:一为缺钙性搐搦症,好发于深居室内的婴幼儿,由于维生素D合成不足,血钙降低,肌肉神经兴奋性增高之故,患儿神志清醒;另一种为原发性癫痫,好发于稍大儿童,由于神经元
Sudden tonic spasms in children with whole body muscles, the two turned up, foaming at the mouth, when the time comes, this is what is commonly called cramps, medically known as convulsions. There are many reasons for convulsions in children, generally divided into two categories. The first category, no febrile seizures, that is, before the onset of convulsions without fever, mainly two diseases: one is calcium-deficiency tey convulsions, occur in the interior of infants and young children, due to inadequate synthesis of vitamin D, decreased serum calcium, muscle nerves Increased excitability, children with conscious; the other for the primary epilepsy, occurs in slightly larger children, due to neurons