
来源 :河南农林科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuyongqing0820
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湿地松、车炬松原产美国东南部,由于具有生长快、干形通直、抗病虫、适应性强和木材工艺价值高的优良特性,为我国林业工作者所重视,三十年代引种我国。为探讨湿地松、火炬松在我区造林立地的表现,1972年开始进行湿地松、火炬松的引种试验研究.各引种点都获得较好的结果,从林木生长、抗性和材质的比较,都优于当地生长的马尾松、黄山松和杉木树种。现将引种试验初报如下:一、引种地点的自然条件我区位于江淮之间,气候属于半干燥半湿润的南北过渡型.年平均气温15℃,绝对最高气温40.9℃,绝对最低气温—20℃,年平均降雨量1110.3厘米,初霜期出现在十一月下旬,晚霜期出现在三月下旬,全年无霜 Pinus elliottii and Pinus taicus are native to the southeastern United States. Due to their excellent characteristics of fast growth, dry stem, pest resistance, strong adaptability and high value of wood craft, they are valued by forestry workers in our country and introduced into China in the 1930s . In order to discuss the performance of Pinus elliottii and Pinus taeda in afforestation in our district, the introduction experiment of Pinus elliottii and Pinus taeda was carried out in 1972. The good results were obtained at all the introduction points. From the comparison of tree growth, resistance and material, Are better than the local growth of Pinus massoniana, pine and fir species. The introduction of the first test report is as follows: First, the natural conditions of the introduction site I located in the JAC between the climate belongs to the semi-dry and semi-humid transition between North and South. The average annual temperature of 15 ℃, the absolute maximum temperature of 40.9 ℃, the absolute minimum temperature of -20 ℃, the average annual rainfall of 1110.3 cm, the first frost appears in late November, the late frost appears in late March, no frost throughout the year
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本刊讯(记者陈蕾)日前,第二届上海国际奢侈品包装展新闻发布会在沪举行。主办方法国LUXEPACK乐派公司总经理Nathalie GROSDIDIER和项目经理Danielle ROUSSEAU、承办方中国轻