货仓式销售是近十几年风行世界的一种新型的营销模式。在西方营销学中,将实行这种经营模式的机构称为“仓库商店”(Warehouse store)。这种货仓式商场集仓库和商场于一体,一般设在城乡结合部,营业面积多在1~2万平方米左右,并设有大型停车场,商场装修简朴,商品采用开放式货架陈列,直接来自于厂家或由国外进口,其价格普遍比市区商店低10%
Warehouse sales is a new marketing model of the popular world in recent ten years. In Western marketing, the organization that implements this business model is called the Warehouse store. This warehouse-style shopping malls warehouse and shopping malls in one, generally located in the urban-rural integration department, business area of more than 1 to 2 million square meters and has a large parking lot, shopping arcades simple, open-shelf merchandise display, Directly from the manufacturers or imported from abroad, the price is generally lower than the downtown store 10%