1 病例介绍患者,女,35岁,农民,以乏力左髋关节酸痛在当地治疗无效,当时血象周围血白细胞256×10~9/L,血片见大量幼稚细胞,于1991年5月6日转入我院。入院查体:神志清,急性病容,贫血貌,心肺听诊无异常,腹软,肝肋缘下1.5cm,质中等,脾肋缘下8cm,左髋关节部位有压痛,左股骨下端近膝关节处内侧,局部肿胀,压痛明显。辅助检查:B超提示肝肿大,胆囊结石,脾肿大。胸片提示左下肺炎。左股骨摄片下端干骺端处见大片溶骨破坏区,偏于内侧边缘不清,有虫蚀样改变,内有骨嵴分隔及包绕。周围有软组织
1 case description The patient, female, 35 years old, farmer, with fatigue left hip pain in the local treatment is invalid, when the blood around the blood leukocytes 256 × 10 ~ 9 / L, blood cells to see a large number of naive cells in May 6, 1991 Into our hospital. Admission examination: Consciousness, acute illness, anemia, cardiopulmonary auscultation no abnormalities, abdominal soft, liver margin under 1.5cm, medium quality, spleen costal margin 8cm, left hip joint tenderness, the left femur near the knee Department inside, local swelling, tenderness significantly. Auxiliary examination: B-Tip hepatomegaly, gallstones, splenomegaly. Chest X-ray showed lower left pneumonia. Left femur lower metaplasia at the metaplasia see osteolytic destruction of the area, partial to the medial edge is unclear, there are alterations to the worm-eaten, there are separated and surrounded by bone ridge. Surrounded by soft tissue