莫妮卡·马龙(Monika Maron,1941—),德国国家奖(2009)、德国人道主义奖(2010)获得者。1941年6月3日,马龙出生于柏林,是一个“出生在战争时期的孩子”。她是东德内务部部长卡尔·马龙的继女。1951年马龙随父母从西柏林迁往东柏林。1959年中学毕业后,她只身来到德累斯顿,在一家工厂当了一年铣工,之后进入洪堡大学学习戏剧和艺术史,毕业后在东柏林的一家电视台但任了两年导演助理。1962至1966年她在东柏林的戏剧学院研习戏剧并获硕士学位。1969年马龙的儿子约拉斯出世,她为此中断撰写博士论文《戏剧表演天赋之批判》。1971至1976年她先后在东柏林妇女杂志《为你》和《周报》工作。由于难以忍受新闻行业的各种
Monika Maron (1941-), German National Award (2009), German Humanitarian Award (2010) winner. June 3, 1941, Malone was born in Berlin, is a “born in a war child ”. She is the stepdaughter of Karl Malone, the East German Interior Minister. In 1951, Malone moved from West Berlin to East Berlin with his parents. After graduating from high school in 1959, she came to Dresden alone and worked as a milling mill for one year at a factory before studying at Humboldt University for drama and art history. After graduating from a television station in East Berlin, she spent two years as a director assistant . From 1962 to 1966 she studied drama at East Berlin Theater Academy and received a master’s degree. In 1969, Marlow’s son, Joaquín, was born and she dismissed the doctoral dissertation “Criticism of Theater Talent” for this disruption. From 1971 to 1976 she worked in the East Berlin women’s magazine “for you” and “Weekly”. Due to unbearable variety of news industry