中学美术是一门基础学科,它以课堂教学为主渠道,通过指导学生对教材内容知识的系统学习、技能训练等,培养学生独具个性的审美素质。随着社会、经济及教育的发展,那种只是让学生图图画画,做一点简单手工艺的传统美术教学,已经不适应现代社会发展及培养人才的需要。当今的教育不再是一种选择性的教育,而是一种发展性的教育。这就需要我们教师要有发展的眼光,树立新的教育观,走教学优化之路。 教学优化就是在特定条件下获得教与学满意效果的教学系统工程。它着眼于整体和未来,着手具体教学实践中激活主体的能动性,科学地选择和有效地实施最适应该条件下的教学方案,在动态中创造性地发挥教学功能,高效率地获得最佳的教学质量和效果。依据这一教学优化的内涵,我从以下几个
High school art is a basic discipline. It uses classroom teaching as the main channel to cultivate students’ unique aesthetic qualities by guiding students to systematically study the contents and knowledge of teaching materials and skills. With the development of society, economy, and education, the traditional art teaching, which only allows students to draw pictures and draw pictures and do simple arts and crafts, is no longer suited to the needs of modern society and the training of talents. Today’s education is no longer a selective education but a developmental education. This requires our teachers to have a vision of development, establish a new concept of education, and take the road of teaching optimization. Teaching optimization is a teaching system project that achieves satisfactory teaching and learning effects under specific conditions. It focuses on the whole and the future, starts the activation of the subject in specific teaching practices, scientifically selects and effectively implements the teaching plan that is most suitable for the conditions, and creatively exerts the teaching function in the dynamic and obtains the best teaching efficiently. Quality and effect. According to the connotation of this teaching optimization, I have the following