人民日报头版刊登的“今日谈”短论专栏,从问世到现在已连续发表了近三千篇文章,有人说它是“绿地”,有人称它是“窗口”,受到众多读者的欢迎。我对这个专栏的文章很感兴趣,是经常阅读的。最近读了钱湜辛、于宁同志主编的《今日谈选粹》(人民日报出版社出版),是从14年中(1980年元月至1994年2月)所发表的2500多篇中选编出420多篇的精选本,也是200多作者合著的一本书。我较认真地阅读了一遍,很受启发和教益,愿意写点读后的体会。 “今日谈”明显的特点是体型短小,性格特殊。它的每篇文章大都是几百字,超过千把字的很少,短小精练,没有“官话”、套话;有的文章还配有照片、漫画、统计表,具有特殊的体型。它的性格和文风也有
The short summary column of Today’s Talks, published in the front page of People’s Daily, has published nearly 3,000 articles in succession since it was released. Some people say that it is a “green space,” while others call it a “window” and are welcomed by many readers. I am very interested in this column article, is often read. Recently, I read Qian Xiansin and Comrade Yu Ning (“People’s Daily Press”), a collection of more than 2,500 selected articles published in 14 years (January 1980 to February 1994) A collection of more than 420 articles, but also more than 200 co-author of a book. I read it more carefully, very inspired and lessons learned, willing to write some reading experience. “Talking today” is obviously characterized by short size, special character. Each of its articles is mostly a few hundred words, with little more than a thousand words, short and concise, without “Mandarin” and stereotypes; some articles are also equipped with photos, cartoons and statistical tables and have special shapes. Its character and style also