优化全程 立足发展——昌邑市奎聚街办中心小学“学导式”作文教学模式的探索

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为改变小学作文教学长期高耗低效的窘境,提高作文教学效率,促进学生的全面发展。多年来,我们对传统的作文教学模式进行了审视、调整和改革,逐步探索出了一种比较科学、高效的“学导式”小学作文教学基本模式。此教学模式是围绕一次作文的教学全过程设计的,分为互为关联的五个阶段:感受阶段(收集材料、体验情感、确定内容)———拟作阶段(独立写作)———评导阶段(对比评议优差两篇例文)———修改阶段(自改作文)———总结阶段(师生共同评定此次作文的得与失,帮助学生积累作文经验)。这五个阶段是学生全方位、多层次自我训练、完善、提高的过程,也是融教师指导、讲评为一体的作文教学过程。此教学模式既符合新大纲对作文教学的要求,又符合现代教学论和学生的认知规律。纵观本教学模式的各个阶段,学生实际上是在经历一个完整的认识过程,即实践(感受、拟作)———认识(评导)———再实践(修改)———再认识(总结)。学生在这一次次的作文训练中,在此“实践、认识、再实践、再认识,循环往复,以至无穷”的过程中,螺旋式地升华着自己的认识,提高着作文水平。此教学模式称之为“学导式”,是因为它是按照学生为主体、教师为主导的现代教育思想来设计的。它的主旨是在教师必要的指导下,学生自主、主动、活泼地习? In order to change the dilemma of long-term high consumption and inefficient teaching of composition in primary school, improve teaching efficiency of composition and promote the all-round development of students. Over the years, we have examined, adjusted and reformed traditional writing teaching modes and gradually explored a more scientific and efficient “learning-guided” primary school composition teaching model. This teaching mode is designed around the whole process of a composition teaching. It is divided into five stages that are related to each other: the stage of feeling (collecting materials, experiencing emotions and determining contents) --- the stage of preparation (independent writing) Stage (comparative evaluation of two excellent articles) --- Modify the stage (self-modified composition) --- Summary stage (teachers and students to assess the composition of the gains and losses, to help students accumulate writing experience). These five stages are all-round, multi-level self-training, improvement and improvement of the students. It is also a composition teaching process that integrates teachers' guidance and commentary. This teaching mode not only conforms to the requirements of the new curriculum for composition teaching, but also conforms to the modern teaching theory and the students' cognition rules. Throughout the various stages of this teaching model, students are actually experiencing a complete process of cognition, that is, practice (feelings, to be made) --- knowledge (assessment) --- practice (revising) --- re-understanding to sum up). Students in this time writing essay training, in this “practice, understanding, re-practice, re-understanding, recursive, and even infinity” in the process of spiral sublimation of their own understanding and improve the composition level. This teaching mode is called “learning-guided” because it is designed according to the modern educational thought that is dominated by students and teachers. Its main theme is that under the necessary guidance of teachers, the students are independent, active and lively.
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摘 要: 文字及语言是作文的载体,强调作文的审美情趣,不是全盘否定写作技巧及写作方法的传统,而是学会两条腿走路。学会审美并且通过写作来反映美、创造语言文字美的意境,才是写作教学的根本目的。语言是表达情感的媒介,要上升到艺术的层面,融入高尚的审美情趣,惟其如此,方能写出优美的文学作品。  关键词: 作文教学 审美情趣 培养    作文教学,长期以来偏重于对学生写作方法和技巧的训练,强调“来源于生活,