当我们的双脚踏上这片坚实的土地时,不知这座国家历史文化名城能否感受得到一颗颗火热跳动的心专为她而来。这份心情,因为渴盼的久远而变得格外灸热与急切。宿其尼瓦克宾馆静园,洗刷去满身风尘,便迫不及待地窜到了这座极富民族特色的城市里。穿大街,过小巷,我们用了一下午的时间用脚步丈量了喀什市的主要街道及艾提尕尔清真寺、玉素甫哈斯哈吉甫墓等景点。包头巾的维吾尔族妇女, 蹲在街边叫卖无花果的老人,沿路推小车贩卖各式水果的小
When our feet set foot on this solid land, I do not know whether the country’s historical and cultural city can feel a fiery beating heart for her. This feeling, because of the longing for eager to become hot and urgent moxibustion. Sinking Nirvana Hotel quiet garden, scrub to covered with dust, they can not wait to flee to this very national characteristics of the city. Wearing the streets, alleys, we spent an afternoon measuring footsteps of Kashi City, the main street and the Aitigaer Mosque, Yusuf Hahas Haji Fu tomb and other attractions. Uigur women with turban, squatting in the street selling figs of the elderly, push the car along the road selling all kinds of small fruit