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  任务型阅读(Taskbased reading)是从2008年起江苏高考所采用的新题型。该题型旨在考查学生的综合语言运用能力;用英语获取信息、处理信息和分析问题和解决问题的能力以及考查学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力。2009年仍然沿用了该题型。
  Communication Principles
  How you see yourself can make a great difference in how you communicate. “Every individual exists in a continually changing world of experience of which he (or she) is the center”. Many communication scholars and social scientists believe that people are products of how others treat them and of the messages others send them. But every day we experience the centrality of our selves in communication. A student, for instance, may describe a conflict with a teacher as unfair treatment: “I know my teacher doesn’t like the fact that I don’t agree with his opinions and that’s why he gave me such a poor grade in that class.” The teacher might say the opposite. Each person may believe that he is correct and that the other person’s view is wrong.
  The concept of self originates in communication. Through verbal and nonverbal symbols, a child learns to accept roles in response to the expectations of others. You establish selfimage, the sort of person you believe you are, by how others think of you. Positive, negative, and neutral messages that you receive from others all play a role in determining who you are. Communication itself is probably best understood as a dialogue process. Our understanding of communication comes from our interactions with other people. In a more obvious way, communication involves others in the sense that a competent communicator considers what the other person needs and expects when selecting messages to share. So, the communication begins with the self, as defined largely by others, and involves others, as defined largely by the self.
  Communication occurs almost every minute of your life. If you are not communicatingwith yourself (thinking, planning, reacting to the world around you), you are observing others and drawing inferences from their behavior. Even if the other person did not intend a message for you. You gather observations and draw specific conclusions. A person yawns and you believe that person is bored with your message. A second person looks away from you and you conclude that person is not listening to you. A third person smiles (perhaps because of a memory of a joke he heard recently) and you believe that he is attracted to you. We are continually picking up meanings from others’ behaviors and we are constantly providing behaviors that have communicative value for them.
  More often than not, you may have hurt someone accidentally and you may have tried to explain that you did not mean that. You may have told the other person that you were sorry for your statement. You may have made a joke out of your rude statement. Nonetheless, your comment remains both in the mind of the other person and in your own mind. You cannot go back in time and erase your messages to others. Communication cannot be reversed (倒退), nor can it be repeated. When you tried to recreate the atmosphere, the conversation, and the setting,nothing seemed right. Your second experience with a similar setting and person made far different results.


  71. 答案为self-centred / subjective,其源头句为But every day we experience the centrality of our selves in communication.其中的 the centrality of our selves为self-centred的有效信息,亦可用subjective(主观的)
  72. 答案为involves根据该句So,the communication begins with the self,as defined largely by others,and involves others,as defined largely by the self.中的and involves others可知。
  73. 答案为determine / define / know / understand 。根据文中Positive,negative,and neutral messages that you receive from others all play a role in determining who you are.可知有效信息为determining,再根据语境help sb do sth得出答案。
  74. 答案为expectations / hopes / desires / wishes,根据句子communication involves others in the sense that a competent communicator considers what the other person needs and expects when selecting messages to share.中的what the other person needs and expects可知使用expect的名词形式或该词的同义词。
  75. 答案为occurs / happens / exists / arises,根据第三段的主题句 Communication occurs almost every minute of your life.便知。 
  76. 答案为reading / understanding / knowing,根据Even if the other person did not intend a message for you. You gather observations and draw specific conclusions.中的you gather observations and draw specific conclusions便可概括。
  77. 答案为behaviors / acts / action(s) / activities,该答案源头句为We are continually picking up meanings from others’ behaviors and we are constantly providing behaviors that have communicative value for them.其中的有效信息即为behaviors,亦可使用其同义词。
  78. 答案为conveying / expressing ,根据and we are constantly providing behaviors that have communicative value for them.可概括出我们为别人提供有价值的交流行为即为“传递、表达”我们的意思。
  79. 答案为erase / remove / delete/change,该句 You cannot go back in time and erase your messages to others.可直接提供答案,亦可使用其同义词。
  80. 答案为can’t / cannot,根据同一栏中的上一个句子以及对最后一句话的理解便知。
1.一组课本习题的集中展示  (1)画出函数f(x)=x2+2x-1,x∈0,+∞-x2+2x-1,x∈(-∞,0)的图像,指出函数的单调区间,并求出函数的最大值或最小值;(普通高中课程标准实验教科书数学 必修1 苏教版 第43页)  (2)已知函数f(x)=x2-2x-1,试判断函数f(x)的奇偶性,并画出函数的图像;(普通高中课程标准实验教科书 数学 必修1 苏教版 第43页)
一、单项填空    1. —Have you ever been to a World Heritage?  —Yes. Last year my parents ____________me to Cathedral of Notre Dame (巴黎圣母院).  A. tookB. carried  C. broughtD. sentenced   2. The ruins of Yu
一、填空题:    1.在空间四边形ABCD各边上分别取E、F、G、H四点,如果EF和GH能相交于P点,那么P满足 .  ①点P必在直线AC上  ②点P必在直线BD上  ③点P必在平面ABC内  ④点P必在平面ABC外  2.α、β表示平面,l表示既不在α内也不在β内的直线,存在以下三个事实:①l⊥α;  ②l∥β;③α⊥β.若以其中两个为条件,另一个为结论,构成命题,其中正确命题的个数为 个. 
在高三复习中,大多数同学会接触到下面的问题:  已知x+y=1(x,y>0),求1x+1y的最小值  分析:这是一道考查基本不等式ab≤a+b2(a,b≥0)的应用的习题.  考试说明中对基本不等式的要求是C级,是历年高考重点考查的知识点之一,它的应用范围几乎涉及高中数学的所有章节,且常考常新,但是它在高考中不外乎是用在大小判断、求最值、求取值范围等问题上.  上面这道题的解法很多,其中最常见的解
在解答有关不等式的题目时,不等式的性质使用可谓环环相扣,只要有某一点照顾不到,就会使结果解答不完整甚至是大错特错,现将几点易错之处列举如下,以供同学们使用时参考.  易错点1 性质使用不当出错  典例1 如果1a0b2>a2,可知原式不成立.所以正确的不等式只有1个.  总结提炼:在使用不等式的性质进行推理论证时一定要准确,特别是在不等式两端同时乘以或除以一个数式、两个不等式相乘、一个不等式
在江苏省高考考试说明中,已经将一元二次不等式内容列为C级要求,而在高中数学中,一元二次不等式、一元二次函数与一元二次方程被统称为二次问题.本文就以近年的高考试题为例,谈谈解决二次问题的一般方法.  1.基本方法——直接求解,化归为求解方程法  例1 (2006年高考全国卷(Ⅱ)文科第21题)设a∈R,函数f(x)=ax2-2x-2a,若f(x)>0的解集为A,B={x|10时,A={x|
重点、难点分析    1. apply vi. 申请;请求 vt. 贴;敷;使 (法律等) 生效;应用;运用  apply (to sb.) (for sth.)  1) You’d better apply at once, in person or by letter. 你应该立即申请,亲自去也好,写信也好。  2) Many people apply to the company f
一、审题不清  1.如果不等式4x-x2>(a-1)x的解集为A,且A(0,1),那么实数a的取值范围是.  2.已知一个函数的解析式为y=x2,它的值域为[1,4],则这样的函数有个,请写出其中一个函数.  3.对于满足0≤p≤4的实数p,使x2+px>4x+p-3恒成立的x的取值范围是.  4.点A为周长等于3的圆周上的一个定点,若在该圆周上随机取一点B,则劣弧AB的长度小于1的概
一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,计70分.不需写出解答过程,请把答案写在答题纸的指定位置上.   1.已知全集U=Z,A={-1,0,1,2},B={x|x2=x},则A∩CUB等于 .  2.集合M={x|x=kπ2+14π,k∈Z},N={x|x=kπ4+12π,k∈Z},则M与N的关系是 .  3.函数y=x-32的定义域是 .  4.已知命题p:
一、文章结构    获取信息的最有效方法之一就是了解文章的结构,以便更加准确、快速地定位我们要找的信息。叙述文一般以讲述个人生活经历为主,对于经历的陈述通常由一定的时间概念贯穿其中,或顺序或倒序。这类文章的基本结构模式是:  1) 用一段概括性的话引入要叙述的经历(话题) (Beginning paragraph)  2) 叙述先前的经历(举例1)及其感悟或发现 (Body paragraph1)