Characterization of a Mutant of Alteromonas aurantia A18 and Its Application in Mariculture

来源 :Journal of Ocean University of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zn19861225
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Mutant J61321 with enhanced siderophore production of Alteromonas aurantia A18 was obtained after a series of chemical-physical mutageneses. It was found that the antibacterial activity against Vibrio anguillarum W-1 and siderophore produc- tion of the mutant were higher than those by the original strain A18 which had been used in mariculture. The results of the specific assay(Csáky and Arnow methods) of siderophore showed that the sidrophore with hydroxamate group was produced by mutant J61321 and the original strain A18, respectively, while the siderophore with catechol group was yielded by strain W-1 (Aibrio an- guillarum). Meanwhile, the siderophore yield, antibacterial activity and anti-chelator activity of strain J61321 were higher than those of its parent strain A18. Mutant J61321 with enhanced siderophore production of Alteromonas aurantia A18 was obtained after a series of chemical-physical mutageneses. It was found that the antibacterial activity against Vibrio anguillarum W-1 and siderophore produc tion of the mutant were higher than those by the original strain A18 which had been used in mariculture. The results of the specific assay (Csáky and Arnow methods) of siderophore showed that the srophile with hydroxamate group was produced by mutant J61321 and the original strain A18, respectively, while the siderophore with catechol group was yielded by strain W-1 (Aibrio an- guillarum). Meanwhile, the siderophore yield, antibacterial activity and anti-chelator activity of strain J61321 were higher than those of its parent strain A18.
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第一周 (二次根式的混合运算) 1.选择题 (1)下列各组代数式中,互为有理化因式的是( ) The first week (the mixed operation of secondary roots) 1. Multiple-choice ques
性功能障碍是指正常的性兴趣和性反应的持续削弱。一般来说 ,性功能障碍可能包括对性活动缺乏兴趣或缺乏快感 ,没有能力体验或控制性欲高潮 ,或者患有某种防碍顺利性交的生理
1.B.2.C. 3.因为5月8日与5月14日这两天每天答题个数都是68,而其余几天的答题个数各不相同,68是这组数据中出现次数最多的数,所以这组数据的众数是68. 又因为,把这组数据按