一、档案学基础理论研究的 重要学术活动及科研成果 四年来,中国档案学会、国家档案局、国家教委和一些高等院校,对档案学基础理论研究给予关注,做了许多工作,推动了档案学理论研究的新发展。 (一)中国档案学会组织的档案学术会议对档案学基础理论的研讨。 1984年12月,中国档案学会在南京召开了全国第二次档案学术讨论会。此次会议对档案学基础理论与档案事业史的研究给予应有的重视。在档案学基础理论分组会上,讨论了档案学的学科性质、学科体系、档案学基础理论研究范围、档案种类划分等理论课题,提出了不少有学术价值的新见解。在会后由中国档案学会编辑的《全国第二次学术讨论会论文选辑》中设了“档案学基础理论”、“中国档案史、
First, the basic theory of archival studies of important academic activities and scientific research achievements Four years, the Chinese Archives Association, the National Archives, the State Education Commission and some institutions of higher learning, pay attention to the basic theoretical research archives, did a lot of work and promoted the file New Development of Theoretical Studies. (A) China Archives Association archives academic conference on the basic theory of archival theory discussion. In December 1984, China Archives Society held the second national archives symposium in Nanjing. The meeting on the basic theory of archives and archives career history give due attention. At the grouping of basic theory of archives, this paper discussed the subject nature of archival science, the subject system, the scope of research on the basic theory of archival science and the classification of archives and put forward some new ideas with academic value. After the meeting, edited by the China Archives Society “National Second Symposium Proceedings,” set up a “basic theory of archives,” "History of Chinese archives,