在是中国业界,“短期英雄”不少。外面,“短期英雄”并不是中国企业家的专利,他们的国外同行们的“寿命”也越来越短。去看的一项统计表明,日本中小型企业能够维持10年的只有18.3%,运营超过20年的只有8.5%,而能够持续经营30年以上的则更少。为什么当今中外企业家遭失败的机率会如此之在?中国企业家与国外CEO的失败有哪些异同? 同是失败,涵义不同 《财富》杂志曾选择38位近10年来下台的大公司CEO们现身说法,讲述自己失败的故事,这些CEO们曾经是世界最著名公司的领导者.他们领导的公司包括通用汽车、IBM、AT&T、康柏。柯达等。他们都曾经是美国商业
In the Chinese industry, there are many “short-term heroes.” Outside, “short-term heroes” are not Chinese entrepreneurs’ patents. The “lifespan” of their foreign counterparts is getting shorter and shorter. A statistical review shows that Japanese SMEs can maintain only 18.3% for 10 years, and only 8.5% for operations for more than 20 years, while fewer are able to continue operating for more than 30 years. Why are the chances of Chinese and foreign entrepreneurs failing now? What are the similarities and differences between the failures of Chinese entrepreneurs and foreign CEOs? Same failures, different meanings? Fortune magazine selected 38 CEOs of big companies who have stepped down in the last 10 years. It tells the story of his failure. These CEOs were once the leaders of the world’s most famous companies. They led companies including General Motors, IBM, AT&T, and Compaq. Kodak et al. They were once American businesses.