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  【关键词】释意理论 口译研究 口译实践
  【Reference】The Interpretive Theory is one of the theories of interpreting study.It is useful to face the problem of the interpreting research by reviewing it.And it is helpful for the further study and practice of the interpreting theory.
  【Key words】the Interpretive Theory; interpreting study; practice of the interpreting theory
  The Interpretive Theory is one of the theoretical research of interpretation.It is the process of understanding of the sense of the source language text/discourse, “deverbalizing its linguistic form” and expressing the sense and the feeling in the target language.(Lederer 2003:1)[5]Deverbalization is the core of the translation process and is also the core concept of the Interpretive Theory.
  1.Inception and Development of the Interpretive Theory
  1.1 Inception of the Interpretive Theory.According to Xiao Xiaoyan (肖晓燕2002)[17], theoretical research on interpretation in western countries could be divided into four stages:a) Pre-research Period (1950s- the early period of the 1960s); b) Experimental Psychology Period (1960s-the early period of the 1970s); c) Practitioners’ Period (from the early period of the 1970s to the mid-term of the 1980s); d) Renewal Period (since the end of the 1980s).The first two research stages could not be called interpretation research formally because at that time researchers had no good method to guide their research.Furthermore, their research did not touch the key problem of interpretation.Later Seleskovitch and Lederer began to incorporate the findings from conference interpretation into Embodied Philosophy and personal experience, drawing greatly upon cognitive sciences and other disciplines.After more than ten years’ research, a set of theory which was later known as the Interpretive Theory was established.(龔龙生 2008)[11]
  1.2 Development of the Interpretive Theory.In 1968 Professor Seleskovitch published her monograph Interpreting for International Conference:Problems of Language and Communication, later translated into English by Stephanie Dailey and Eric.Norman McMillan in 1978.This marks the birth of the Interpretive Theory and the preparation for the further development of the theory.(刘和平 2001b)[14].
  In 1984 Seleskovitch and Professor Lederer co-published the book entitled Interpreter pour Traduire1, marking the establishment of the Interpretative Theory.(龚龙生2008)[11]   In 1994, Lederer published The Interpretive Model2, later translated into English by Ninon Larche in 2003.That marked the perfection of the Interpretive Theory.(龚龙生2008)[11]
  The three books mark the process of the foundation of the Interpretive Theory.The Interpretive Theory plays the important role in Chinese and international interpretation research.The following is the brief introduction to the concepts of the Interpretive Theory.
  2 Concepts of the Interpretive Theory
  Here it is necessary to discuss three groups of key concepts of the Interpretive Theory—a) Translation through Interpretation; b) Translation Process with Deverbalization as its core; c) Sense, Units of Sense, Cognitive Inputs.(王斌华 2008)[16]
  2.1 Translation through Interpretation.The interpretive translation is not the transcoding between two languages.It means to translate or interpret the meaning of the source language text into the target language one completely and accurately.But how could it be done? What is the translation process? The other two groups of concepts should be introduced.
  2.2 Translation Process with Deverbalization as its Core
  2.2.1 Translation Process.In her monograph (Selekscovitch 1978:9)[6], Professor Selekscovitch mentioned three stages of the translation process which are understanding senses and feeling emotions of the source language text, “deverbalizing its linguistic form” and re-expressing its ideas and emotions in the target language.(Lederer 2003:1)[5]And the Paris School imagined this process to be a triangle.
  In 1984, Professor Seleskovitch and Professor Lederer proposed “the triangular model of interpretation”3 (Selekovitch
为了提高英语四级的通过率,探寻有效的四级培训模式是本实证研究的目的。结合移动学习和英语辅导班双管齐下,能有效提高学生的学习兴趣和学习效果。 In order to improve th
【摘要】我国的英语教育在不断地发展,教育方法也在不断地改革和完善。本文通过对思维导图的概念进行解析,进而阐述其在高中英语教学中的重要意义,最后描述其在高中英语教学中的具体应用。以期对未来的教学提供有效参考。  【关键词】思维导图 高中英语教学 应用  在学生的英语学习上,高中英语学习是其英语素质培养最为关键的时期,应当注重其在英语上的综合培养。然而在传统的教学模式当中,教学方法陈旧,不符合学生的学
【摘要】英语作为当今世界使用最广泛的语言,其丰富的词汇、包罗万象的语言与其演化过程中广泛吸收的外来语言和文化密切相关。而在众多外来语中,法语对英语的影响无疑是最大的。本文从历史文化角度分析了英语与法语的历史渊源,并通过对英语中不同类别的法语词源的分析以期帮助英语学习者更好的理解和掌握英语单词。  【关键词】英语词源 法语 诺曼底征服  英语包含极其丰富的外来词,其词源中仅有不足百分之四十的词汇来自
【摘要】中国学生英语写作中所存在的大量的中式英语阻碍了他们写作能力的提高,造成了教师理解上的困惑,揣摩学生的表达心思成为教师的一大难题。通过分析学生写作中常见的中式英语及,提高学生英语意识,进而减少学生写作中的中式英语。  【关键词】英语写作  英语写作是学生学习语言综合技能的体现,是学生在综合吸收所学语言知识、语言技能等的综合运用过程,是检查学生语言基础和表达能力的行之有效的方法。但是,中国学生
【摘要】当前随着全球化的深入发展,英语作为一门国际通用语言被用到了越来越多的地方。与此同时,人们在使用英语的时候面临越来越多的跨文化交流,因此跨文化教育就成为大学英语教程中必不可少的一门课程。然而我国当前在大学英语中的跨文化教育还存在许多问题,研究体系也不成熟。本文主要从高校英语教学中跨文化教育入手,分析其必要性和现状,从而找出高校英语教学跨文化教育的策略。  【关键词】英语教学 跨文化教育 策略
【摘要】本文以天津外国语大学为例,从实体空间、虚拟空间和支持服务等方面对用户需求进行调查分析,为外语类院校的图书馆学习共享空间构建提出相关建议,为外语类院校图书馆建设提供参考依据。  【关键词】信息共享空间 学习共享空间 高校图书馆  上世纪九十年代,世界各大图书馆开始建立信息共享空间(Information Commons,简称IC),其核心思想是建立以用户为中心的“一站式”服务、资源整合型图书
Utterance understanding is a two-way activity which includes the generation and reception of information,in the process of utterance understanding,cognitive con
摘要:课堂是学生接受知识、教学相长的主阵地。课堂教学只有在科学的教学模式下采用灵活的教学手段和先进的现代技术不断激发学生学习的兴趣,才能达到或超出预期的教学效果。新课改为我们指明了课堂教学的方向,但具体在课堂教学中,不同教师还是存在不同的方法和思维,下面谈谈本人课堂教学中的几点体会。  关键词:新课程 ;生物 ;课堂教学  一、转变理念是进行课堂教学的关键  首先,教师必须由教材传递和接受的过程向
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