今年四月初,第二次到青岛旅游,开始并未抱有太多憧憬——201 3年七月中旬时,我曾到过青岛,时值浒苔大爆发:松软滑腻,散发腥臭的浒苔与海水、沙滩、岩石以及游人无处不在的纠缠在一起,这就是对青岛海滨的第一印象(图1,图2),较少于是有机会接触大海的我认为,青岛一年四季即是如此了。四月初的青岛,海风强劲,由于温度低湿度大,早晚体感比北京要寒冷许多。这样的气氛下,空气中也有了几分清澈甘冽的滋味,与夏天海边的潮热腥湿十分不同,因而渐渐让人多了期待。
In early April this year, the second trip to Qingdao, did not start with too much vision - in mid-July 2013, I have been to Qingdao, when the outbreak of Enteromorpha: soft and creamy, distributed stench Enteromorpha This is the first impression of Qingdao’s waterfront (Fig. 1, Fig. 2), and there is less chance of contact with the sea. In my opinion, all the year round in Qingdao That’s it. In early April, Qingdao enjoyed a strong sea breeze. Due to its high temperature and low humidity, it felt much cooler than Beijing sooner or later. This atmosphere, the air also has a somewhat clear and sweet taste, and the hot summer sea fishy wet very different, and thus gradually more people look forward to.