Online learning

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  摘要:Because of the epidemic during this long winter vacation,most of the students have learned online to stay on track with our study.However,teachers, parents and students have different attitudes towards online learning.There is no denying that the advantages of online
  learning are as obvious as disadvantages
  關键词:Online learning;benefits and drawbacks;a new teaching mode
  侧重点:online learning is considered as a new way of learning, which combines advantages and disadvantages,bringing both challenges and opportunities to our students.
  As the development of technology moves the wheel of history forward,people nowadays have more choices than ever before. During this super long winter holiday, when the coronavirus strikes,school learning has been put online, where students began a new way of interacting with teachers and acquiring knowledge. Many online learning applications have come in handy. One case in point is Dingding, which serves as an online learning platform for students to enroll in distance-education courses. Both students and teachers do in some way benefit from it.
  Compared with conventional way of learning, the online learning system, which is not limited to time and space, enables students to personalize their study, as they can not only make their own schedule according to their own pace but also turn to teachers for a solution to their problems which they are reluctant to ask for in school. This is especially beneficial to those self-disciplined, who can guarantee attendance and concentration and therefore make use of the online resources and services to the largest extent.
  As for teachers, the benefits range from being kept informed of the students’ attendance to assessing students’ learning efficiency with the help of the online test. This makes it possible for teachers to make timely adjustments to their teaching.
  However, online learning has its drawbacks. Many students complain that long screen-time contributes to poor eyesight and other health problems. While students have easy access online educational resources, taking courses online requires good time management skills, self-discipline and strong motivation, without which students will be easily distracted or don’t their homework seriously. As time goes by, it is inevitable that a growing gap between the students will appear.
  This, in turn, adds to the teachers’ difficulty in balancing students’ need when they return to school. Besides, grading homework online is also a great suffering for teachers, as their eyes are almost glued to the small cell-phone screen so as to make out the students’ handwriting.   It is an invariable truth that new things will gradually replace the old,so we are supposed to embrace online learning and take advantage of it as effectively as possible. Actually, it is our attitude that counts. As American author John C. Maxwell once said, "Success doesn't just happen. You have to be intentional about it, and that takes discipline." To successfully learn online, we must take some action. First, we are supposed to apply ourselves to studying online and actively participate in classroom interaction so as to improve the learning efficiency in class. Second,Keeping in mind what we hope to complete will help us make a goal. A to-do list is useful to prioritize our study plan and to stay on track with our study. Besides,taking notes is also a good way to keep focused. When you find your mind wandering, take a short break. It is better to wait until you're able to start afresh rather than waste your time trying to focus.
  Indeed, much more attention should be paid to online learning. I hope each one of us can take advantage of it and make progress every day.
  [1]Liu Cheng. Research on the influence of information technology on senior high school students' learning [G].High school students study2018(02)
  [2]Yang Yang, Shi Hongbo, wish the mountains and rivers are safe and the world is safe[G].Senior high school students 2018 (03)
摘要:重大疫情给教育教学造成了巨大的挑战和问题,同时也给基础教育改革带来了新机遇。后疫情时代,“互联网+”背景下,未来基础教育将会继续采用网课期间形成的经验,将其运用到教学工作之中,在教学内容、教学方式、评价形式等各个方面自我突围,形成一种“双线混融”的崭新样态。  关键词:后疫情时代;基础教育改革;“双线混融”  伴随疫情逐渐得以控制,学生也告别网课,迎来了学校复学,实现了从线下到线上教学的过渡
摘要:在新时期发展背景下,随着学前教育改革的不断深入,关注幼儿体验感受、突出幼儿社会性与个性化发展,已经成为幼儿教育主要发展趋势。幼儿园中活动区域顺应了改革要求,为此需要幼儿园进行积极探索,制定有效活动策略,促进活动顺利进行。文章先分析了幼儿园的活动区现状,随后结合幼儿园活动区中的实际问题,提出针对性解决策略,希望能给相关人士提供有效参考。  关键词:幼儿园;活动区;空间布局  一、幼儿园活动区的
物理比其他学科难学,这是初中生普遍反映的问题,究其原因除了与学科本身的特点有关外,还与学生学习物理时思维障碍有关。学生在学习物理时思维障碍的表现是多方面的,下面谈谈初中生在学习物理过程中的常见思维障碍。  一、“经验型”障碍  由于物理学与日常生活和生产关系密切,学生在学习物理以前,已从日常生活中积累了一些错误的物理“经验”。这种生活经验由来已久,给学生学习物理知识带来一定的障碍。在初中阶段学生物
摘要:孩子是这个世界的希望,也是国家发展未来的主力。在人的一生中,幼儿时代的教育对人的一生有非常重要的影响,因此幼儿园班主任呵护陪伴孩子成长,让孩子们能够拥有一个美好的童年的同时学到对于日后成长生活非常重要的思想和行为模式,是各国教育领域都普遍关注的话题。本研究从幼师的职责入手,阐述在新的背景下幼儿园班主任管理工作艺术。  关键词:幼儿园;管理艺术;新时期  有研究表明,一个人幼儿时期所受到的教育
摘要:2020年3月,中共中央、国务院发表了《关于全面加强新时代大中小学劳动教育的意见》,对加强劳动教育进行了全面部署。劳动教育仍是我国教育中的一块短板,全面开展中小学劳动教育已经势在必行。本研究将在阐述新时代劳动教育的内涵和我国中小学劳动教育实施现状的基础上,研究开展新时代中小学劳动教育的意义和途径。  关键词:新时代;中小学;劳动教育  一、新时代劳动教育的内涵  劳动教育包括劳动观点、劳动态
摘要:小学班主任在工作的开展中,需要了解学生的性格喜好,分析班级管理的制度要求与学校方面的指标,兼顾学生的成绩分析与学生的生活引导,从多个视角帮助学生健康成长,促使学生积极进步。班主任的工作量较大,且需要在学校里、在家庭中为学生提供帮助,在复杂且高强度的工作模式下,就凸显出很多的管理不足,班主任应不断的反思自我,只有将存在的问题弱化、消除,才能够探寻合适的班主任工作对策,而服务于本班的学生。  关