近年来,湖北省枣阳市第一人民医院围绕行风建设这个重点,切实抓好共产党员的教育与管理工作,通过发挥共产党员的先锋模范作用带动了群众积极紧跟效仿,使全院行风建设取得显著成效,受到社会广泛好评。一、切实抓好共产党员教育管理工作 1、突出重点,注重引导,始终保持共产党员的先进性。一是突出党员干部这个重点。坚持医院党委中心小组学习制度,并联系实际解决1-2个重点问题,进一步密切同群众的关系。二是突出青年党员这个重点,提高政治素质和党性修养。主要是进行专题培训和开展主题教育,引导他们精读有关原著,学习共产党员标准,开展新时期共产党员形象的
In recent years, the First People’s Hospital of Zaoyang City, Hubei Province, focused on the building of the business ethics, earnestly grasp the education and management of party members, by playing a vanguard and exemplary role of communists led the masses to follow closely follow suit, Wind construction achieved remarkable results, widely acclaimed by society. First, earnestly grasp the education and management of Communist Party members 1, focus, focus on guidance, and always maintain the advanced nature of party members. First, highlight the party members and cadres of this focus. Adhere to the hospital party committee center group learning system, and contact the actual solution to 1-2 key issues, to further close relations with the masses. The second is to highlight the focus of youth party members and improve their political qualities and their party spirit. Mainly for special training and thematic education, guide them to intensively read the original, study the standards of party members, to carry out the image of communists in the new era