CT arterial portography and CT hepatic arteriography in detection of micro liver cancer

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:davidrandy
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AIM To recognize the characteristic findings of micrQliver cancer (MLC) and to evaluate the effect of CT arterial portography (CTAP) and CT hepatic arteriography (CTHA) in diagnosis of MLC. METHODS Between April 1996 to December 1998, CTAP and CTHA were performed in 12patients with MLC, which were not detect ed byconventional CT examinations. After CTHA, 3 mL-- 5 mL mixture of lipiodol, doxorubic in andmitomycin C were injected into hepatic arterythrough the catheter, and then followed up by CTthree or four weeks later (Lipiodol CT LP-CT).RESULTS A total of 22 micro--tumors (0 .2 cm 0.6 cm in diameter ) were detected in 12patients, which manifested as small perfusiondefects in CTAP and small round enhancement inCTHA. The rate of detectability of CTAP andCTHA was 68.2% (15/ 22) and 77.3% (17/ 22)respectively, and the rate of the simultaneoususe of both procedures reached 86. 4% (19/ 22 ).All micro--tumors were demonstrated as punctatelipiodol deposit fool in LP--CT. After LP--CT, theelevated serum level of Q-fetoprotein (AFP)dropped to the normal level in all patients.CONCLUSION The CTAP and CTHA are the mostsensitive imaging methods for detecting microIiver cancer. Confirmed by the change of theelevated serum AFP level and lipiodol depositfool in LP-CT, small perfusion defects in CTAPand punctate enhancement in CTHA may suggestmicro--liver cancer. AIM To recognize the characteristic findings of micrQliver cancer (MLC) and to evaluate the effect of CT arterial portography (CTAP) and CT hepatic arteriography (CTHA) in diagnosis of MLC. METHODS Between April 1996 and December 1998, CTAP and CTHA were performed in 12 patients with MLC, which were not detect ed by conventional CT examinations. After CTHA, 3 mL - 5 mL mixture of lipiodol, doxorubic in andmitomycin C were injected into hepatic artery through the catheter, and then up by CTthree or four weeks later (Lipiodol CT LP-CT) .RESULTS A total of 22 micro - tumors (0.2cm 0.6cm in diameter) were detected in 12patients, which manifested as small perfusiondefects in CTAP and small round enhancement inCTHA. The rate of detectability of CTAP andCTHA were 68.2% (15/22) and 77.3% (17/22) respectively, and the rate of the simultaneous use of both procedures reached 86. 4% (19/22). All micro - tumors were demonstrated as punctate lipiodol deposit fool in LP - CT. After LP - CT, theele vated serum level of Q-fetoprotein (AFP) dropped to the normal level in all patients. CONCLUSION The CTAP and CTHA are the most sensitive imaging methods for detecting microIiver cancer. Confirmed by the change of the elevated serum AFP level and lipiodol deposit in LP-CT , small perfusion defects in CTAP and punctate enhancement in CTHA may suggestmicro - liver cancer.
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