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  我们踏着柔软草地,躬身前行,一步步,到达封土堆。兴德王陵状若馒头,圆形,以石为基,有围栏。护石围绕一周,雕刻着牛、虎、蛇、猴、兔等十二支神像,虽经受1200年风风雨雨,但依然栩栩如生,憨态可掬,仿佛沧桑岁月没有在它们的心灵中留下任何痕迹。这些可爱的神灵与翁仲石像、松树、鸟鹊、白云、阳光一起,默默陪伴兴德王及王妃章合夫人,不舍昼夜。据说,兴德王登基后第一年,王妃与世长辞,兴德王悲痛不已。11年后,他辞世后与章合夫人合葬。另据《三国遗事》记载,兴德王曾养过一对鸳鸯,母鸳鸯因病死去。兴德王将镜子放入鸟笼,希望它借己形象忆“亡妻”。公鸳鸯却误以为镜中影像是母鸳鸯,拼命叩啄,最终死亡。这段悲情故事让人动容。   正惬意享受王陵区的恬淡幽静,忽然,一头小鹿从左边松林中跃出,蹦蹦跳跳,跑过山地草坪,进入右边松林。
  圣德王当政时实行“读书出身科制度”选用人才,很有作为。圣德王驾崩下葬,地下有水,棺材只好挂着,因此王陵又称 “挂陵”。挂陵,规模大于兴德王,中间的松软草地带延展到陵墓封土处,两边是松林、华表石、文武翁仲像、石狮子等。陵墓封土外面石上依然是十二支神像,护卫一周。十二支(地支)是记录时间和方位的神灵,在统一新罗时期由中国传入,最初以土偶陪葬品形式出现,此后慢慢演变为陵墓的守护神,也是佛塔、浮屠、石灯等佛教艺术中阳面雕刻的主要内容。
  考古馆展出的文物把庆州历史上溯到54~56万年以前的石器时代。最具代表性的是蔚山细竹里贝塚、庆州隍城洞、庆州下西里和蔚珍厚浦里遗迹,出土了用岩石、鹰翅骨加工而成的鱼叉,以及陶器、石器、饰物、岩画等,还有青铜器、铁器、项链等文物。它们延续了古老的历史文化,并且随着人类文明长河的波浪不断向前推进,公元前57年,新罗建国。以后,又陆续兼并伽倻、百济和高句丽等国,完成统一大业,进入全面繁荣期。中国崇尚玉,而新罗推崇黄金,素有“黄金之国”美称。天马冢、98号古墓出土的新罗金皇冠、金制冠帽、蝴蝶状冠饰物、腰带等金器体现了新罗人的非凡智慧和卓越技艺。与胸饰、项链、垂饰搭配的饰品中,常常可见一种造型像鱼的弯钩形状物件,韩国民间称作“曲鱼” 、“曲玉”,学术界则叫“勾玉”。
  展品中,除十二支神面石像,还有以其为表现题材的青铜秤砣、蜡石像、石雕像、泥塑像、青铜像等,都是人身“支”首,有的精巧华丽,有的细节逼真,有的神情生动,有的简洁朴拙,从不同角度折射出古代新罗人的审美情趣和生活态度。   佛教美术厅,不管是形制独特的砖石塔、土塔、舍利供养容器,还是绿松石、玛瑙、玻璃珠、水晶石、玉珠、海螺、金银器之类供养品,抑或用汉文书写的塔志碑,都呈现出韩民族文化的包容性和佛教艺术的繁盛。三国时期的新罗屋瓦也独具特色,有莲花纹、宝相花纹、唐草纹、人面纹、迦陵频加纹、麒麟纹、龙纹等。莲花纹在表现形式和雕刻手法上各不相同。庆州灵庙寺遗址出土的人面纹表情安静,面带微笑,使人联想到希腊、罗马的健美雕塑。迦陵频加纹则一点都不陌生,是敦煌壁画中的常见题材。
  In late October 2013, invited by South Korea?North Gyeongsang, I had the pleasure to investigate the old Silla and attended the “Ocean Silk Road International Academic Conference”, which was sponsored by North Gyeongsang and North Gyeongsang Times, undertaken by South Korea Marine Science and Technology Institute and jointly held by South Korea Marine Consortium, South Korea Maritime University and the government of Gyeongju city.   In order to develop Silk Road culture, a special institution named Korea Silk Road Project was established in South Korea North Gyeongsang with Mr. Jin Nanyi as its manager. I met Mr. Jin in International Academic Conference of Dunhuang and Silk Road sponsored by Lanzhou University in July, 2013. This time we were pleased to meet again in Silla and after the simple greetings, he introduced the main achievements and future plans of KoreaSouth Silk Road items passionately. The eminent achievements in 2013 are the two batches of expeditions. The first batch of expedition consisted of 76 people who had traveled 5000 kilometers from Gyeongju to Xi’an, from 21st March to 4th April. The second batch of expedition consisted of 24 people who had traveled 16,000 kilometers from Xi’an to Istanbul, from 17th July to 31st August. Both of the expeditions had traveled for two months through China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz, Uzbek, Turkmen, Iran and Turkey and they had completed the journey of the Land Silk Road full of passion. They will hold “Ocean Silk Road Global March” in 2014 and “The International Academic Conference of Ocean Silk Road” will be held, in which discussions will be made from the academic, scientific and security aspects.
  After supper, I embraced the invitation from Sun Wenzhi and chatted in a café. Mr. Sun was a gentleman who was fond of cultures and whose speech and manners were full of cultural atmosphere. About 100 meters on the opposite of the café, there surprisingly stood a huge and dignified Mausoleum surrounded by several ancient trees which have experienced thousand years’ winds and rains. Mr. Sun showed the heritage photos on his cell phone and told me that the structure and form of such tomb are similar to the Scythians’. In Chinese Historical Records and The Book of Former Han, it is recorded that the Scythians is called the Sakas, the Hat Sai or the Sakya people, who was good at horse keeping. The Scythians originated from Eastern Iran belonging to the Indo-European language family and lived in the southern Russian steppe. It was the recorded oldest nomadic ethic, whose nomadic region extended from the eastern Russia to Mongolia and Erdos desert.
  In the long history, what is the relationship between the Scythians and the ancestors of Silla?
  Mr. Sun and I were talking much and deeply and our thoughts were strolling in the history and culture of Silla.
  I said emotionally, “It is the first time that I have enjoyed coffee in a place which is so near to the ancient relic.”   “Not near”, Mr. Sun smiled, “It is the center of culture that you are in.”
  Ancient but Fresh Culture of Silla
  On 29th Oct, Mr. Sun guided me to investigate the relics of Gyeongju culture.
  He was enthusiastic, optimistic and a great talker to introduce the history and culture of Silla incessantly. It seemed that he wanted to present each fragment of culture in this ancient place without reservation.
  Gyeongju city, the origin place of Silla culture, lies in the center part of the south-east Gyeongju Basin of South Korea North Gyeongsang. This place is surrounded by mountains, with Meiji Mountain in the east, Yunv Mount and Xiantao Mount in the west, Gold Dragon-Turtle Mountain in the south and Kumgang Mountain in the north. Besides, it is an interchange of three rivers named Xi Chuan, Nan Chuan and Bei Chuan, which makes it a splendid and grand city.In 57 BC, the ancient King of Silla built the capital city here, and as a capital the city lasted prosperously for near one thousand years, during which it experienced the Three Kingdoms stage and the union of the whole Korea by Silla, till it was destroyed by Koryo in 923 BC. In History of the Three Kingdoms, it was recorded that the capital city of Silla was modeled on Chang’an City in Tang Dynasty. During its most prosperous time, the population of it was over a million, which was nine times the population of Gyeongju city. Gyeongju is known as “a culture museum without enclosure”, because it is a place where the historical, cultural, and artistic relics are most plentiful in South Korea and Korean Peninsular. Here, the relics scatter all over the place both in urban and rural areas, including more than 50 Royal Tombs, such as the outer city(Yamashiro) built in Silla times, the palace(Gyeongiu Wdseong), the Mang etsu-ji built by the fifth Dancing King of Silla, the royal detached palace where the game of floating wine had been held, one of the earliest Asian stone-built observatories, the Water Lake Jujube Wild Geese and Ducks Pool built by Munmu of Silla, and the Three Body Buddha which were built under the influence of Chinese Sui Dynasty. Besides, there are also numerous relics such as Bunhwangsa Pagoda, the ruins of Royal Dragon Temple, the tomb of General Kimyu Xin, Liang Dong village, Buddhist Temple, Cave Temple, Gyeerim, Rock-glacial Creep and other precious relics which can not be viewed totally within a short time.
  Mr. Sun chose the most reasonable route to let me see more cultural sites.   The first is the Tomp of King Heungdeok, which is located in a village six kilometers away across the river of Gyeongju city. Our car was running in natural “oxygen bar”, and the travel was not boring at all. The autumn leaves on the mountains are gorgeous and intoxicating. Some magpies flied leisurely on both sides of the road, singing and dancing, sounding the same as those in Lanzhou, Baiyin, Gulang, Minqin and other places, no language barriers were felt.
  Pointing to the signs, Mr. Sun said: “This sign marks the road leading to Liangdong village, the hometown of Li Yandi.”
  Li Yandi is a philosopher in ancient Korea and an admirer of Zhu Xi. In 1530, being an official crowded out, Li Yandi lived in seclusion for seven years in Gyeongju, studying Neo-Confucianism. In 1537, he returned to official circles, and ten years later, he was exiled again until death. Li Yandi wrote 13 volumes of Hui Study Records, and many famous philosophy books.
  I felt shamed that I did not know that Neo-Confucianism had been spread into Korea, and its influence had been so great.
  Passing through some quiet fields, we arrived at the Tomp of King Heungdeok. It is clear, sunny, and foggy mountains far away and the quiet woods nearby add a solemn atmosphere to the tomb. On the gentle slopes, the pine forest is green and exuberant, smelling pure and fresh. We looked at the tomb with reverence. At the end of the pine forest, there was the Tomp of King Heungdeok. The way to the tomb is full of green, and the pine trees on both sides are definitely tidy. Standing in front of the tomb are two pairs of Whenzhong, one pair are civil ones and the other pair are military ones, who are tall with burly, majestic looks, large eyes, broad face, and mustache looks like the western people. I guess its prototype is Sogdian. Mr Sun said that some central Asian tourists also considered these officials have the features of their ancestors. King Heungdeok, who had an open mind and thought, let foreign military commanders guard his tomb. It is this spirit and temperament that can promote material and culture communication. It is said that Chinese tea is also introduced into the country when King Heungdeok was in power.
  Because of the reverence for King Heungdeok, we lingered around Whenzhong, evaluating the statues. Wengzhong, originally referred to the stone statues of Huns, was a real historical figure named Ruan Wenzhong. He was a very intrepid general guarding Lintao. After his death, the First Emperor of Qin Dynasty built a bronze statue of him and put it outside the gate of Xianyang Palace, called “Gold Warriors”, “Bronze Warriors”, Jindi”, “Changdi”, and “Xiadi”. Since then, the warriors standing before the palace, temple, and tomb were called Wengzhong. Later, only the stone statures of officials standing before tombs were so called. From Huns to Qin Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, and then Silla, WengZhong statue is clearly a way of cultural communication passing through history and crossing nations.   We walked on the soft grass, bending forward, step by step, and reached the mound. The tomb of King Heungdeok looks like a mantou, with stone as base and a fence. On the protecting stones were carved the statues of twelve animals such as ox, tiger, snake, monkey, and rabbit. Although they have experienced 1200 years’ ups and downs, they are still lifelike and charmingly naive, as if the time did not leave any imprints in their mind. These adorable deities and Wengzhong statues, pine trees, birds, magpies, white clouds and sun, all of them silently accompanied King Heungdeok and his rani day and night. It is said that the rani died in the first year after King Heungdeok got the power, and the king was in a deep grief. 11 years later, after his death, he was buried together with his rani. According to The Three Kingdoms, King Heungdeok once raised a pair of mandarin ducks, of which the female one died of illness. King Heungdeok put a mirror in the cage for the husband to mourn his wife. However,the male mandarin duck mistakenly assumed that the mirror image was the female one, so he desperately pecked the mirror, and eventually he himself died. This story is very sad and affecting。
  When I was enjoying the quietness and comfortableness of the tomb area, suddenly, a fawn jumped out from the left of the pine forest, ran through mountainous lawn to the pine forest on the right.
  After the visit to the Tomb of King Heungdeok, we arrived at the Museum of Dongguk University, which was firstly built by the Buddhist monks and had a history of 100 years. Its headquarters was in Seoul, and the one in Gyeongju was its branch school. The students in this university have to take courses of Buddhism.
  Mr Li Dongxian, the director of the museum greeted us. Entering the door, with the windows of old culture opened up one by one in a city center of highly developed modern civilization, we enjoyed Oriental cultural feast that ancient Silla people created in Gyeongju. All kinds of figures of Buddha on Duck-shaped earthenware, bone pots, clay image, lotus-pattern eaves tiles, ghost face tiles, tower-like brick and flat eaves tiles, every object has a long history, and every form has a beautiful, vivid, and culturally mixed story. I deeply felt that, for the rich art and thoughts, even if words can carry as bixi, can write history magnificently, they cannot carry all the thoughts or describe the details of arts.
  It is surprising that South Korea had such a glorious ancient culture and art. I was amazed when browsing, and browsed with amazement. When he found that I was intoxicated,Mr. Sun showed national pride spontaneously on his whole body. His love for culture is not less than any Chinese scholar.   After visiting the museum, we went to the nearby restaurant to have a nap. On both sides of the restaurant’s door, there was a Chinese couplet. Its interior furnished simply, and was full of vitality. A piece of smiling-face sculpture, a string of red and green peppers, unknown dried flowers and Chinese calligraphy “Long” were randomly arranged. The guests come and go endlessly. Most of the dishes are kimchi of South Korean, and the staple food is a big bowl of noodles. Before then, I thought that the bowl of Lanzhou beef noodles is dominating the world. However, this bowl is like a small basin, and it is not appropriate to be called as a bowl.
  After finishing the meal, we said goodbye to Mr. Li Dongxian, and then hurried for the tomb King Shengde, which is located in the south of Gyeongju. On both sides of the road, the nearby view is farmland, and the distant view is mountains covered with gorgeous autumn clothing, views full of poetry, Buddhism, and past times, only the traces of urbanization removed neatly.
  The host of the tomb of King Shengde is the 38th King---Jin Jingxin (785 ~ 798) in Silla. In Silla, most of kings’ surname is Kim since the 13th king. It is said that the ancestor of Kim in Gyeongju was born in Gyerim. People say that one day Hogong heard a cock crowing in a piece of woods and when he approached it, he saw a golden box hanging on the branches. He immediately reported the news to the emperor and the emperor found a child with surname Kim was in the box. He then named him Kim Alji, and the wood was correspondingly called Gyerim. Gyerim was an important place for later dynasties and now it is a tourist attraction.
  When King Shengde was in power, he implemented a special policy to select talents. When he died, there was water in the tomb, and the coffin had to be hanged, so the tomb is also called “Hanging Tomb”, whose scale is greater than the tomb of Xingde King. The soft grass in the middle extends to the gate of the tomb, and on both sides there are pines, Huabiao stone, civil and military Wengzhong statues, stone lions, etc. On the stone outside the gate, there are still twelve gods, escorting around the tomb. The twelve gods, introduced from China in the period of uniting Silla, record time and orientation, and at first they were made of clay and buried in tombs, and then slowly became the patron saint of the tomb. It is also the main content of carving on sunny side of pagoda, stone lamp and other Buddhist art.   The square tomb, adjacent to the tomb of King Shengde , is located in the west of Dade Mountain. The master of the tomb has not been proven. It is very close to the tomb of Shengde King, and maybe that he was an outstanding civil servant or military commander who was allowed to be buried near the king.
  The National Gyeongju Museum
  National Gyeongju Museum,consisting of archaeological museum, art museum, the wild goose duck pool pavilion and outdoor exhibition hall, is the second high-level museum in Korea only inferior to the National Seoul Museum. The museum adjoins to the Royal Tomb Group, the Observatory, and Gyeongju Moon City. It was set up in 1945 as a branch of the South Korea’s National Museum and in 1975 it became the National Gyeongju Museum. It mainly displayed all kinds of cultural heritage from prehistoric times, ancient Silla, Kaya cultural circle to the era of uniting Silla.
  When we arrived, many primary and middle school students in Gyeongju were studying in the front of the stone statues guided by their teachers. The students were naive, laughing and saying, adding a lot of vitality to the heavy and rich atmosphere of history.
  Our first visiting aim was the bell of King Shengde . The bell was made of bronze, 3.36 meters high, and it weighs 23 tons. It was said that, when the bell was casted, a nine year old girl died as sacrifice, and when the bell was finished, it sounded like Amy, similar to the sound of “Mum” in Korean, so the bell was named as Amy bell. On the outside of the bell, there are the statues of Fly Apsaras and inscriptions, and the appearance and structure of the Fly Apsaras are almost the same as those in Dunhuang Cave, while the obvious different part is their gestures: the Apsaras in Duhuang are dancing freely while those in Korea are kneeling,which indicates that Sengde King’s desire for going to the Elysian Fields was so strong and sincere.
  During the visit, Zheng Shouyi, a cultural scholar, representative of South Korean Cultural Exchanging Institute, and professor of Korea Dankook University went for an inspection in Gyeongju from Seoul. Professor Zheng has lived in China for more than 30 years, and understands Chinese, so it was very convenient for our communication. We had a happy visit and made timely discussions.
  The cultural exhibitions that the archaeological museum exhibit can trace the history of Gyeongju back to the Stone Age of 5.4 to 5.6 ten thousand years ago. There are many representative relics there, which continue the ancient history and culture, and move forward with the waves of the long river of human civilization. In 57 BC, Silla was established, gradually merger some small kingdoms, and then it walked into the boom period in an all-round way. Chinese advocates jade,while Silla people worships gold, and so Silla is known as the “golden state”. The golden crown, golden crown cap, butterfly-shape accessories and waistbands, unearthed from No.98 Ancient Tomb, embody the extraordinary wisdom and excellent skills of Silla people. Among the ornaments that matched with the plastrons, necklaces and pendants, there is a kind of fishlike hook-shaped objects that are called“Crooked fish”,“Crooked jade” or “Hook jade” in South Korea.   Gold vessels, Glass lamps and Hook jades unearthed from Cheonmachong seem to tell us a historical story about the communication between the Maritime Silk Road and the whole world.
  According to the introduction of Professor Zheng Shouyi, there are a lot of archaeological sites displaying the frequent communication via sea route between the Korean peninsula and the south sea coast, including some living linguistic fossils. About one hundred years ago, American missionary Homer Herbert raised the issues. However, his issues did not attract the attention of academic fields. Shortly before, Professor Zheng and other scholars went to the southern India and Sri Lanka, and they found that there are more than 500 Korean and Tamil words bearing the same pronunciation and meaning, which is by no means an incidental coincidence.
  Among these exhibits, besides the twelve earthly branches stone statues, there are many bronze weights, wax stone statues, stone statues, clay sculptures, bronze statues, and all the statues have an animal head as Chinese shuxiang. Some statues are delicate or luxuriant, some simple or vivid, some simple and concise, which all express the ancient Silla people’s aesthetic tastes and the attitudes toward life.
  In the hall of Buddhist arts, all kinds of exhibits present the inclusiveness of Korean ethnic culture and the prosperity of Buddhist art. The Silla roofing tiles made in the period of the Three Kingdoms are also unique, and they have many types of decorative designs. The lotus pattern is not identical in the expression forms and carving techniques. The face lines unearthed in Gyeongju are quiet and smiling, which reminded us of the bodybuilding sculptures in Greek and Roman. There are also familiar lines that are common in Dunhuang murals.
  In the second display hall of Buddhist art, most of the exhibits are gold and copper statues, stone statues, cliff statues, eleven-side Avalokitesvara statue, fortification stelae, and many other stelae. The techniques of stone carving arts are simple and skilled, warm and elegant, implicative but not overcautious. They form a powerful array of stone carving arts, which reveals Silla people’s aesthetic ability and glorious achievements, and also indicates the reasons why that dynasty was powerful and prosperous.
  We stood before every piece for a long time, unwilling to leave. Unconsciously, the closing hour was coming. Going out of the exhibition hall, the night was quite cold. Walking on the quiet road, my heart was full of pleasure, and the admiration for South Korean people’s respects for culture. Under the sun, what is more significant than united and fighting for a common goal?   The Tenacity of the Mountain and the Broadness of the Sea
  The first two days were spent learning the people, visiting the museums and in this way I had a perceptual knowledge about the situation of Korean peninsula and its communication with the world through land and sea. The pieces of information got through reading became fresh and alive in their homeland.
  It was a precious transnational fieldwork.
  On October 30th, “International Academic Conference of Marine Silk Road” was held in Hilton Hotel in Gyeongju.
  Mr. Zhu Luorong(Vice executive governor of North Gyeongsang), Mr. Jin Rihuan(Chief director of the silk road business department of North Gyeongsang), professor Li Dajun(Space environment engineering department in Han Dong university), Mr. Jin Huilin(Chief director of expedition team of the silk road business department of North Gyeongsang), Mr. Jin Dongcheng(Director of East Sea institute), and Mr. PeiKui (one of architecture experts) attended the meeting, and about 150 university professors and students were present.
  Mr Zhu Luorong exchanged business cards with me and politely said: “I am a descendant of Zhu Xi.”
  The academic meeting began on time, which has four parts: the opening, the speech of policy, keynote address and the comprehensive discussion.
  The academic conference was organized very rigorously, and linked close in every detail. The scholars strictly abided by the time when they made a speech, and Ms Tian Youzhen meticulously made the translation. With her help, I learned the rough content of south Korean scholars’ report, such as Prehistoric Cultural Exchange between Korea and Japan from the Cultural Relics, the Communication Port of the Marine Silk Road (professor Hong XiJun of southeast Asia institute in South Korea), Marine Trade between Zhang Baogao and Asia (professor Li Youzhen), the Maritime Silk Road and the East Sea: History and Future (Pei Guicheng in university of Lingnan Dokdo Institute), India and Central Asia in the Eyes of Hui Chao, The Significance of Promoting the History of the Marine Silk Road, The Maritime Activities and Trade of Zhang Baogao Ship Group, the Recover Case through Zhang Baoga’s Original Ship, The Proposal Aiming to Ensure the Safety of Marine Silk Road Adventure, Studying the Expedition Route of Marine Silk Road According to the Ancient Climate and Ocean Currents, the Flexible Use of Marine Science on the Marine Silk Road Exploration, etc.   In spite of Ms Tian Youzhen’s professionalism, she still cannot keep pace with the speed of scholars’ speaking. But I still learned some new knowledge about historical cultural exchange and got a lot of inspiration. For example, according to Marine Trade between Zhang Baogao and Asia (Professor Li Youzhen), I first knew about the general who made a significant contribution to the maritime trade.
  Zhang Baogao, born in 790 in Silla, liked martial arts and was good at swimming. In the year of 807, he joined Wuning Army of Tang Dynasty with his friend Tang Jiawu, and after many victories, he was promoted as a young general in 819. In 824, he established Fa Hua Temple in Red Mountain, Shandong. Every Mid-autumn festival, Silla people there would gather in the temple, singing and dancing, to celebrate the festival, and then Red Mountain Fa Hua Temple became the culture activity center and station for Silla people to visit Tang Dynasty. A famous Japanese Buddhist monk, on his way to seek Buddhist scriptures in China, was helped by the local officials, residents and monks in Fa Hua Temple for three times, and with their help, he went to Wutai Mountain, Chang’an and other places. After the Monk returned to Japan, he let his disciples build Fa Hua Temple to show his affection to Red Mountain people. He also compiled Records on the Way to Tang, which made the Red Mountain Fa Hua Temple famous at home and abroad.
  In 828, Zhang Baogao returned to Silla, got the king’s approval, set up the base camp in Qinghai Town, recruited 10,000 islanders as soldiers, and swept away many strands of Japanese pirates. He also organized large fleets to make sea transportation and commercial trade with China and Japan, and a system of commerce that connecting many place of China, Japan, and Silla was established. The number of Silla people who went to China to do business, to study, to work and to reside increased rapidly, and there were more than ten Silla villages only in the area of Red Mountain. There were many Silla yards providing services for Silla people on their journey through Shandong.
  Another important historical figure who was mentioned many times by the scholars is a Silla monk Hui Chao, born in the year of 700 or so. In his youth, he went to five India states to visit the sacred lands, and he successively reached East India, Central India, South India, West India, North India, and then returned to Chang’an through Persia, Afghanistan, Pamir, Kashgar, Qiuci and Yanqi, and he wrote the book Records of the Journey to Five Indian Kingdoms, which recorded the countries, regions and states he visited from China to ancient India, including the geography of northwest China, the religions, the spread situation of Buddhism, the people and customs there, etc. The book was composed of three volumes, but it has been lost. Hui Lin kept some of the contents in his book. In 1908, Paul Pelliot discovered a volume excerpted by a person of Tang Dynasty in Dunhuang, attaching three Chinese poems. After the discovery of the fragments, scholars paid much attention to it, and many researches have been done.
  When the humanities scholars finished their lectures, the scholars of natural science made speeches. They demonstrated the ship performance, their displacement, and some serious questions as “how to deal with pirates” were discussed. The humanists hoped to drive the sailing ship of Silla era, which would be more real and meaningful, while the scientists thought that the safety should be put in the first position.
  The rich cultural accumulation of Korean peninsula is indicated by those Wengzhong, sculptures, decoratives,fittings, and buildings that perfectily combined the vitality with the art. For the first time, I came into deep contact with the Marine Silk Road, which is undoubtedly a gluttonous feast to me. A nation, no matter how much is its population and land area, as long as she can create a culture that is conducive to human, it is strong. Strong mind and strong culture make a real and eternal strong nation.
  ( Translated by Gao Meimei )
吴明蔚诗一组  吴明蔚·甘肃  一七令·桃  桃,  粉面,红潮。  香屑绕,彩云邀。  帘庭醉影,萝瓣压桥。  高楼添锦绣,花月正春宵。  曾染南朝犁乱,也随王母逍遥。  三千阆苑五更雨, 一树青枝万样娇。  春游  闲步前庭柳色阴,枝头新翠问鹂音。  东君又遣怜春意,细雨梨花入梦深。  千秋岁·有感  白围月半,沉醉金风软。  玉柳绕,钿徽按。  秋园摇果乐,冬椅问书倦。  看不厌,桃根桃叶去
[摘要]《新课程标准》的一个重要理念是“让学生在生动具体的情境中学习语文”。以建构主义为理论基础的情境范式,切实有效地落实了新课程的要求。作为一种优化的教学模式,将情境教学应用在语文课堂中,能够促进学生的全面发展。笔者在一次阅读教学中以《变色龙》为例,运用情境范式,收到了较好教学效果。  [关键词]情景教学范式;语文能力;《变色龙》  [中图分类号]G633.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]10
[摘要]在清末民初的社会文化语境中,梁启超对《哀希腊》的初次译介引发了国内众多知名学者对其的屡译不衰,唤醒了他们的社会理想和革命斗志,促进了中国化拜伦形象的构建。本文聚焦“五四”前后梁启超、苏曼殊和查良铮三位翻译家对这首诗的不同译法,在赏析他们译作的同时,从翻译风格论的视角给予关照,以展示《哀希腊》汉译是如何从文言旧诗体一步步向白话新诗体过渡的。其间,译者的翻译风格在无形中得到了空前彰显。  [关
[摘要]随着社会需求的转变和自身发展的需要,作为社会文化教育机构和文化基础设施,博物馆在加强收藏、研究、展示、教育等基本功能的同时,还应通过外部资源的引入与互动,进一步发挥地方发展、旅游休闲、产业振兴等社会功能,并加以综合运用,才能有效拓展其未来发展空间。  [关键词]博物馆;功能转变;文化教育  [中图分类号]G261 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1005-3115(2014)10-0072-
[摘要]在高校实行双学位(辅修)制,培养多方面的人才,是我国经济发展的客观要求和高等教育发展的必然趋势,其逐渐打破了学科和专业壁垒,改变了原先单一的人才培养模式,为现代复合型人才的培养创造了现实条件。本文以兰州交通大学为例,对工科高校经管类专业双学位建设存在的问题进行分析,并提出了解决对策。  [关键词]工科高校;经管类;本科生;双学位;人才培养  [中图分类号]G643.7 [文献标识码]A [
从格尔木向西,便进入茫茫戈壁了,绵延不绝的公路仿佛是连着天际,沿着公路一路西奔,看不到树木,就连飞鸟也是难觅踪迹,偶尔会看到迎面奔驰而来的长途运输车,因为车辆很少的缘由,车速都很快。经过了180公里便到了乌图美仁乡。“乌图美仁”是蒙古语的译音,意为“长长的河流”,这个小小的镇子也因靠近乌图美仁河而得名。  从乌图美仁折向南行,便进入茫茫群山——祁漫塔格山了。严格意义上祁漫塔格山应是昆仑山东段的一个
[摘要]本文以西北师范大学非英语专业35名少数民族学生与35名汉族学生为调查对象,通过问卷调查的形式,研究了非英语专业少数民族学生与汉族学生在英语课堂焦虑方面的差异。调查结果表明,非英语专业少数民族学生的英语课堂焦虑度高于汉族学生的课堂焦虑度,少数民族学生的自信心不足,英语学习方法欠佳。最后,本文对非英语专业少数民族学生的英语教学提出了几点建议。  [关键词]非英语专业少数民族学生;非英语专业汉族
武夷山  武夷山是“中国四大世界双遗”之一,其他三个是黄山、泰山、乐山大佛。这里最著名的人文景观是朱熹书院。朱熹出生在福建尤溪,14岁丧父后随母亲来到崇安县,即现在的武夷山市,并在这里讲学,开设学堂。书院里还有朱熹和学生蜡像,学生坐在下面专心听课,先生站在台上,手持书卷,仿佛正在讲授他的朱式理学,其中大概还有他的三寸金莲之说吧。  武夷山的自然风光是“四大双遗”中最为自然、人工痕迹最少的,无论爬山
由于有着生于斯、长于斯、啼于斯、歌于斯的总角记忆和缱绻乡情,我一直对抒写关中,特别是故乡渭北高原一带风土民俗的文字格外留意。自己也差强人意地写过一些。这大概也就是《左传》上所说的那种“乐操土风,不忘旧也”的情愫吧。  故乡风高土厚之淳朴,民俗歌谣之优美,乐善仗义之慷慨,历来为人们所津津乐道,往往被赞为一块古风犹存的土地。从唐代韩琮《骆谷晚望》诗中“秦川如画渭如丝”的诗句到清代李声振《百戏竹枝词》中