关键词:OphiobolinA; 生物活性; 作用机理
中图分类号: S432.1 文献标识码:A DOI编码:10.3969/j.issn.1006-6500.2012.06.006
1 OphiobolinA对动植物及微生物的表观生物活性
1.1 对产生该毒素的病原真菌寄主植物及其他种植物的生物活性
从不同的病原真菌中分离得到的OphiobolinA具有不尽相同的生物活性。研究表明,H. oryzae产生的该毒素在很低的浓度下能抑制水稻根及胚芽鞘的生长、降低光合作用中CO2的固定、改变呼吸作用、抑制蛋白质和核苷酸的合成。用ophiobolinA处理水稻叶片时发现诱导病菌致病性的间苯三酚的活性升高[1]。
H.maydis Nisikado和H.Miyake产生的OphiobolinA导致玉米细胞膜透性改变、引起玉米幼根电解质和葡萄糖及K+的渗漏、抑制己糖运输[2-5]。
1.2 对病原微生物的生物活性
2 OphiobolinA的作用机理
2.1 对钙调蛋白(CaM)的抑制作用
2.2 对叶绿体蛋白运输的抑制作用
叶绿体大约含2 000~2 500 种蛋白,叶绿体基因组编码的不足100 种,因此,大量的蛋白质也是由核基因编码,在细胞质中合成,然后定向转运到叶绿体。蛋白质的转运涉及多种蛋白复合体,即转位因子由两部分构成的:受体和蛋白质通过的孔道。主要包括:(1)TIC复合体,负责通过外膜,进入膜间隙;(2)TIM复合体,负责将蛋白质转运到基质,也可将某些蛋白质安插在内膜。
3 OphiobolinA的应用前景
[1] Au T K,Wallace S H,Chick P C. The biology of ophiobolins[J]. Life science, 2000, 67:733-742.
[2] Lang P C,Taylor W A,Wang J H, et al. OphiobolinA—A natural product inhibitor of calmodulin [J]. Journal of Biological Chemistry,1984, 259 (5):2742-2747.
[3] Duan G F,Zhang Z B,Zhang J P, et al. Evaluation of crude toxin and metabolite produced by Helminthosporium gramineum Rabenh for the control of rice sheath blight in paddy fields[J]. Crop protection, 2007, 26:1036-1041.
[4] 段桂芳,张建萍,周勇军,等.禾蠕孢菌及其代谢产物Ophiobolin A防治水稻纹枯病[J]. 中国水稻科学,2006,20(3):337-339 .
[5] Leng P C,Taylor W A,Wang J H, et al. Role of calmodulin inhibition in the mode of actionof OphiobolinA[J]. Plant physiol, 1985,77:303-308.
[6] Nakamura M, Ishibashi K. On the new antibiotics "ophiobolin", produced by Ophiobolus miyabeanus[J]. J Agrichem soc Japen, 1958,32:739-744.
[7] Li E, Clark A M, Rotella D P, et al. Microbial metabolites of ophiobolinA and antimicrobial evaluation of ophiobolins[J] J Nat Prod, 1995,58:74-81.
[8] Fukushima Y.β-Glucan biosynthesis inhibitors isolated from fungi as hyphal malformation inducer[J]. Med Chem Lett, 1993, 3:1219-1222.
[9] 张君诚,孟玉环,宋育红,等.植物Ca2+-CaM信号系统及调控研究进展[J]. 重庆师范大学学报:自然科学版, 2005,4(22):49-52.
[10] 刘芝华,吴相钰.水稻钙调蛋白基因的克隆及结构分析[J]. 生物工程学报, 1993,9(4):309-313.
[11] Leng P C,Graves L M,Tipton C L, et al. Characterrization of the interation of ophiobolinA and calmodulin[J].Int J Biol chem, 1988,20:1351-1359.
[12] Au T K, Leng P C .Identification of the binding and inhibition sites in the calmodulin molecule for ophiobolinA by site-directed mutagenesis[J].Plant Physiol,1998,118:965-973.
[13] Au T K,Wallace S H Chick, Leung P C.Initial kinetics of the inactivation of calmodulin by the fungal toxin ophiobolinA[J]. The International of Biochemistry & Cell Biology , 2000, 22:1173-1182.
[14] Jarrett H W,Brown C J,Black C C, et al. Evidence that calmodulin is in the chloroplast of peas and serves a regulatory role in photpsynthesis[J]. J Biol chem, 1982,257:13795-13804.
[15] Reddy V S ,Ali G S, Reddy A S N. Genes encoding calmodulin-binding proteins in the Arabidopsis genome[J]. J Biol CHEM, 2002,277:9840-9852.
[16] Yand T,Poovaiah B W. Calcium/Calmodulin-mediated signal network in plants[J]. Trenda plant Sci, 2003(10):505-512.
[17] Fatimac, Jürgens, Ute C.Vothknecht Calmodulin regulation of chloroplast protein import[J]. The Plant Journal, 2005, 42:821-831.
关键词:OphiobolinA; 生物活性; 作用机理
中图分类号: S432.1 文献标识码:A DOI编码:10.3969/j.issn.1006-6500.2012.06.006
1 OphiobolinA对动植物及微生物的表观生物活性
1.1 对产生该毒素的病原真菌寄主植物及其他种植物的生物活性
从不同的病原真菌中分离得到的OphiobolinA具有不尽相同的生物活性。研究表明,H. oryzae产生的该毒素在很低的浓度下能抑制水稻根及胚芽鞘的生长、降低光合作用中CO2的固定、改变呼吸作用、抑制蛋白质和核苷酸的合成。用ophiobolinA处理水稻叶片时发现诱导病菌致病性的间苯三酚的活性升高[1]。
H.maydis Nisikado和H.Miyake产生的OphiobolinA导致玉米细胞膜透性改变、引起玉米幼根电解质和葡萄糖及K+的渗漏、抑制己糖运输[2-5]。
1.2 对病原微生物的生物活性
2 OphiobolinA的作用机理
2.1 对钙调蛋白(CaM)的抑制作用
2.2 对叶绿体蛋白运输的抑制作用
叶绿体大约含2 000~2 500 种蛋白,叶绿体基因组编码的不足100 种,因此,大量的蛋白质也是由核基因编码,在细胞质中合成,然后定向转运到叶绿体。蛋白质的转运涉及多种蛋白复合体,即转位因子由两部分构成的:受体和蛋白质通过的孔道。主要包括:(1)TIC复合体,负责通过外膜,进入膜间隙;(2)TIM复合体,负责将蛋白质转运到基质,也可将某些蛋白质安插在内膜。
3 OphiobolinA的应用前景
[1] Au T K,Wallace S H,Chick P C. The biology of ophiobolins[J]. Life science, 2000, 67:733-742.
[2] Lang P C,Taylor W A,Wang J H, et al. OphiobolinA—A natural product inhibitor of calmodulin [J]. Journal of Biological Chemistry,1984, 259 (5):2742-2747.
[3] Duan G F,Zhang Z B,Zhang J P, et al. Evaluation of crude toxin and metabolite produced by Helminthosporium gramineum Rabenh for the control of rice sheath blight in paddy fields[J]. Crop protection, 2007, 26:1036-1041.
[4] 段桂芳,张建萍,周勇军,等.禾蠕孢菌及其代谢产物Ophiobolin A防治水稻纹枯病[J]. 中国水稻科学,2006,20(3):337-339 .
[5] Leng P C,Taylor W A,Wang J H, et al. Role of calmodulin inhibition in the mode of actionof OphiobolinA[J]. Plant physiol, 1985,77:303-308.
[6] Nakamura M, Ishibashi K. On the new antibiotics "ophiobolin", produced by Ophiobolus miyabeanus[J]. J Agrichem soc Japen, 1958,32:739-744.
[7] Li E, Clark A M, Rotella D P, et al. Microbial metabolites of ophiobolinA and antimicrobial evaluation of ophiobolins[J] J Nat Prod, 1995,58:74-81.
[8] Fukushima Y.β-Glucan biosynthesis inhibitors isolated from fungi as hyphal malformation inducer[J]. Med Chem Lett, 1993, 3:1219-1222.
[9] 张君诚,孟玉环,宋育红,等.植物Ca2+-CaM信号系统及调控研究进展[J]. 重庆师范大学学报:自然科学版, 2005,4(22):49-52.
[10] 刘芝华,吴相钰.水稻钙调蛋白基因的克隆及结构分析[J]. 生物工程学报, 1993,9(4):309-313.
[11] Leng P C,Graves L M,Tipton C L, et al. Characterrization of the interation of ophiobolinA and calmodulin[J].Int J Biol chem, 1988,20:1351-1359.
[12] Au T K, Leng P C .Identification of the binding and inhibition sites in the calmodulin molecule for ophiobolinA by site-directed mutagenesis[J].Plant Physiol,1998,118:965-973.
[13] Au T K,Wallace S H Chick, Leung P C.Initial kinetics of the inactivation of calmodulin by the fungal toxin ophiobolinA[J]. The International of Biochemistry & Cell Biology , 2000, 22:1173-1182.
[14] Jarrett H W,Brown C J,Black C C, et al. Evidence that calmodulin is in the chloroplast of peas and serves a regulatory role in photpsynthesis[J]. J Biol chem, 1982,257:13795-13804.
[15] Reddy V S ,Ali G S, Reddy A S N. Genes encoding calmodulin-binding proteins in the Arabidopsis genome[J]. J Biol CHEM, 2002,277:9840-9852.
[16] Yand T,Poovaiah B W. Calcium/Calmodulin-mediated signal network in plants[J]. Trenda plant Sci, 2003(10):505-512.
[17] Fatimac, Jürgens, Ute C.Vothknecht Calmodulin regulation of chloroplast protein import[J]. The Plant Journal, 2005, 42:821-831.