Objective: To investigate the application of FCD in the detection of congenital heart disease. Methods: A total of 100 pregnant women admitted from July 2013 to July 2015 in our hospital were enrolled in this study. Standard sections of the four-chamber heart, left and right fetal outflow tract, aortic arch, arterial catheter arch, and tri- Structure to be observed. Results: During the early stage of delivery, there was a missed diagnosis in the course of performing cardiac ultrasound screening. One case of abnormal cardiac structure existed. Prenatal delivery of pregnant women on congenital heart disease fetus showed sensitivity of 92.3%, with a specificity of up to 100%. Conclusion: For fetus during pregnancy, during the period of pre-delivery to be checked, measures should be taken to extend the examination time, in order to find a suitable method of heart screening to avoid missed diagnosis.