有些县市报的新闻记者虽然生活在基层群众之中,但写出的新闻没有多少新鲜的感觉。原因是多方面的。忽略对新闻角度的选择是一个原因。 这里,笔者就自身的新闻实践,针对这个问题略谈一二。 1、立体透视 前年9月份,东台市南沈灶镇一位中学生在路上捡到一只装有1430元的钱包,当即送交了老师。这样的社会新闻,许多人是不屑一顾的:不就是拾金不昧吗?从这位中学生的举动中能否挖掘出新意?我去采访了。这位中学生拾金不昧后.在学校里听到的是一片赞扬声,而回到家由却遭到嘲讽。掌握到这些材料后,我决定由一个中学
Although some journalists in county and city newspapers live in grass-roots masses, the news they write does not have much freshness. There are many reasons. Ignoring the choice of news perspective is one reason. Here, the author of his own news practice, a brief discussion on this issue one or two. 1, three-dimensional perspective the year before last September, Dongtai South Shen Zaozhen a middle school student picked up on the road with a 1430 yuan wallet, immediately sent to the teacher. This kind of social news, many people disdain: not that it is not to recover money from the move of the middle school students can dig out a new meaning? I went to interview. The high school student picked up the money after he did not know what he was hearing at school, but his return home was ridiculed. After mastering these materials, I decided to go to a secondary school