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《中华人民共和国日史》是以坚持政治第一、史事第一、质量第一的编撰原则的宗旨,科学、准确、形象地整理、记载、总结、宣传中华人民共和国五十年的历史与辉煌、经验与教训,弘扬勤俭建国、自力更生、艰苦奋斗和改革开放的实事求是精神。它是第一部以日为史的国史史书;是一部进行爱国主义、社会主义、集体主义教育、国情教育、中国革命教育的工具书,它对社会主义经济建设、精神文明建设将产生积极的影响,具有广泛的现实意义和深远的历史意义。此书,先后有7000人次参与,140多个单位大力支持、通力合作,300多位专家、学者呕心沥血,历经艰难困苦,耗时三年零八个月的精心打造。《中华人民共和国日史》50卷这部近2000万字、近万幅图片的宏篇巨著。这是有史以来第一部国家日史;这是一部列为国家重大选项题的巨制图书;这是一部经国家新闻出版部署、中共党史研究室三审后,得到充分肯定,党和国家领导人十分关怀和关注的历史文化工程史书。中央电视台、人民日报(2003年11月25日第16版各位专家已作整版评论)、光明日报、中国教育报等十几家新闻单位均作了重要报道。《日史》有八大特征: The “History of the People’s Republic of China” is based on the principle of upholding the compilation principles of politics first, history first and quality first, and scientifically, accurately and vividly organizes, records, summarizes and publicizes the 50 years history of the People’s Republic of China Glory, experience and lessons, promote the thrifty and thrift founding, self-reliance, hard work and reform and opening up the spirit of seeking truth from facts. It is the first history book of the history of the country with history of Japan as a reference book for patriotism, socialism, collectivism education, national conditions education and education of Chinese revolution. It will have a positive effect on the socialist economic construction and the construction of spiritual civilization Has a wide range of practical significance and far-reaching historical significance. The book, there are 7000 people involved, more than 140 units strongly support, work together, more than 300 experts and scholars make painstaking efforts, after years of hardship, took three years and eight months of carefully crafted. “People’s Republic of China History” 50 volumes of this nearly 20 million words, nearly million picture macro masterpiece. This is the first national history of the country ever created. This is a huge system of books listed as a major national option. It was fully confirmed by the publication of the State Press and Publication and the third-instance examination of the Party History Laboratory of the CPC. The historical and cultural history books that state leaders care and concern about. CCTV, People’s Daily (November 16, 2003, the 16th edition of the experts have made full-page comments), Guangming Daily, China Education Daily and a dozen other news agencies have made important reports. “History of Japan” has eight characteristics:
吻合器痔切除术(procedure for prolapse and hemorrhoids,PPH)手术,又称痔上黏膜环切除,肛垫悬吊术等,在国外于1993年开始在临床应用,1998年意大利学者Longo首先报道,2000年
小托马斯·约翰·沃森(Thomas J.Watson Jr),1914年生于美国俄亥俄州的代顿市。1937年毕业于美国布朗大学。毕业后进入航空领域任职,二战时(1942年)到美国空军服役,1946年作