Language Change in Social Use

来源 :校园英语·上旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youling0186
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  【Abstract】Language changes with the advancement of society. Language in use gets a further development because of the social revolution, the scientific and technological improvement, and the political and economic booming. Throughout the communication of politics, cultures and economy among different countries, language has been being made more abundant and more perfect. This paper gives some examples to show how English language in use changes and points out the trend of language.
  【Key words】English language; development; changes
  1. Introduction
  Language is an efficient instrument that is used for people’s communications. It originated too early when human being needed to communicate with each other in the process of labor. We can say that it is the work fruit. And a man connects a society tightly; as the society evolves, the language develops.
  To some extent, language is tightly related to our society. One does not need to be very observant to find that certain linguistic phenomena cannot be allowed for unless they are placed in the general context for society. A speaker of modern English, for example, would find old English unintelligible. If we examine the changes that have occurred during the 1500 years since “birth” of English, we can find changes in the phonology, morphology, syntax, lexicon and semantic components of the grammar. In the following sections the changes will be investigated at different language levels.
  2. Various changes of language
  2.1 Phonological changes
  Although all components of the grammar are susceptible to change over time, some types of change yield more obvious results than others. Variation and change are particularly noticeable in the phonology of a language. Several common types of sound changes can be distinguished.
  From ancient times, people just spoke very crude language and later they found it was very awkward to sound. So they had the consciousness to change them for more clear pronunciation. Gradually, sound has changed a lot. When we speak, we tend to increase the ease of articulation(1).
  2.2 Changes in word formation
  There is called blending that is created from nonmorphemic parts of two already existing items, like“brunch”. More than 87% English words were brought from other countries such as Latin, France, Spanish, even China. In the 1950s in China, there broke out a large revolution to influence our country seriously; at that time, a word thebigleapforward(2) was introduced into English dictionary.   2.3 Semantic changes
  As revealed above, lexical items may be added to a language or be lost. It is also true that words may shift in meaning. In terms of semantic broadening, the word “holiday” can be taken into account. As for semantic narrowing, “Hound”, for example, which used to be the general term for “dog”, has been narrowed of a special kind of dog. Semantic shift means that a word loses its original meaning replaced by new meaning.
  3. Conclusion
  To sum up, a language changes not accidentally but inevitably. Its changes have been gradually piled up through the long history. No matter from which angle we see the changes of a language, English vocabulary will not weaken their lexicon characteristics; contrarily, it is broadening quicker and quicker. This trend will make the language more colorful and fertile. There are many factors for new words’ thriving. Due to social evolution in aspects of politics, economics and culture, new words have been poured into the dictionaries continuously. With frequent international communication among countries as well as the advanced media, more and more borrowed words are merged into people’s daily life. To a further development, more and more words become shorter and briefer to replace complex and prolix words while they actually contain all needed information.
  Language comes into being when a society shapes. Language can best reflect the various terms of a society-politics, economics, and science and technology. Throughout the language, we can see the changes of these terms immediately. Every day we meet new words, some fashionable terms, so knowing what they mean is necessary to adapt ourselves to the continuously changing society and the world. If we need to receive new things, then we must begin with new words. Many people are not willing to study what they don’t like. However, we live in the society and we must force us to receive these new words.
  As a tool for communication, language is very inevitable for our daily life. By deepening the understanding of the language in different historic stages, people can talk about every aspect of life better, thus promoting the development of society.
【摘要】“翻转课堂”是近年来教育界中比较流行的话题,有很多的学者和教育从业人员对此进行了研究,建立了一些教学示范点,也有的学校自行的开展了“翻转课堂”活动。文章中主要对“翻转课堂”的优势和劣势进行了分析,并针对初中英语翻转课堂的教学策略提出了几点建议。  【关键词】初中英语 翻转课堂 教学行动  在新课改环境下,“翻转课堂”作为一种新的教学模式和课堂组织模式应用于初中英语课堂中,以多媒体等先进的教
【摘要】随着新一轮课程改革的不断深入,课堂教学手段的创新也随之日益深化,以学生为中心的教学方法和教学手段的研究也不断在深入.接下来,本文将结合传统的教学环境下高中英语课堂教学存在的问题,探讨新课改背景下高中英语课堂教学模式。  【关键词】多样化 教学手段 高中英语课堂 教学 应用  一、引言  新课改要求教师在教学的过程中要以学生作为课堂教学的中心,要实现教师的“教”与学生的“学”的有效结合。由此
【摘要】随着现代科学的迅速发展,多媒体技术在高中英语教学中的运用已是十分普遍。本文就现代信息技术在高中英语教学呈现行为中存在的问题进行分析,并结合自身教学实践,通过多媒体技术辅助激发学习兴趣,创设真实情景和扩充知识容量三个方面来探究其在高中英语教学呈现行为中的有效对策。  【关键词】多媒体技术 问题对策  一、问题的提出  在当今的高中英语教学中,运用多媒体技术来呈现教学信息和创设教学情境已越来越
【摘要】自新的课程标准开展实施以来,国内教育发生了翻天覆地的巨大变化。文章表述了在初中英语的课堂教育中,需要拓展的内容、方式、原则等发展策略。英语学科的教育者不再只局限于当下教科书中知识的教授,而是增加了多元化的信息传播和广泛的延伸空间,根据新课标提出的要求来拓展学生的文化视野,以此提升学生的学习空间与能力。  【关键词】新课标 课堂教学 深化和拓展  前言  教育者在课堂上的拓展应当充分利用并立
【摘要】作为城市的名片,公示语往往在国际交流中给人留下直观的第一印象。就公示语英译而言,目前学术界普遍认可的“拿来主义”过于强调英语为本族语的使用者,忽略了人数更为众多的非本族语使用者。英语共核在遵循最基本语言规范的同时,以“可接受、可理解”为原则,最大程度的包容来自不同文化的语言变体。因此,本文认为在公示语的翻译中应当注重语言共核,方便最广泛读者的理解。  【关键词】公示语 英语共核 规范性  
【摘要】中学英语课堂教学评价可以促进英语教学水平的提高,但是当前我国中学英语教学过程中的教学评价存在着许多问题,我们要明确评价的基本目标,不断建构新式的评价模式,更好地促进中学英语教学的效果。  【关键词】中学 英语课堂 教学评价 目标 模式  英语教学评价是以现代教育价值为根本,根据教育目标,运用科学方法对英语课堂教学过程进行价值判断,进而促进英语教学水平的提高。当前,我国中学课堂是教师完成教学