How to cultivate pupils' innovative consciousness in English teaching

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  Since the introduction of the reform and opening programs, we have quickened our pace of development, especially the development of education. Innovation is the spirit of a nations progress and the invariable force of a country's prosperity, and cultivation of innovative consciousness must be grabbed out of elementary school. School English curriculum standard demands that teachers dare to innovations in teaching, truly both organizer in the classroom, instructor and participants, to teacher-student interaction and harmony, active classroom atmosphere. So teacher how to cultivate students' innovative consciousness? How to make students under no pressure to master knowledge and skills? How to make students' diverging thinking, dare to jump out of the framework of thinking? These are now all teachers need to think and ponder the question. Training students innovative thinking, we must proceed from the beginning to stimulate their interest. Interest is the best teacher, is also of interest to motivate students to learn the internal driving force is to mobilize the enthusiasm of the students to learn more feasible and effective method. In the next place, leading pupils to study independently, of course teachers also can enhance students' thinking training. For the second time, creating situations for they to learning. Eventually, teachers should pay more attention to thinking guide. Obviously, there are plenty of other methods, we should need to find them by heart.
  1. The reason of training pupils' innovation consciousness in English teaching
  The majority of teachers manage to structure theory as the guiding ideology, the main line of English grammar teaching, antiquated teaching methods lay a deep imprint in their minds, making the English classroom is beginning to become a teacher is always the actor. Teachers are the speaker, there is no room for student participation, so that in listening, speaking, reading and writing, the students can not fully play the main role, and did not make them lay a good foundation of innovative thinking. The past 10 years, Chinese English education gradually become a thriving situation, the teachers have made great progress in terms of thinking guide, but there are still teachers in accordance with the old way, the old concepts to primary English teaching. The old method of education, there is no doubt that the students affected by the teacher's guide way, is difficult to have a major breakthrough in the study. For a long time, domestic English educational content of a single, humanities and natural sciences severe separation, single teaching method, step by step, on different levels of education can not be designed.   In continuing to promote quality education in practice we find that traditional teaching methods to help students learn passively and heavy loads, innovation is lacking. Therefore, training students' creative thinking ability in English teaching has become a top priority. Elementary school English teaching should adapt to the demands of the times, constructing the new model, exploring new avenues. Innovation education is the core of quality-oriented education in English, what is more English quality-oriented education is based on the innovative principle of cultivating students' innovative consciousness and innovative thinking, creativity and creative education. As far as English subject is concerned, old teaching concepts and teaching methods so that students' initiative ability and creativity ability are not played properly. As a result, English teaching mode should have changed.
  2. The methods of cultivating pupils' innovative consciousness
  Essentially, primary school teaching situation is in large classes teaching, teachers do not know enough about pupils' individual situation, and are not good at fostering creativity in primary schools, indoctrination and require rote learning of ideas of the text, not only makes students lose interest in learning English, also stifled the development of students' creative thinking, in addition, with the development of modernization technology, teachers using multimedia technology at will, but also a taste of indoctrination and requirements in reciting the text thought, not only let the students lose interest in learning English; also stifle the development of creative thinking of students; in addition, with the development of modernization technology, teachers using multimedia technology, will be all the things in the slide show, his role was replaced by slides, actually this is wrong, the multimedia teaching tools can only be teaching aids in the teacher, and can not become teachers for their services, to enable teachers to become a commentator, so long, students can learn the textbook knowledge, because the teacher is no guidance, it is difficult for students to learn the knowledge outside the textbook. While the students lack of brains, hands-on opportunities, which will only become a learning machine, not filled with all kinds of strange ideas. Then how should we cultivate students' creative spirit?
  3.The significance of innovative consciousness in English teaching
  Primary school English teaching should take the cultivation of students' innovation awareness into each class, guide students in learning and cultivate students' participation ability and innovation consciousness is the priority among priorities of classroom teaching.
  The reason for cultivate students innovation consciousness
  Pupils are masters of the 21st century, is the lucky generation, but also shoulder the responsibility of a generation. The realization of China's modernization depends on them to achieve, to effectively undertake such a sacred mission, it is necessary to establish lofty ambitions grew, positive and innovative; must consciously cultivate good moral character, hard to learn cultural knowledge, to exercise physical fitness; do a comprehensive quality people; efforts to grow qualified builders and successors of the socialist cause with all-round development. Training students sense of innovation, in line with our quality education is the need of socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics is a prerequisite for the realization of China dream, it is the basis for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
在多年的思想品德教學实践中,我们发现经过多媒体优化的教学过程,能激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学习欲望,启迪思维空间,提高学习效率,从而达到事半功倍的效果。但作为教育教学的辅助手段,从综合提高课堂教学效益的角度来说,教师在设计使用时还存在一些误区,应选准呈现时机,从而进一步优化课堂教学,为全面推进思品课素质教育发挥强有力的作用。  一、多媒体辅助思品课教学现状分析  (一)多媒体技术辅助思品课教学的优势
一、幼儿园语言教学活动中提问的现状  提问作为教学中的“常规武器”,是语言教学活动的“核心”,还是教师了解幼儿认知状况,开拓孩子想象和思维的主要方法。因此,教师的提问水平与策略直接影响到幼儿学习的积极性。  反思当前语言教学活动过程中,提问存在提问准备不充分,无意义地多提问;提问间缺乏科学联系;提问单向性,抑制幼儿思考积极性等诸多不足。要解决这类问题,必须提高教师提问的有效性。本文试以语言活动为例
开展军训,以培养学生的意志力和承受挫折的能力是当今教育的一个良好途径。举办新生军训活动,根据学生年龄特点设置军训内容,可以让学生学习解放军的优良品质和崇高的奉献精神,培养爱国情操,并通过艰苦的训练磨练学生的意志等等,这无一不是对学生身体素质和心理素质的严峻考验。军训对当今这些从小就娇生惯养的学生来说的确是意志培养的大熔炉。  与以往做法不同的是,在为期六天的军训中,我总结了一套将心理辅导与军训相结
一、研究问题的提出  《3—6岁儿童学习与发展指南》的出台,是国家进一步推进学前教育科学发展,促进幼儿身心全面和谐发展的重要举措。幼儿的学习是幼儿通过自已特有的方式与周围环境互动的过程。学习与发展都是主体积极的变化过程,学习受发展制约但学习又推动发展,发展是学习的基础;《指南》指引着幼儿学习与发展的方向,如何让幼儿通过有效的学习,获得全面的发展,是学前教育工作者落实《指南》的重心工作。  目前,社
江西省红谷滩新区九龙湖,作为新的省级行政中心办公区,如火如荼地开发着,从2012年到现在,昔日的黄土、山头不见了,一幢又一幢办公楼、一片又一片商品房,如雨后春笋拔地而起,南昌西客站雄踞在这片沃土上,四通八达的交通路网覆盖着九龙新城。  作为大开发的建设者、见证人,我们是多么的振奋!作为九龙湖学校的一名普通老师,能有幸从那无数个飞尘席卷天地的日子走来,享受着这无边的现代化和都市化的气息,我是多么的自
对高中作文,老师们常常有此慨叹:有的文章言辞华丽,但思想肤浅;有的文章结构整齐,但老套呆板;有的文章感情深挚,但精神贫乏……主观性压过客观性,偏激性大于公允性,感性盖过理性。凡此种种,都跟文章缺乏思辨性有关。  文章具有思辨性,也就具有智慧的光芒。它能避免文章出现狭隘肤浅、偏激浮躁的弊病。思辨性的有无,文章的高下也立现。  一、全面地而非片面地看问题  所谓全面地看问题,就是写文章时对世界进行一分
一、当前青少年感恩状况调查  羔羊尚知跪乳,乌鸦懂得反哺,而在人类社会不断进步的今天,这种感恩意识却在个别青少年中严重错位,一味索取不知回报的现状令人担忧:据调查,约有63%的学生不知道父母的生日,近43%的学生不知道父母的年龄。而与之形成鲜明对比的是父母给子女过生日却高达93%。以上是网上摘录的数据。而我在批改以爱心为题的作文时,只有极少数学生写到父母对子女的爱。就在叹息与无奈之余,也不禁想问问
作业是课堂教学的延续,是教学工作不可缺少的一个基本环节。英语新课程标准提出把“激发和培养学生学习兴趣,树立学生自信心,养成良好学习习惯和策略”应放在首位。因此,如何设计好作业,让作业有针对性、趣味性、复现性及层次性,从而培养学生浓厚的语言兴趣,形成自主學习能力,促进自我发展,是值得我们共同探讨研究的课题。  一、研究现实目的  1.本课题对小学英语作业进行研究分析,旨在探索英语作业新思路 即新型的