“九五”期间,在“科教兴皖”战略指导下,在有关部门的通力配合和鼎力支持下,安徽省卫生科技工作取得了快速的发展,科技实力与竞争力明显增强,促进了疾病诊疗技术的进步和防治水平的提高,在卫生事业发展中发挥了重要的作用。 一、认真实施“科教兴皖”战略,促进卫生科技快速发展 “九五”期间,分别在省科学研究院、省生物研究所建立了“安徽省生物工程中心实验室”和“安徽省生物医药重点实验室”,并投资940余万元在安徽医科大
During the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” period, under the guidance of the “Strategy for Rejuvenation through Science and Education” strategy, with the concerted efforts of the relevant departments and their full support, the health science and technology work in Anhui Province has achieved rapid development. The strength and competitiveness of science and technology have been significantly enhanced, and the disease diagnosis and treatment has been promoted. The advancement of technology and the improvement of prevention and control have played an important role in the development of health services. First, the “science and education booming” strategy was conscientiously implemented to promote the rapid development of health science and technology. During the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” period, the “Anhui Provincial Bioengineering Center Laboratory” and “Anhui Province Biomedical Engineering” were established at the Provincial Academy of Sciences and the Provincial Institute of Biology respectively. “Key Laboratory” and invested more than 9.4 million yuan in Anhui Medical University