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  General methods used in translating ecology terminologies:
  Terminologies are unlike common vocabularies used in literature, they are words with special meanings in certain subject such as ecology, biology and chemistry. Therefore, when translate terminologies, it’s significant to translate the core meaning rather than the transition of style or emotions that are emphasized in literature translation.
  Functionalist approaches include Hans J. Vermeer’s Skpostheorie, intentional interaction that focuses on purposeful translation between source-text and target language. Therefore, these methods were used in translation of technology or science text. Original names of plant species were mostly in English, formed up in Latin language, their lexical formation is based on the plant’s function, size, colors and division of family and category. For instance, plant Canna (an indigenous American plant) is translate into Chinese as “美人蕉”, “蕉” carries the core meaning of the plant as Canna belongs to banana family,yet “美人”is added in accordance with its shape to make the translation more lively. This method is due to rhetoric characteristics of Chinese language. Therefore, in Chinese language, the receivers could understand the meaning that Canna is a banana type plant with beautiful shape. It has functionally translated that Canna is a plant belongs to the banana family.
  However, in the original word Canna, there is no such suffix as “ 美人”. Which would destruct to translate the word into another language of different grammatical principles.
  In the functionalist theory, Vermeer emphasizes that role of the translator is crucial in the translation process. The translator is ostensibly the expert in translational action and should be responsible both for carrying out the commissioned task and for ensuring the result of the translation process, even when aspects like formatting and layout are assigned to other agents. (Cf. Vermeer 1989b: 174) Therefore, when such plant terminologies translated into other languages which is not common to use rhetoric, it is very dangerous to destruct the original meaning as the language would sense “美人”is more important in meaning than “蕉”. As every language has its own grammatical rules, the target language would name a plant like the Latin, the core part is its function, for suffix, it prefers to put its color, size or the habitat characteristics rather than rhetoric sensible and suitable to the target language receivers.   Some translation mistakes:
  In such cases, I found many translation mistakes, as Canna is translated as “beautiful tree” in a language that lexical formation of plant terminology is prioritized on its function, and suffix is usually the shape or habitat background. Another example, Rhodiola 紅景天, The name combines the Greek rhodon, meaning rose and referring to the rose-like smell of the roots, with the Latin diminutive suffix -iola. It is translated to Chinese as 红景天,this is actually not a translation, but the Chinese name was given based on its shape, color, again with rhetoric. Another example could be Tulip, originated from Latin or Persian language with a translation mistake. It is translated into Chinese as郁金香,based upon its shape and function in Chinese context.
  Factors to concern in the third and fourth target language.
  Therefore, when we translate such terminologies from specific subject, it is important to refer to the original lexical formation of the word. Also, a translator has to refer and analyze the translation in Chinese before translate the words into another different language. As the functionalist say, it is important for the translator to always focus on the original meaning of a terminology in the specific subject while considering the context and receiver’s background of the target language. To translate such terminologies, a translator has to refer both to the source language and target language in order to translate them well into the third or fourth language.
【摘要】随着我国大学教学水平的不断提升和大学教学模式的日益革新,任务型教学模式在大学教学中的应用成效得到了越来越广泛的关注。本文从对任务型教学模式进行简析入手,对任务型教学模式在大学教学中的应用成效进行了分析。  【关键词】任务型教学模式 大学教学 应用成效  【中图分类号】G64 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2015)09-0221-02  在我国大学教学中教学模式革新始终
【摘要】随着电子信息技术的不断发展,计算机技术被应用到各个领域中,慕课教学就是在计算机技术高度发展的环境下逐渐发展起来的。基础护理学作为护理专业的主要课程和核心基础课程,采用慕课辅助教学可以对学生临床护理的工作能力进行综合性监测,因此,将慕课应用到基础护理研究有着重要意义。  【关键词】慕课 基础护理 教学  【中图分类号】R47 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2015)09-
摘要:情境教学法是教学实践活动中一种重要的教学方法,教师通过有目的地引入或创建具有一定情感色彩、生动形象的情境,帮助学生获得情感体验,充分调动学生学习积极性。基于播音主持教学的实践性特点,以及播音主持工作传播语境的多元化,情境教学法在播音主持教学中的运用显得尤其重要。本文通过分析在播音主持教学中运用情境教学法的意义,试对如何在播音主持教学中创设情境加以阐述。  关键词:播音主持教学;情境教学法;情