
来源 :广东农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asdy008
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采用Tullgren干漏斗法对韶关东郊的望城岭堆积红壤进行单一豚草植被和多年生植被进行不同月份的土壤动物季节变化的研究,目的是观察了解豚草不同生长时间段(4月是萌发期,5月是萌芽期,6月是幼苗期、,7月是生长旺盛期,8月开花初期,9月是盛花期,10月是盛果期,11月是凋落期)对地下土壤动物群落结构及多样性的影响。结果表明,随着豚草营养生长旺盛,土壤动物类群数和个体数减少,丰富度和均匀度下降,土壤动物的表层聚集性下降导致动物分层不明显,转入繁殖生长后土壤动物的类群数和个体数增加,丰富度和均匀度回升,垂直分布明显;豚草不同生长时间段内土壤动物群落组成是不相似的,土壤动物群落结构的差别体现在优势类群个体数和稀有类群数不同,导致豚草不同生长期下土壤动物的群落组成及多样性差别大。说明豚草生长对土壤动物有抑制作用,对优势类群的个体数抑制明显,且是通过抑制优势类群个体数和稀有类群数来实现的,而且营养生长期的抑制作用比繁殖生长期明显。 The Tullgren dry funnel method was used to study the seasonal changes of soil animals in different months in the accumulation of red soils in Wangchengling, eastern Shaoguan. The purpose was to observe the effects of different periods of ragweed growth (April is the germination period, May is the germination period, June is the seedling stage, July is the vigorous growth period, the early flowering in August, September is the flowering stage, October is the fruit-bearing stage, November is the littering period) on the soil fauna community structure And the impact of diversity. The results showed that with the vigorous growth of ragweed, the number of fauna and individuals decreased, but the abundance and evenness of soil fauna decreased. The faunal aggregation of soil fauna led to no obvious stratification. The numbers of individuals and individuals increased, the richness and evenness increased, and the vertical distribution was obvious. The composition of soil animal community was not similar in different growth periods of ragweed. The difference of soil animal community structure was found in the difference between the number of individuals and the number of rare groups , Resulting in different composition and diversity of soil animal under different growth stages of ragweed. The results showed that the growth of ragweed had inhibitory effect on soil animals and the number of dominant individuals was significantly inhibited. The suppression of dominant individuals by individual numbers and rare species groups, and the inhibition of vegetative growth stage than the reproductive growth stage.