共產黨是反對停滯不進及保守主义的死敌,從來不滿足於已獲得的成绩,而總是向前看。從我黨的本質及其革命的精神中,產生了对缺點的布尔什維克的不調和性。“对本身缺點無情地揭露,是一切生动活潑的政党所必需的,沒有比自滿的樂天主义再坏的事了。”(列寧全集,七卷三页零五頁) 驕傲自負,泰然自若,和布尔什維克党人是沒有因緣的,列寧和斯大林責備這樣一些工作人員,對他們來说,只要有某些成績,就足以使他們苟安自滿而忘記缺點。斯大林在聯共(布)第十五次全国代表大會上对这部分人說:“只要有两三个大的成绩,就已目空一切,要再有丙三個大的
The Communist Party is always the enemy of opposition to stagnation and conservatism, never satisfied with what has been achieved and always looks forward. From the essence of our party and its revolutionary spirit, there has been a lack of reconciliation of the defective Bolsheviks. ”Revealing mercilessly for its own shortcomings is necessary for all lively parties and there is no worse thing for complacency than for optimism.“ ”(Collected Works of Lenin, Volume 7, Page 3, Page 5) Proud and arrogant, Lenin and Stalin blame such staff for their lack of affinity with the Bolsheviks, and for them to suffice as long as they are certain enough to make them complacent. Stalin told this section at the 15th National Assembly of the Communist Party (BAP): "As long as there are two or three big achievements, everything has gone wrong. There must be another three big