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  Reading comprehension strategies
  1. Identify the purpose and intention in reading. 确认阅读材料的目的和意图。
  2. Preview the text efficiently using silent reading techniques for relatively rapid comprehension.对于相对快速理解的文本,使用默读技巧预览全文。
  ① Unnecessary to pronounce each word to yourself. 不必知道每个单词的读音。
  ② Read chunks of words at a time. 一次阅读一定量的词汇。
  ③ Unless a word is vital for global understanding, don’t stop even if you don’t know it. Skip over it and try to infer the meaning through context. 对于整体理解不重要的词汇,不知其义也不停下;跳过去,通过上下文来推断意思。
  3. Skimming (to get the gist by looking quickly through the text.)扫读
  4. Scanning (for a specific piece of information e.g. names, dates, a definition of a key concept, to list a certain number of supporting details) 审视 (为了获得特定信息如名字、日期、关键概念的定义;为了列出一定量的支撑细节)
  5. Semantic mapping or clustering (grouping ideas into meaningful clusters) 语义构图或意群构建
  6. Guessing with reasonable accuracy 合理性地猜测
  The meaning of a word 词义
  Grammatical relationships 语法关系
  Discourse relationships 语段间关系
  Infer implied meaning (“between the lines”) 推断隐含信息
  A cultural reference 文化参考
  Content message 容量信息
  7. Vocabulary analysis (prefixes, suffixes, roots, grammatical contexts that may signal information, semantic context for clues) 词汇分析
  8. Identify paragraph structure (the organizational structure of a para.) 确定段落结构
  9. Identify sentence structure (the subject and main verb in complex sentences) 确定句子结构
  10. Make full use of background knowledge (the learner uses what she/he knows to understand new ideas ) 充分利用背景信息
  11. Read actively (ask questions and read for answers) 积极阅读
  12. Use discourse markers (cohesive devices) to process relationships 用过渡词标记过程关系
  13. Integrate information (track ideas that are developed across the text by highlighting, note-taking etc.) 综合信息
  14. Review (look back over the text and summarize it) 再读
  学会设问以加强理解力 learn to ask proper questions to improve the comprehensive ability
  Level 1: RecallKey words: 
  who, what, when, where, list, define, retell, give examples, details
  Level 2: Explain relationships within the text
  Key words: 
  compare, contrast, generalize, explain, cause, effect, purpose, main idea, how
  Level 3: Evaluate
  Key words:
  judge, analyze, interpret, recommend, prove, justify, verify, evidence, prefer, to what extent, why
  阅读竞赛1 简介:Reading comprehension questions 阅读设问
  Look at the passage below. There are some words in the passage which you won’t know, and which you will not find in your dictionary. Quickly write the answers to the questions and see how many you get right, even though you may not know all the vocabulary. 
  The weather was immucable and lout began falling. It fell strubly so that after some minutes, the gumbores had disappeared as though a naglog had urgled a blanket over them.
  如:What was the weather like?
  What began falling?
  How did the lout fall?
  What did it look as if a naglog had done?
  (immucable; lout; strubly; a blanket)
  阅读竞赛2简介:Comprehension Competition
  Skill: Comprehending at different levels 阅读技巧(不同取别的理解)
  Outline概要: Students compete in a reading comprehension game
  Level 级别: ★★★★
  Time 时间: 30 minutes or two 15 minutes
  Preparation: Set an academic article for reading assignment or use a text from a recent reading test. Using the levels in the following box, compose a comprehension question for each level.
  Procedure 过程:
  1. Introduce the levels of comprehension. Using the selected text, provide one sample comprehension question for each level on the board or the screen.
  2. As a class, invite individuals to answer the questions and use the passage to explain the answers.
  3. Divide the class into groups so that the students can work together to clarify any question they may have about the meaning of the text. Go from group to group and assist where needed.
  4. The groups now compose three comprehension questions: one for each level. You will need to check these carefully to make sure the questions are well constructed and to make sure that the group knows the answer. 
  5. Collect the students’ questions.
  6. Explain how the game works. 
  i.e. Each group takes a turn at answering a question which you will read out. They can choose the level and are allocated different points depending on the level. 
  e.g. Level 1: 20 points; Level 2: 30 points; Level 3: 40 points.
  7. Now play the comprehension game.
原文    骆驼之死   文/王族  几年前的一个冬天,一位牧民的一峰母驼下了两只小驼。它带它们出去寻找草吃。其实,冬天的沙漠中没有草,母驼带小驼出去,也就是从冻土中扯出几根草根,喂到小驼的嘴里。它们出去一般都不会走远,主人也就放心地让它们去了。  一天黄昏,起了暴风雪,天地很快便一片灰暗。母驼和两只小驼迷路了,它们原以为向着家的方向在走,实际上却越走越远。半夜,母驼为了保护小驼,在一棵大树下
原文    银行里的小男孩  [美]菲利普罗斯  已经是午饭时间,储蓄所里只有一个职员在值班。那是一位大约40岁的男人,紧贴头皮的头发,小胡子,整洁、笔挺的棕色西装,身上的每一处都暗示着,他是一位细心谨慎的人。  这位职员正站在柜台后面,柜台前站着一个白人男孩,黄棕色的头发,穿着一件V领的毛线衣、一条卡其裤和一双平底鞋。我想我特别注意他是因为他看起来更像一名初中生,而不是银行的顾客。  他手
数学填空题,作为江苏新高考数学试题中第一大类型题,考查目标集中,旨在考查数学基础知识和考生的基本技能;重在考查考生分析问题、解决问题的能力以及严密的逻辑思维和运算能力.填空题只要求直接写出结果,不必写出计算或推理过程,其结果必须是数值准确、形式规范、表达式(数)最简.结果稍有毛病,便得零分. 针对填空题的特点,我们的基本策略是在“准”、“巧”、“快”上下功夫.而要做到“准”、“巧”、“快”,我们必
文言文中的人物传记,可分史传类人物传记与非史传类人物传记两种。前者集中于历朝正史中,如2012年高考全国新课标卷选《宋史·萧燧传》、大纲卷选《宋史·郭浩传》;后者散落于历代作家著作里,如北京卷选明初宋濂写的《李疑传》、安徽卷选清代刘大櫆写的《松江府通判许君传》。高考文言文中的人物传记,往往具有这样几个突出的特点:  其一,文本以写人物为主,即详细记述传主的生平主要事迹、史上特殊贡献,略去一般的经历
阅读下面的材料,按要求作文。  面对512地震,党和国家的回答是“不抛弃,不放弃”;面对2008年北京奥运会,胡总书记的回答是“北京奥运会属于中国更属于世界”;面对经济危机,温总理的回答是“信心比黄金和货币更重要”……无数的回答指明了方向,声张了正义,增进了友谊,团结了力量。请以“回答”为话题,写一篇作文。要求:自拟题目,自定立意,除诗歌外,文体不限。文体特征要鲜明。    审题指导  从字
“语句扩展”是高考语言运用部分考查的重点和热点。所谓“语句扩展”,就是要求将结构简单、内容贫乏、表意欠明确、表达欠具体、描述欠生动的语句,通过增加修饰成分或增加分句,进行扩充,加以阐述、发展或引申,使语句的内容更充实、形象更鲜明、表达更丰富。  一、关于试题类型  1.情景再现型  这类题一般会给出几个情景信息或一两句诗歌,然后要求同学根据所提供的信息充分展开联想与想象,并且运用一定的表现手
分类讨论问题一直是高考的热点之一.从阅卷情况看,同学们对此类问题得分率偏低.失误原因除了不清楚“为什么分类、怎样分类”外,不会正确表达“分类后的结论”也是主要原因之一.本文以近年来的高考题为例对此进行分类解析,供同学们参考.  一、按所求量分类  例1 解不等式5-4x-x2≥x.  解:(1)当x≥0时,原不等式可化为5-4x-x2≥x2,即2x2+4x-5≤0.  ∴-2-14
作文是高考语文的“半壁江山”。尽管近几年的高考作文在文体上是开放的,但是,从实际情况来看,高考作文主要还是采用两大文体:记叙性文体和议论性文体。  在议论文写作中,一般提倡对中心论点加以切分,要有几个分论点的设置。这一方面是为了体现文章清晰的结构层次,另一方面更是为了体现写作者缜密的思维。但是在实际写作过程中我们发现,有很多议论文貌似分论点非常清楚,而实际上这些所谓的分论点与文章的中心论点并没有
考情分析  等差、等比数列是高考的一个基本考查点.选择题、填空题突出“小而巧”,主要考查性质的灵活应用及对概念的理解;解答题突出“大而全”,着重考查函数与方程、等价转化、分类讨论等重要的数学思想.在高考中也可能出现新的命题背景,如定义新数列进而转化为等差、等比数列.从近几年的高考命题来看,对等差、等比数列的考查更加突出其本质特征.  考点示例    1.等差、等比数列基本运算  例1 (2010辽