Sports Center Building Design

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  Abstract: In college sports sports fitness center and art based on the premise of teaching, how to improve the efficiency and effectiveness in the management of sports centers, while providing effective to schools and surrounding residential customers and passers historical sites, is need to think about and explore issues. In the university sports center managers currently In this paper, It made a comprehensive analysis and investigation of the status of university sports hall, describes the development and utilization of university sports hall current problems.
  Keywords: university;sports center;management; innovation,; development and utilization.
  1.The current status of sports center.
  Status sports center: multi-functional integrated art sports center due to different colleges in different stages of development in different service targets and tasks differ, the general positioning multifunctional integrated art sports center is to meet the sports training, athletic competition and popular theatrical entertainment needs specially built various sports venues and cultural sites in general. Sports Center consists of two levels, one is functional diversity project; Second, both, can effectively relate to sports and cultural education, to carry out after-school training, project competitions and group activities. At the same time it should also have a variety of professional equipment monopoly and provide appliances places.
  2.sports hall used for analysis of the status quo.
  Now sports hall features a single, difficult to meet the new demands of the current standard of sport and art. There is the development of technology has brought a new round of physical exercise changes and updates. Let now a new generation of young people in sports knowledge. We also have innovative literary literacy needs. For now, the main purpose of college sports center facilities are teaching, single function, multi-function venue undeveloped, ignoring the requirements of the market allocation of resources, apart from teaching, sports, arts and cultural facilities idle resources, not be fully utilized and effective the implementation of a large number of idle during the summer and winter also caused the loss of a lot of waste and resource utilization. Currently maintenance of sports, arts and cultural facilities and low utilization of inadequate facilities. Venues need to develop and maintain a lot of money into schools, how can we not blind development and utilization of existing venues to improve school resources is currently the most problems to be solved. Also to seek a long-term effective way to maintain the museum consumer spending.   Now part of the new stadium investment, utilization is low, can not be effectively used by teachers and students. The main objective of college sports hall service object in the school teachers and students, it is for school teachers and students teaching and fitness, entertainment services, so the design and construction of sports centers should comply with university teaching, training and research characteristics. But at the same time during the holidays, can provide physical exercise and performing arts venues is also a very good idea for residents and visitors to the surrounding environment.
  3.Recommends the use of three sports hall.
  Sports hall was opened to meet the school paid a working basis, using half charge and a small amount of free space in the form of student free and open to the school staff. Unlike public sports center sports facilities, places it is not entirely free for the public service and the surrounding residents, nor is pure profit for the sole purpose, its primary mission is to serve sports and arts education in college sports Pavilion When paid operators, so correctly handle the relationship between sport and art of teaching and paid between operators, both to ensure normal teaching, training needs, but also to meet the public demand for physical exercise and art show. Meet the needs of the majority of the population, but also to compensate for inadequate funding sports center problem.
  Through analysis of stylistic and functional distribution centers, to minimize the phenomenon of idle school sports center facilities, rational development and utilization, provide better services for the public, so that the school can meet the teaching and training purposes, but also to meet need to carry out various activities. Meanwhile on the basis of the level of technological development and human qualities have now on, to bring about the good spirit of excellence. Effective use of sports centers in teaching, entertainment, leisure and other measures to enable school students and the surrounding residents or visitors can get the best service at the sports center.
摘 要:为保障降雪、冰冻天气汽车行驶安全,提高公路清雪防滑养护作业工作效率,减轻养护工人劳动强度,机械的使用也同时也节约了养护作业成本。  关键词:养护机械研制;路面防滑;行车安全  1、前言  每到冬季,北方地区降雪,桥面、天桥下、高速公路匝道、坡道积雪、结冰,造成车辆通行困难,乃至影响行车安全。而全部清除道路积雪、结冰,又不现实,这时需要采取抛砂防滑的养护管理模式,以减少结冰、积雪路面对车辆通
摘 要:外墙外保温,作为一种新型的保温形式,在近几年的工程实践中得到了广泛的应用,外墙外保温工程规范要求严,施工质量要求高等一些情况也给监理工作带来了很大的难度,本文就针对外墙外保温工程的监理工作进行分析。  关键词:建筑工程;外墙外保温;质量监控  一、外墙外保温工程质量的事前控制  (一)开工前预控  1、设计文件及有关技术文件齐全,施工图设计交底已完成。  2、审核外保温工程施工组织设计,及
摘 要:在现代建设工程项目中界面具有十分重要的意义,施工界面的管理是项目施工集成化管理的主要难点之一。大量的协调、管理工作都集中在界面上,项目管理者必须在界面处采用系统的观点从组织、技术、经济、合同等几个方面主动地进行施工界面管理,在界面处必须设置检查验收点和控制点。  关键词:建筑施工;界面管理;各阶段  有效地管理界面,保证界面的契合和项目各部分对界面的识别与信息的沟通及监督,对搞好项目管理十
摘 要:随着我国金融市场的全面开发,金融管制的放松和市场竞争的加剧,提高客户满意度水平,争夺客户资源已成为银行提升市场竞争力的重要手段。目前,我国的商业银行在客户满意度管理方面与西方发达国家银行业相比还有一定的差距,具体表现在满意度测度指标的不合理,银行管理人员在提高客户满意度的过程中抓不住关键因素等方面。因此,针对我国商业银行进行客户满意度影响因素的分析具有现实意义。  关键词:商业银行;客户满
摘 要:混凝土在现代工程建设中占有重要地位。混凝土施工质量的好坏,既对结构物的安全,也对结构物的造价有很大影响,因此在施工中我们必须对混凝土的施工质量有足够的重视。  关键词:建筑工程;混凝土施工;温度控制  在大体积混凝土中,温度应力及温度控制具有重要意义,首先,在施工中混凝土常常出现温度裂缝,影响到结构的整体性和耐久性。其次,在运转过程中,温度变化对结构的应力状态具有显著的不容忽视的影响。因此
摘 要:在全球经济一体化的大背景下,我国的经济得到了飞速发展,同时也受到了国际金融市场的影响和挑战。证券市场的迅速发展,使得证券公司经纪业务的竞争日益激烈,证券经纪业务发展的外部环境和内部环境不断发展和变化。本文分析了我国证券公司经纪业务的现状,对其未来发展趋势进行了判断,并提出了相关的发展战略对策。  关键词:证券公司;经纪业务;困难;发展对策  一、我国证券经纪业务的相关问题分析  (一)概念
摘 要:随着我国房地产市场的腾飞,以及社会基础设施建设的兴起,有着丰富的本地资源及人脉与政策资源的工程造价咨询行业发展迅速,其业务类型逐渐完善,工程勘察设计能力提升较快,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。  市场经济体制下,建筑工程的造价也面临着创新与革命。我国建筑造价费用的构成及计算程序和方法对招标投标有着极大的约束力,因此研究现行建筑工程造价很有必要。  关键词:建筑工程;工程造价;预结算  1
摘 要:研究性教学,以激发学生求知欲和培养学生创造性、自主学习能力为主要目标,注重知识传授与主动探索相结合,体现科学研究特色。基于建构主义为理论,探索研究性课堂教学模式。从大学英语课堂教学的任务设计出发,通过课例进行教学实施,比较传统课堂教学和研究性课堂教学的教学效果。研究结果表明,此模式具有可行性和实用性,对大学英语教学具有指导意义。  关键词:大学英语;课堂教学;研究性教学;自主学习能力  一
摘 要:养猪业在郓城县畜牧业和农业生产中的地位举足轻重,生猪业产值占畜牧业产值的比重达33%,但随着经济和社会的发展,制约郓城县生猪产业发展的因素日益复杂多样,畜牧养殖在逐步缩小,生产方式逐步从传统的农户散养到规模养殖、农户散养和生产单位饲养等多种生产方式并存。加强对生猪生产的分析研究,有利于对生猪生产形势的把握,推进生猪生产朝着规模化、标准化、产业化方向发展。  关键词:农业现代化;生猪生产;农
摘 要:学生掌握好音标,养成靠音标读准单词、靠读音想音标拼出单词、自动运用把音标和单词进行比较的方法记单词等习惯,将终身受益。但是随着学习上拦路虎的增多,有时会对英语失去信心,以至于对学生毕业以后的工作有不利的影响,可见英语音标在初中英语教学中的重要作用。  关键词:初中教学;英语教育;音标;重要性  英语教学中的重点是英语口语及运用,学生的音标若没学好,那么学生就会发不准音,会给进一步学习英语造