Bao Gang just believes that the origin of the concept of state governance is related to corporate governance, and its core is to form an incentive-compatible contract between officials and citizens’ communities. Chen Huirong believes that we should understand the construction of a nation based on the interaction between the state and the society, that the state should surpass and infiltrate the society and realize its rationality, autonomy and embedding. At the same time, the society should realize the national Checks and balances. In general, the sharing of power between state and society helps to improve the level of state governance. Huang Qixuan believes that effective state governance should prevent the economic power of land and capital groups from infiltrating into the political field and even control the political field. On the other hand, we must prevent political power from infiltrating into the economic field and control and monopolize economic resources and opportunities. Good state governance should set a barrier between powers and avoid the mutual transformation of political power and economic power. Zhu Tian Biao believes that the history of the interaction between the nation state and capitalism is actually a history of gradual transformation of the state management model. From accepting the part of the ruler to admitting the whole society, it has undergone a model transition from state domination to state governance. Historically, neo-liberalism may not necessarily promote state governance, on the contrary there is a clear tension between the two.