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教研文化作为学校文化的重要组成部分,是一所学校张扬办学理念、凝聚人心、展示形象、提高文明程度的重要体现,是学校不断传承、发展的精神财富。教育,是为了人的幸福。因此,作为学校教育、学校文化的一个重要组成部分,教研文化必须定位于人的价值的实现。那么,教研文化的建设就需要学校在教研实践中进行积极的思考和尝试。一、构建幸福理想,形成追求卓越之风幸福理想,是让教师在精神上树立一种追求意识,理念要新颖,行为要赶超,态度要理性。我们觉得在不 As an important part of school culture, teaching and research culture is an important manifestation of a school’s philosophy of promoting running a school, gathering people’s hearts, displaying its image and enhancing the level of civilization. It is also a spiritual asset of the school that continues to be inherited and developed. Education is for human happiness. Therefore, as an important part of school education and school culture, teaching and research culture must be located in the realization of human values. Then, the construction of teaching and research culture will require schools to actively think and try in the teaching and research practice. First, the construction of happiness ideal, the pursuit of excellence in the formation of happiness ideal, is to enable teachers to establish a spirit of the pursuit of consciousness, the idea of ​​novelty, behavior to catch up, the attitude to be rational. We think no